Haven't showered for 4 weeksu already

>haven't showered for 4 weeksu already
Eeh my mom asked me today why I don't shower desu I told her it doesn't make sense to shower if I don't go outside anyway. When was the last time you showered user?

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Typically everyday, but since I haven't been out of the house for awhile, I've been going every other day, sometimes 3 days. Gonna take one in a little while here.

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its another mentally ill pedo tranny groomer "eeeeeeh" thread

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I shower everyday, if I dont I feel absolutely disgusting

The reasonable answer is to wash as often as needed since your body releases stuff when you're just lounging about. For most people doing things daily washing daily is fine, I only wish people didn't pedal this shampoo meme of constantly killing your hair by scorching it with boiling water then washing all of the natural oils everyday.

I will destroy big hair care for what they did to my younger self

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Usually I shower every other day. I just had a cold shower now, haven't slept for a day or two so I thought it might help keep me awake.

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mmmm I bet your bigu dicku smells so ripe. I'd love to lick the smega off of it......

I'd love to drown you after I force you to take a bath

Ultimate cringe discordfag zoomer thread

Twice a day. My night shower is where I do all the cleaning shampooing etc, morning one is just a quick rinse to wake me up and get rid of my bed hair.

I shower like 4 times a day I just like sitting in the scalding water on my waterproof phone it's comfy

Can you retards stop replying to the fucking fagu threads already?

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Uhh.. maybe near Christmas I think? Something like that

you LDAR because you know its over just like how i do the same

why do you talk like a retard

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Everyday is too much desu. Every second day is best.
No u.
That's too much.
Every second day is best.
Ya that many times is good desu.
No u.
Twice a day wtf too much.
Kek that's too much.
That's disgusting desu.

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he begs the zoomers on his discord server to bump it for him constantly, no actual robots care about him he's a literal who

>Twice a day wtf too much.
I mean I work physical labour so it's kind of necessary dude. I get how it might be hard for a NEET to grasp that but...

Showering every day isnt too much, I live somewhere very hot so I have to shower every day or I stink

i bet you farm your smegma like people collect cum, you disgusting faggot

Not true. I only asked to bumpu specific threads which aren't mine.
Eeeh I think it's too much anyway.
It's bad for your body though.
No u.

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when will you stop lying?

I week whiout showering. The worst part is that this is not difference whiout cuarentine, but I don't have a life so doesn't really matter

Lying about what? People told me I lied about my pp until I posted bulgie, people told me I lied about iq until I posted proof etc. It's cringe if you can't prove I'm lying.
1 weeku is oke.

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I have bugs in my ass

look in the other thread you made fag

That's disgusting.
I have only this thread though, retard.

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hmmmmmmmmmmmmm yea totally not you right

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I didn't make that thread. Also what proves there that I'm lying about something?

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why are you blackmailing kids you pedo

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of course you didnt make that thread darling, it must just be a coincidence they talk like you, act like you, posts invites to your server, and so on. i believe you sweetheart

obligatory and preemptive

He doesnt blackmail anyone lmao