My retarded mother

Believes that her paid vacation being stationed in Germany as a medic in the 80s was equivalent to the 3 tours in the Middle East that my brother(who committed suicide) fought in as a Blackhawk doorgunner.

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your brother is a massive gunwaving, richfag supporting faggot and your mother is the real hero here

His mums a hero for supporting the rich in her time, but his brother isnt

My mom is a spoiled bitch who believes being a medic stationed in a first world nation where there were no casualties is the equivalent of fighting in an actual bloody war.

Well fuck he wanted to join and wanted three fucking sex tours of easten europe he got the aids its his fault.

only idiots think wars after ww2 mattered to anyone but rich faggots.
your brother was an idiot who was used by rich people so that they get a little more on the rich side
every idiot can pull a trigger. your brother should have used his brain like your mother.

Your mother is retarded then. Of course being a medic treating injury and helping others to survive, is vastly superior to being a mindless murder drone murdering brown people invading a far away country where you don't belong, aren't welcome, and have no right to be. Good for your guilty brother not able to deal with his guilt without becoming even more guilty to an hero though, still the only good decision he ever made in his life. Now stop projecting your unjustified grief over your lost brother onto your mother as anger, you merritarded piece of shit.

You fucking retard. That doesn't change the fact that killing people and seeing people die in the Middle East is a lot more fucking traumatic than being stationed in 1980s West Germany.

But what the is more traumatic you fucking idiot? Both of them did it for the money. If he had been in the Army in the 80s he wouldn't have seen combat. He joined cause his dad was a lt colonel.

its traumatic that your brother was such an idiot!

How can you post that and the picture and expect anyone to take it as something other than bait

Currently Signal MOS stationed in Germany.

Comfy as fuck, bro.

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Say that shit to my face you fat little microdicked neckbeard.

sounds like you and your brother got the "smarts" more from your fathers side. its a god damn shame!

We have different followers. Sounds like you have a pin dick and jerk off to traps, anime, and blacked porn and have never touched a woman in your pathetic "life."

>neckbeard vs neckbeard
I'd pay money to see this

Different fathers*

too late, you fucked that comeback up like a true brainlet

normalfag getting triggered: the thread

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I lived in inner city Buffalo and beat up multiple niggers and I wrestled for 6 years and did Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
I would kill that faggot in one punch on my mom's life

And a gun can take your life with one bullet...

i don't see any school/uni activities in that list
just as i expected


Can't believe peeps still buy the martial arts will turn you into a superman because evidently everyone fights by the same rules and won't bring a gun, a knife, a bludgeoning object, or buddies to help out. Hand-to-hand martial arts are really more contact sports these days, and the only martial art that fulfills its intended purpose is firearm marksmanship.

of course he comitted suicide He didnt even bring back any of that good middle eastern Yas Forumsrekt videos

>simping for some bitch for setting on her ass in a military base and getting her pussy pounded by Hans

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Why would i list school credentials when I'm talking about who'd win a fight you fucking sperg?

You wasted 6 years on a martial art that becomes completely useless if you are facing more than 1 opponent?

Also, anyone who does BJJ can't call anyone else a faggot

>1980s West Germany
I feel like you cannot understand the things you are saying. Germany in the 80s was a fucking terrible place. East v west shit, constant spook killings, more bloodshed than will ever properly be acknowledged. Read a fucking book once in a while or have a serious conversation with your mother about the shit that went on. It wasnt all boffing pastry chefs lad

I believe you, m8. Ignore the tweaker. He just wants to argue about nothing.

>simping for the global elite

Well considering I never lost a street fight and I've been in almost 10 it seems to have worked well. I just combine takedowns and grapples I learned with punches that I improvise.

Next the kung fu faggot will tell us about how he's a Tier 1 Operator with experience in "Gorilla Warfare."

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Says the gun toting fat ass.