Why do straight guys still exist?

Why do straight guys still exist?
Boypussy is so much better to fuck and you can just find a cute femboy everywhere who is dtf 24/7

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I remember being 18 and completely straight, knew had an inkling to find men attractive.

Somehow hentai and it's ability to put dicks on girls slowly brought me over to the dark side. Idk how. I still don't feel gay but would probably destroy some butthole if they trapped me

I know that traps are gay but it still feels straight to fuck one

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Now that traps are more and more common here maybe robots can finally lose their virginity

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i'm straight as fuck, and there's nothing you can do about it faggot.

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Most straight men are essentially abused dogs.

>Why do straight guys still exist?
Because you can't have babies with a man, you dumbass.
>you can just find a cute femboy everywhere who is dtf 24/7
Not in my place. There's only fat boomers on Grindr.
I wouldn't mind trying to fuck a bussy but I have yet to find someone cute enough.

You won't find them on grindr. They're easy to find if you know where to look :^)

Where the cute boys at?
Asking for a friend

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>They're easy to find if you know where to look :^)
Then tell me, faggot.
I tried looking on some other websites without any success.

You'd know if you were cute

>poop holes are better to fuck
is this what gays believe?

But I am cute
I mean my friend is cute

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Cleaned and lotioned every day a plump shapely butt is much better

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I'm a man and an exclusive top, I'm not supposed to be cute.
Now, you'll either listen to me or get spanked.

no thx
I only like vers tops who in practice are exclusive tops

Ew, shit's gay.

Im to ugly to get a boy for myself. Its my sacrifice for all of your pleasure.

you faggots are too good for me.

Ugly guys can get a low-mid tier femboy as long as they give them a shit ton of attention and lie to make them feel cuter than they are. Femboys are all narcissists.

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All femboys love to be spoiled

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>ugly men can get ugly men in skirts
Great sales pitch

want me to lie? You'll probably eventually be desperate enough when all other options have failed.

>Why do straight guys still exist?
Because most femboys, traps, etc only have one bodypart that looks vaguely feminine which they show off in all their pics and look like fucking shit everywhere else.

>want me to lie?
I want you and your kind to tell the truth. You spam all day long about how lonely men should just go gay, but purposely forget to mention that they would only get a dick up the arse from old men.

Yup, at least when they're inexperienced. I only left my low tier guy because he was thoroughly unpleasant on all fronts and usually couldn't even fuck. Technically he broke up with me at the end when I was seeing seeing an otter in front of him and he was in a manic phase trying and failing to get girldick

I am not very good at givingg people complements, but thanks for the advice

Women have a certain charm about them that is just completely absent in anyone born male. Can't help being straight, I guess.

Buttholes are gross and poop comes from there.

I have no interest in man butt no matter how girly that dude dresses up.
I would literally rather fuck a hunk of TPE then do anything remotely sexual with another man, especially if it involves butt stuff. It totally disgust me on a gut level.

traps also have a unique vibe to them thats different from men

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I just made a thread about this last night. Fuck everyone trying to move white guys away from pussy.

And since when does liking femboys and traps makes you gay? Retard.

HAHAHAHA PP SMALL SO NOT GAY (even tho you're literally fucking a man)

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women are soft submissive so it isn't hot in the same way

not this shit again...
traps are still boys you know

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