Why do art hoes and other alternative girls always end up with dudes that look like this...

Why do art hoes and other alternative girls always end up with dudes that look like this? Every emo/scene/etc girl I knew would fuck some feminine guy but leave them for dudes like this.

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They fuck bums from the 90s?

Bums from the 2020s

Because young women are stupid and seem to like idiots who will leave them as single mothers.

They also lie about what they really want, all the time, because most women are ashamed to admit they are attracted to a guy who would slap their ass and put them in the kitchen. So they only have two options because of feminism;

>Dumb soft retards who believe what women tell them and seem clueless about everything (you)

>Absolute bums who are really just losers without a future who may or may not be intimidating to your average joe, only because of their spontaneousness and unhinged nature, (women's instincts pick this up as masculine) when really all it takes is a second look to realize that they're man babies with no control over their emotions who pick easy fights so it looks like they always win.

Bonus option:
>Nigger, (makes daddy/ex boyfriend mad)

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Why don't successful dudes and chads ever end up with these girls?

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I am an 'alternative girl', neither of these guys are attractive to me.

Same desu. My bf only resembles the right since he's a bit overweight and has a beard. He'd never wear a douche cap like that though.

Art hoes will fuck anyone. They're "open-minded" and trivialize sex. Gamer girls and tomboys are also huge sluts because they're high in testosterone, so they think similarly to men.

Alt girls fuck twinks and brown guys. If you see them with guys like your pic, it's because they get them drugs.

That and black guys.

because they're generally fucking messes, so functioning guys aren't going to go for them when they can get better

Post a pic of what is attractive to you?

I see dudes like pic related with alt girls everywhere in my town.

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I'm a blackbot and these girls just ghost and friendzone me even the ones that dated blacks before. This meme is worn out.

Shouldn't robots be happy that alt girls in your town go for fat ugly manlets?


>6'2 lanklet
>have a thing for alt girls
>they always ignore me
feels bad man, I just want to give her the security and love her dad never did

Alt-girls are usually thin and from my experience thin girls like big guys (either thanks to muscle mass or fat or both)

Dude probably maxxed his PERSONALITY.

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Here. He's my husbando.

He is really not cute, but it might be the Rick and Morty cap and the shitty tattoo.

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She looks pretty average, probably a lot worse without the pound of makeup. They're a match.
t. same user

That nose is yikes. She needs plastic surgery.

So you like guys to wear tuxedos? Your type is James Bond?

>pound of makeup
How could you tell?

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My Puerto Rican friend fucked like 20 girls in his teens and almost all of them were cute white scene chicks.

I'm 5'11" and introverted. I asked one once why girls don't like me and she said I was intimidating.

You like Jews?

I do have a thing for men in suits, but I don't think I have a type. I care mostly about personality. Nobody is going to believe me on that though.

He's white as hell. His nose is cute.

I'm not an "art hoe" or alternative or whatever, but I'm a woman who likes to draw and holy fuck I would absolutely drain Jay's body of liquid. Guy looks like my husbando. Pic related.

Reason? Cause men like Jason Mewes (his name is literally something you do to improve your jawline) are fucking hot. Art hoes nonewithstanding. People wanna fuck attractive people.

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>I care mostly about personality.
I believe this. It's why women like me even less online than they do irl.
>He's white as hell.
I shouldn't listen to E;R.

I wanted to be Jason Mewes when I was a kid. I didn't look like him, but I'd act like him in chat rooms and the girls were nuts about me. Later I found out a lot of them thought I was black. A strange feel.

This is something men should know
>no woman has completely even eyebrows that are both the exact same shape
>no woman has natural black lines around her eyes
>no woman has eyelashes much thicker than the average man
>and no woman has lips that look like they're drawn on

thoughts on peter steele?

>I believe this. It's why women like me even less online than they do irl.
You have a shitty personality?

I think he was being sarcastic user. But a lot of men really have no idea on how much makeup some women have on, especially with 'natural' looks.

Yeah he was maybe sarcastic, but that won't stop me.

I must. Irl people think I'm nice and quiet, or funny if I open up to them. But online people think I'm pretentious and autistic. Maybe I talk to people online like how I think in my head and that sounds unnatural.

I like your spirit, fight the power user.

It's probably the typing what you think thing, I do it too. Not having tone/facial expressions doesn't help either. People think I'm high energy because I write whatever is in my head, but I'm very quiet irl.

That is a weird feel.

Jesus, I've never before seen a post on this site that evokes the feelings I have when I see my sweet but homely female cousin posting a poorly rendered Pinteres recipe on Facebook to a grand total of five likes, three of which are her mom's multiple accounts because she can't figure out her passwords. But there it is.