Guys can we stop with the porn already?

Guys can we stop with the porn already?
Enough is enough.
It's getting ridiculous.
What's wrong with you people?

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I'm assuming you're using reverse psychology to get porn

Have a reddit femboy

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the robot should also track pictures

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How could i stop?
Porn is great

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It did once but those days are long passed.

By growing the fuck up and not obsessing over sex like a animal in heat

I can't tell this board apart from Yas Forums anymore

Just because someone is partaking in an activity doesn't mean It's obsessive, user.

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Funnily enough OP, I was actually just starting to stop porn. I'm 1 day in..

Looking forward to have you back in a couple of days daddy

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I know this is suppose to drag me back down but this gives me more motivation to keep pushing forward, thanks user.

they killed /b and they will kill /r9k with their shit

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That's great!
I'll be sure to reward you for your hard work when you come back! :*

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where!? Fucking where is all this porn you fucks keep talking about and why can't you ignore it? you're on 4fucking chan ON A RED BOARD, not reddit. what did you expect?

So this is really the massive effect it has on people such as you.. I truly am making the correct choice to pull myself out of this hole I've dug myself in.

Do you have thumbnails disabled?

robot-nine-thousand-one should be a green board.

you can still talk and have shit threads like you do usually, just no images or webms of a graphic nature.

just look in the catalog. are you blind?

No I do not, however I want to power through this with the temptation being pushed in my face, this way I can truly say I've conquered this sin of mine.

I like to jack it and I cannot lie

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Why can't porn just stay on porn boards? Why does it have to compromise pretty much all of the other boards on the website?

>wwwwaaahhhh pictures of tits hurt my faggy little feelings

>being pushed in my face
You are here willingly. Knowing that people will post porn pics and webms. You can always go back to your safe space, though.

You're going to get thirsty, lower your inhibitions, and hook up with dudes or fat women.

Porn is for fag losers

We should just stop with the internet in general, to be honest. We're likely all addicted.

>Porn is for fag losers
True, me watching women makes me a faggot

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I'm here for the conversations lad, I ain't going nowhere; however I will try to keep my eyes on the face.
Perhaps you have a point user, mind teaching me how to disable thumbnails just in case?

I'm about two weeks in, but I wasn't making a conscious effort. Now that it's been two weeks though, I'm thinking I should just stick with it.

How many times can you look at random tits and ass and still be excited over it?
I don't understand.

Nice job user, keep it going, these momentary pleasures are just not worth it. Please pray that I'll be able to push through this.

Sorry, user, I'm not religious.

>just not worth it
worth what? what are you losing

Yas Forums X
click arrow in top right, next to wrench
check "Werk Tyme" box

Well do whatever you non-religious folks do to incite hope.

Sperm, any satisfaction I would have in sex/dating, motivation, etc.
Thank you user.

If porn causes a sense of shame, it is harmful.

Am I the only one that can't watch porn because I'm disgusted by the type of girl who does porn?