It's my birthday anons! can you wish me a happy birthday please...

It's my birthday anons! can you wish me a happy birthday please, I don't really have too many friends so I'm pretty lonely.

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happpy bday user!

happy birthday ! are old are you turning today user ?

Happy birthday user-kun. Get out there and make this year yours.

I wish happy birthday and happy all days after birthday!

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Happy Birthday, Apu! Take care of yourself..

Happy Birthday Ancn

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Happy Birthday user and do not fret for you have us. (Fortunately or unfortunately)

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Happy birthday!! be as lazy as you want to be today!

>can you wish me a happy birthday please
h. b.

Happy birthday my dude, your friends on r9k will always be with you.

happy birthday user, cook something nice for yourself for a change, treat yourself

No, don't get out, user. Happy birthday

show me your tight wet pussy user mmm yeah you do that man

happy birthday my dude. i know things will be better for us all next year.

happy birthday. that said, are you one of those cunts who makes a thread and abandons it? why don't you answer his question?

Happy birthday my fren.
i wish you the best.

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Happy Birthday user! I wish you the best in the future, however bleak it may be now. Always know that theres a way to be happy, even when the situation around you may be sad. I hope your birthday is good user, cherish the times when you smile and laugh.

happy birthday user
i hope my post is the most fucking original post ever

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Happy birthday user I hope you have a good day today. Do something that you really enjoy and make today a special day.

Happy birthday fren
And remember [SPOILER]an adult white male should weigh at least 200 pounds

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Happy birthday birthday bro, I have birthday too today! How old did you turn? Anyways, best wishes and make the best of your special day, have a cozy birthday and enjoy yourself!

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Happy birthday, frens. Enjoy it.

Happy birthday user kyuhuhu~!!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, haaapy birthday dear user happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuu

Happy birthday
One year closer to death

happy birthday fren, hope you have a good day

Happy birthday bro, take care of yourself

Merry Birthday Fucko. Be well

happy birfday bro

Happy birthday user, I'm happy you're on this Earth with us. Treat yourself to something today.

Happy birthday user. Wish you get bucks to fuck a nice prostitute after corona.