What are you planning to do for the upcoming weekend? I injured my ankle in my sleep bc I was fighting a monster and now I can't even get out of bed because it hurts soooo bad. Has this ever happened to you?
Also thanku janny for not banning me for avatarfagging, I'll alternate either ram this time! Is that okie?
I think i am just going to jerk off and sleep. It is the best way to spend my lockdown weekend.
Aaron Parker
I'm probably just going to watch a lot of anime
It's not my fault, China made me do this
Sebastian Gutierrez
>Has this ever happened to you? Worse. I injured my back earlier this week and it hurts like you have no idea. Seriously, 30 minutes after moving the last box I could hardly walk upstairs cuz my legs felt weak and in severe pain, my benis and ass felt numb. It's better now but still hurts. Never ever lift and twist, always keep a straight back and use your legs.
Evan Baker
Sounds fun and comfy user? How does jerking off feel like? I've never jerked off before because im not a boy
Oooh what anime will you watch user?
How did you injure your back? Does it feel better now? is lifting boxes very difficult and easy to injure back?
It feels good, probably like a girl except on a larger skin area I guess. With the added hard object.
Ayden Hernandez
Finish on some schoolwork, (Am a super senior) study to ensure I get GED, and invest in silver.
Jaxson Rodriguez
Hopefully your ankle gets better. Can you even get out of bed at all?
Benjamin Thomas
your girly typings are making me think you are cute and kind of autistic and i like ur choice of anime girl picture do u want to talk about how u are girl and im boy on discord
Jaxson Ward
He's at least 350 pounds
William Bailey
fuck off riko, stop being a whore and date me faggot
Stop avatar fag typing then asshole. And no haven't injured myself to that extent but I have punched a wall very hard trying to defend myself in a dream. Nothing says go fuck yourself than waking up with a hand you just slammed into concrete. Life is having a mighty fine giggle.
David Ward
Hmmm that sounds really different desu. Most girls put shit in their hole based on what I read but I don't really masturbate either maybe once a month. To me just feel like finger inside a cup of water and sloshy
why do you want to invest in silver and not gold? But wow have good hardworking day user!
I hope it will to. I put some ice earlier to help it but now im limping and hoping like flamingo
Ehhhh? I don't think I'm autistic? I type like how I sound irl so I have lots of "uhhhh" "ummmm" and "ehhhhh"
I'm 110 pounds hbu user?
Yes this anime is really good and funny! It's quite light hearted and focused more on character development I feel but I can gurantee after you will love rem!
Trust me, gold was my first choice, however I picked a horrible time to start getting interested in investing in it. :^(
Silver will do for now. Also I wish you a good day as well!
Josiah Walker
I don't really have plans for the weekend. I haven't slept for two days now so I'll be too tired to do anything anyway. I might watch Lotr but that's it
>I'm 110 pounds hbu user? Not that user but I'm 107 pounds, how tall are you?
Ehhhhh gold changes prices all the time? Interesting... I never knew how stock market really works. Does silver change price all the time then? I just assumed gold is equivalent to the currency today and increase year by year
Whats Lotr? Also why haven't you slept for 2 days? Is it the insomnia? I suggest brewing some tea to fix it! Chamomile and green tea is my suggestion desu :3
A box slipped off my hands and I made a weird movement to catch it. I've done manual labour before, I know what strained muscles feel like but this was different. Yeah I'd say it's easy to injure, I guess best way to avoid it is just don't be poor like me lmao.
Justin Harris
You really need to get some education. Gold prices are very stable. It is why people want to invest in gold. However, when economies go to shit people get worried about the power of their currency. If you don't trust that dollar has the value that is printed on it you will spend that on gold if you have the chance. Of course many others will to the same driving up demand an prices on a 'luxury' good. Gold doesn't fluctuate that heavily but during these times you would have missed the point where you could have gotten gold cheaper than now.
Elijah Brooks
>Whats Lotr? Lord of the Rings, I finished the book last week so I feel like watching the movies.
I haven't slept because of my insomnia, I'll try making some tea
>I'm 5'3 so thats ummm 165cm I think? I'm jelly, I am 172cm myself
Chhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!! Low in content comment.
Aaron Stewart
It apparently changed massively thanks to this Corona virus going on so yeah it did changed once more. I haven't checked up that much on silver but I recall it being sold for about 20 dollars an oz, can't really say if it made any noteworthy change.
Last I check that's not the case, given that gold is a "universal" currency, it's desired based on demand.
Take my comment with a grain of salt as I've only started getting into this days ago.
>I never knew how stock market really works. Not that long ago there was this thing called "value investing", it was proper investing done on the basis of economic analysis. Today it can be summed up as a casino run by jews for jews, the loser is every non insider.
>28 posts >12 posters You heard it here first, half of the posts in this thread are OP
Grayson Williams
dont bully retardu :3
Christian Murphy
Oh shit! How are you poor if you do manual labour? It makes big buxx here in germany....
I'm not an idiot. That's why I asked you did the price of gold go up recently...What I said was right that the price of gold increases year by year due to inflation but the value of it does not change... So is the purchase price of gold high this time compared to other years?
Why are you jelly! You seem to be of pretty cute height and weight yourself tho you should eat more probably :3
Thats really good! Good morning user! Are you awake early today?
men can't be cute and shouldn't try to be. bolting a pair of halfassed tits on yourself isn't the answer son. invest in PNK, make it big, fuck some hoes and regain control of your life
Nathaniel White
I am happy with my height but being smaller would be nice. I should probably eat more but I'm still not going to
Most regular men can't be cute sure but I'm not a normal man and I don't want tiddies so don't worry about that
Price of gold can't really 'inflate' it is a limited quantity resource that can't be produced easily. It is why the price is very stable. Something that has worth and is scarce is very very valuable. Currency like the dollar on the other hand can inflate because that is the consequence of printing fiat currency.
Chase Adams
>but I'm not a normal man you've made that perfectly obvious but post more of this cutie and God may forgive you for being a faggot
Jason Price
If I recall correctly Corona-chan has only infected 10k people while we have 2 million in the entire state of Washington.
I'm rather disappointed in her and will most likely not get it. However I appreciate your worry, thanks and you too.