Just make her Iaugh bro
Just make her Iaugh bro
hahhah! it is so humorous that i am in perfect accordance with the golden ratio as described by such mathematicians as fibonacci and pythagoras, even such abstract aspects of my personality and character, if there were such technical methods to quantize them, would be in line with this ratio! ha ha ha! this precise subliminal realization which is unbeknownst to either of us allows us to bask and revel in the glory of existence allowing happiness and joy to be conceived from a void producing the vibration of an 11th dimensional spring willing the universe into form! hahahaa! omg you are so funny please FUCK my fertile dripping cunt ha ha ha!!! i laugh because your children will see the joy of having you as a father, fibbonaci man
>making me laugh in an attempt to poorly hide my ladyboner is the most attractive thing!
not a girl, but it's worked on me don't @ me
Yeah. I bet these guys are hilarious.
Oh wait. They're not? Lol I guess they must be virgins then.
just be her jester bro. just be a clown and amuse her bro
Laughter is just different for women then men. if a man laughs at something the chances of it actually being funny are higher. women just giggle at anything.
>if someone tells the truth about what is the most attractive thing, that means nothing else is attractive
bluepilled simp
>any one person can determine what the most attractive trait is
If I had to guess It'd be confidence though
i miss her laugh bros , the way she tried to hide with her hand.
just be an incel bro
works for me
>be me
>some foreign language course, stupid activity in pairs comes up
>paired with this girl and the task is to write a trip itinerary
>we start making up silly activities
>she finds it funny, but it also winds her up to talk more, all enthusiastic and looking at me all the time
>within minutes I could no longer handle the pace of spewing normie humor and start going back to my usual train of thought just to wrap up the task
>as the humor dies down she instantly stops talking and interacting, like a switch was thrown and we go back to the same social distance as before
That time I realized how hard it can be to entertain women. Those few moments of normie cheeriness took so much life force out of me that I couldn't smile for the rest of the day, yet I had the feeling that someone like her expects me to be like that all the time.
Female humor is some low-tier shit, I would take it as an insult if she found me funny
based. all the best men are gay and will only fuck other men.
>haha look at this funny picture he took!
Desire makes u a slave
>listening to what women say
Women purposefully mislead guys. You should do the opposite and be not funny be very serious and rape her. She will love you.
this. women don't date tall or fit men.
Fixed that.
It's true that humour gives you some kind of an advantage with women, that's why men are funny and women are not - men evolved using humour as a strategy to obtain a mate.
Although I can say that from my own experience, being funny is not enough. What I even observed is that the most desirable, most masculine men are often very serious.
That actually does work but also the easiest way to make a girl laugh is by pointing fingers at an ugly unpopular male, gossiping embarrassing stuff about one, etc.
Just be the bully bro. It's that easy.
The sad thing is that she means this and its true, because women don't really view undesirable men as people
Women aren't really understanding, nor are they capable of seeing things from other people's perspective.
When you stopped talking she probably assumed it had something to do with her and her first reaction was to just disengage instead of asking if something is wrong.
I like women as a concept but experience after experience have led me to think they are shit as a phenomenon
Im not a clown bro
She means when she has chemistry with Chad, she laughs with him a lot
Inferior men with lower dating value and power have to kiss up and be "nice guys" to try to compensate for their inferiority. Many women are trained in middle and high school to be ruthlessly competitive with other women to attempt to climb the social pecking order. Having a high value male partner is the biggest way to accomplish this. So it gets burned into them in middle and high school to chase the most popular guys, because they crave the status and ego fulfillment it brings them. So as adults they're still chasing the top 5% of men, together with maybe 30-50% of other women in the dating pool, and these dudes are spoiled and obviously going to be very picky with who they settle down with.
So since so many "nice guys" are inferior men trying to compensate, all the behavior associated with "nice guys" becomes a behavioral marker designating you as inferior if you act that way. Unless you are clearly superior, the women will subconsciously deem you to be a loser because you act like a loser, because losers are nice and submissive. By contrast, the opposite "cocky" Chad, who isn't afraid to be openly selfish and self-centered, or to drop hints that he looks down on the girl and thinks he is too good for her without being too direct about it, makes her pussy rage, because all her alarm bells are ringing "this dude is better than me, therefore I must fuck him".
one of the most based posts
Have sex
Get laid
Engage in intercourse
Bed a woman
>people are self centered
what a profound observation user
one that doesn't apply to men in the least - impressive!
>Just make her Iaugh bro
while I rape her to death?
Way to put yourself in the seat of judgment, now he's trying to impress you?
They giggle at everything Chad says.
Dumb bitches always confuse "he's attractive because he's funny" with the actual real-world "he's attractive to me therefore I find him funny".
Imagine being so poor at reading that you interpret a descriptive statement as a prescriptive one
Join us. Being gay is much better than you realize
Girls don't actually care about what's funny, they mold their reactions around how they'll play in a social setting, Louis C.K. has that secure father thing going for him, funny, Chris D'Elia has that fun active dude thing going for him, funny, unfortunately Bill Cosby is old and black, so now is a prime target for claims of sex crime, not funny.