Femanon here. Rate my cooking from 1-10

Femanon here. Rate my cooking from 1-10.

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Looks like you got that shit out of pintrest.

looks yummy, can i have a bite

Get that guido shit out of my face fucking spaghetti munching fat cunt

>cheese on bread

Fuck off retard

What all do you cook?

did you know? women aren't welcome on this board
if you wanna flex your retarded cooking skills, go to crystal.cafe or something

awww crystal.cafe is really cute

>toast bread
>add cheese and vegetables

have you also baked the bread?


unless u made the bread/cheese, this is very low skill

but i would be glad if my wife made this for me

Would eat, I am having something simiar for 2nd breakfast anyways

that looks very tasty, OP, I would love to have one

god I fucking hate women. disgusting pieces of trash.

But how does it taste?

Looks delicious, babygirl. Just needs daddy's sperm mayonnaise.

Femanon here. Rate my cooking 1-10

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>rate my cooking
>we literally can't taste it
You women really are smart aren't you.


This was unoriginal

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I am painfully anglo
Lick your screen

6.5/10 I would eat it but you should really make something with meat next time

This exactly.

Oy m8 u got a loicense

8/10 looks good would wife
gravy could maybe be thicker

Sauce looks good, best part of the meal. Green Vegetables look very steamed, not much color on them, that's a matter of taste but personally I would prefer them roasted if anything, more contrast and less al dente plant taste.What I assume to be chicken looks to be very well prepared and the meat is not dry, skin looks fucking decadent, that crackley crust is perfect.That roasted potato looks very nice too. I'm gonna be real, the only thing I would fix would be the veggies, its just really plain looking and lifeless. The plating is wack but I can't plate either and that's barely important for home cooking.
t. cooking obsesed incel

Unless you, havested the wheat, baked the bread, grew the tomato's, milked the cow, made the cheese, and grew the green onions, you didn't do a goddamn thing

says the white boi who "Works hard" at his job when really he just pushes 0,0000001% of the companys weight 0,00003% of the distance

Its pork roast but I appreciate the rate user. I only eat zucchini steamed

I agree with the gravy

I don't have a job because I'm not a loser

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Sandwiches ain't cooking
Want to learn the secret weapon that will make everyone think that you're a fucking chef despite you not putting any effort in it? All right, here we go.

Get a bowl you can work in with both hands without splashing everything all over the kitchen
Fill a big mug or 2 smol mugs with flour
Cube a 200g pack of 82% butter (none of that 72% or 60% bullshit)
Throw it all in the bowl along with 1 egg
Crush and punch it like the intestines of your sworn enemies until all mixed together, it will not give in at first, but it will gradually become more plyable
The end result should look and feel like a crumbly play-doh, on the crumblier side - add more butter or flour at the end and mix in if its too thin or too flaky, eyeball it, there are no mistakes to make unless you fuck up the measurements literally by orders of magnitude
Roll it between your palms to make it a ball, seal all the cracks, wrap it in the plastic and put in the fridge (not the freezer!!!) for 2-3 hours
Play some videya or watch youtube.

Time for the filling

You will need 2 eggs, half a liter of 20% cream and cheese, along with any freezed veggies and deli you have. Shrooms are fine too. Anything goes.
Shred a handful of sheese, put a half of it in the cream and mix it with eggs - don't beat it, no foam, just plain mixing.
Get the doe out of the fridge and flatten it to a disk about 1 cm thick. If it cracks, just fuse the cracked parts and keep rolling, its whatever.
Fill the pie form with the doe and form the walls, if the walls are too high - cut them out with the knife, if anything cracks - use the cut out doe to fuse the cracks.
Throw in freezed veggies and deli or whatever you have and cover it with cream egg mixture.
Toss over it the rest of the cheese.

Bake at 180 for half an hour

Bam - literally idiot-proof high cuisine. No mistakes, just happy accidents.

>Femanon here.
fug off

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That bread looks tasty but it has raisins in it I think which would not mesh well for me personally when it comes to the contents between the bread that are being presented. The contents on the bread look like some nice tomatoes, a tiny bit of green shit most likely spinach or something, and a very absurd amount of cheese which disrupts the ratio and strips the dignity and purpose of the vegetables. The seasoning looks like black pepper maybe. I would not call this cooking if the bread was bought at the store. I would call this "food I make when I am high as fuck at 3AM and there's nothing in the pantry but bread and the fridge has some cheese in it and old vegetables on the verge of spoiling and I want to eat it all at the same time"

If I wanted cheese on bread I would probably just make homemade pizza and go full italian with it with herbs, spices, sausage, pepperoni, zesty tomato sauce, fuck it to hell bake it on a nice big fat subway sized roll, but definitely no fuckin raisins when i'm trying to eat italian, and i don't even know shit about cooking

if you don't know what a vegetable is and if you'd throw up if you mix up something not meant to be together, i use broccoli, bell peppers and thinly sliced carrots

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Your food looks nice. I bet your feet look nice too so join this server and become a footslut


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one more thing - if the butter isn't salted, put a teaspoon of salt in the flour and if the cheese you have ain't sharp and if you don't use deli meat (or if its not too salty itself) put another teaspoon of salt in the cream

cooking is fucking fun and important
any adult should know how to cook a delicious and filling meal

Is that a cheese sandwich? Get the fuck out of here.

this is the most unreadable recipe ever
what does this even make?

A fucking SCUD.

you mean widdlyscuds?