Imagine thinking looks actually matter for men...

Imagine thinking looks actually matter for men. A large portion of men are incredibly unattractive and yet women still cling to them because they have desirable personalities and come off as "interesting". If you can make a woman laugh you can do anything to her no matter what you look like. In fact the more masculine a man is, the less he's attractive. Masculinity isn't based on looks but non-physical traits. Beauty is strictly a feminine trait. That's why women have no personality, no sense of humour, they have nothing except for their looks. And they don't need to, men don't care about their personalities, they care about looks and not much more. It's the opposite for women. Their entire mindset is based on getting swooned by wits.

A woman will rather fuck an ugly short fat motherfucker who can make her laugh than an attractive, boring, shy, quiet guy.

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>A woman will rather fuck an ugly short fat motherfucker who can make her laugh than an attractive, boring, shy, quiet guy.
Not if the boring guy is tall

imagine thinking i'm going to read all of that shit. Lole neck yourself faggot.

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Preference for tall men is a myth. It exists but it's not a deciding factor.
Sorry you're a mentally handicapped zoomer unable to read more than 2 simple sentences.

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I know you all won't like it, but it is at least a bit true. I've seen it happen a couple times before.

Imagine thinking looks actually matter for women when all women can find a bf just by signing up to a dating site.

In middle/high school, I had a reputation for being super smart, but also a class clown. I was 5'11", white, deep voice.

It got me nothing. Women like looks, followed by the dark triad. They also like unintelligent men, but they like money more.

Go to sleep, Kotori.

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I'm a 6' 6" boring diagnosed sperg. I am living proof that "being tall" isn't enough to land you in a relationship

Most of us underestimate the importance of VOICE and talking-style in men's charisma and anttractivenss.
Work on having a deep masculine voice, and express yourself calmly, no matter what you say.

you are correct OP but don't expect that some smart ass neck beards who are "woke" black pillers will accept it. they rather believe that only if they were prettier like chad then they could score its a comforting lie that has been socially approved of. all I can say is that if some one actually buys into the whole lookism thing then they are basically brain dead.

>needing to mention race
want to know how i know you have a shitty personality?

ehhhh looks matter. just not as much as incel bois think, and they can be compensated for. to say they don't matter at all is naive or disingenuous.

Women don't value appearances, they value money.

it matters people think that it matters. if most people think that sucking off your dogs penis at least 2 times a week is important and matters then sure it does.

nigga, wat? you're drunk, go home.

>always felt unloved and unwanted
>talk with a few girls, they laugh at my shitty jokes and talk with me
>incel lifestyle gave me i sight and i call them out on their bullshit
>they keep wanting to talk with me weeks and sometimes months after i talk with them
>never follow up because of autism
just talk with girls and dont care about what they think, thats what ive done and it got me from no interest to feeling wanted by a pack of cute girls

Let's assume that your allegation that what it takes to get women is just being funny. How are they supposed to know you're funny? You can't just walk up to a random woman at a bar and start telling her jokes. You can't just blindly spam out jokes to women on online dating and expect them to care. You're still being filtered for height and attractiveness first. You can be the funniest guy who ever lived but that doesn't mean shit to women if you're 5'7.

that image is really cute i wish i could finger a fully clothed girl and have her cum as i was hugging her

I still don't know what the point of these threads is. I'm a manlet, I'm fat, I'm retarded, I have a tiny penis, and the only person I can make laugh is myself remembering dumb memes on the internet. The fact of the matter is simple: women aren't fucking me. It's not "oh but ACKCHUALLY women like _________" where you're filling in the blank with whatever the fuck cope of the week you're pedaling, because I'm none of those things. I'm never any of those things. There's never a "all you gotta do is be 5'9", be 250, have a 4" dick, go to college for 10 years because you can't get your life together, and talk about funny internet meme, and all the women get wet" thread. Can you guess why?

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>men don't care about their personalities, they care about looks and not much more.
I wouldn't have either ignored the advance or broken up with some girls in my life if that was the case.
I am afraid to enter a relationship for a reason no matter the appeareance, and I am not the kind to have sex just for the sake of it.
And this comes from a regular, boring, quiet guy.

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Cope, ugly short fat motherfucker is likely to attract a landwhale at best, and even then she'll be dissatisfied

I see short ugly bald dudes with hot women all the time. have you tried going outside of your mothers basment?

The exceptions do not make the rule. What part of this don't you get?

google the dark triad you fucking moron. he means girls like badboys and criminals, basically, the worse of a person you are the more they want you.

Imagine thinking looks matter for women. A large portion of women are incredibly unnatractive and yet men still cling to them because they have desirable personalities and come off as wholesome. If you can make a man feel loved you can do anything no matter what you look like. In fact the more feminine the woman is, the less shes attractive. Femininity isnt based on looks but nonphysical traits. Attractivness is a strictly male trait. Thats why men have no personality, no emotions, they have nothing except their looks. And they dont need to, women dont care about their personalities, they care about looks and not much more. Its the opposite for men. Their mindset is based on getting swooned by affection.

A man will rather fuck an ugly short fat bitch who can make him feel at home than an attractive, cold, slutty, loud girl.

my bf looks exactly like what all you idiots think is unattractive. he's fat, has a beard and messy hair. he dresses in all black most of the time. i think hes qt as fuck, and plenty of normie girls do too (i've seen them hit on him). you're all in extreme denial.

This is what people call "cope".

I am unattractive, have a boring personality and don't have the social skills to be an entertainer.
There is no winning if you can't do the mating display.

>i see short ugly bald dudes with hot women all the time.
and i see unicorns and big titty vampire goth girls all the time and they give out free pots of gold to all the good little boys and girls

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