How can anyone find this stupid fucking game fun? All the enemies have infinite stamina,the weapons hit like wet pool noodles and the armor may as well just be cosmetic. This is bullshit. So much fucking bullshit. It isn't even about me getting good Ethier because i know for a fact if i didnt get time walled into swinging my sword again or even if the parries meant a damn i would be ok but no. Whenever i do the parry it just makes a stupid fucking clinking and all my stamina is gone and also half my health. This sure plays like a damn 20$ game i fucking tell you what. I have even looked up guides on how to "git gud" and i am doing exactly as they say but not the same thing is happening. This isn't fun at all.
How can anyone find this stupid fucking game fun? All the enemies have infinite stamina...
repetition soothes autism
lol get good scrublords
you must really suck at the video game then huh?
>I looked up guides on how to git gud and am following them
Clearly not you fucking scrub. DS3 is the easiest Souls game by far (minus a few bosses); maybe focus on blocking, dodgerolling and scoring critical hits before changing your gamertag to xXParryG0d420Xx. How about you wash the sand out of your vagina and
No actually i am not. I pure platinumed bayonetta on hard mode ok. I am not some baby games journalist.
I love this skinny little heretic like you wouldn't believe!
Actual advice: dark souls is NOT a game where you can string combos together. It's about deliberate action, waiting for/creating an opportunity and exploiting it without getting greedy. Dark souls is designed to punish button mashing.
it's a game with bloodborne enemies, but slow dark souls physics. use a fast weapon and the game completely changes, you can actually punish enemies for leaving openings rather than getting punished yourself for trying to exploit them. alternatively you can just go ung bung and one shot shit with a greatsword or whatever
Maybe try playing an actual good souls game? like any other souls game is infinity better.
the trick is to kill your opponents. if you can do that, you're golden
on a side note, why would anyone play an easy video game. the first thing i do whenever i get a new game is turn the difficulty up because i believe things should be challenging
>Whenever i do the parry it just makes a stupid fucking clinking
You're timing it wrong. Get better at timing.
>the weapons hit like wet pool noodles
Get a better weapon or upgrade what you have.
>the armor may as well just be cosmetic
Play armorless and see how it works out then.
>I have even looked up guides on how to "git gud" and i am doing exactly as they say
No you're not.
Rather than attempting to identify why you're doing poorly and change the way you play to rectify, you're seething in tears of rage, so it sounds like Dark Souls is not a game for you.
You really shouldn't go into a souls like game and expect "fairness"
The whole appeal is the game is weighted against you even when playing your best.
If you aren't enjoying it though just refund and get some thing else.
I have already played 1 and 2 to death already though.
It is just so tiresome that i can only these gay ass monster 3 times before i have to run away.
I got this game for the sole purpose of it being hard. I just happen to think the way they made this shit hard is unfair.
>played 2 to death
>thinks 3 is the unfair one
what the fuck?
>I have already played 1 and 2 to death already though.
well then you should know that ds3 is an uninspired piece of garbage plebbit game
How is 2 unfair at all? it is objevtively the easiest of the souls game.
I was kinda hoping it wasnt. And i am burnt out on final fantasy games so i decided against getting zodiac age for it. I regret this decision immensely.
DS3 isn't as fun as 1 but it's still a good game. You just don't like souls games. Nothing wrong with that, but if you came into this expecting the game to conform to you instead of the other way around you are going to be dissapointed.
Agreed. I played Dark Souls and Demon's Souls, and they both suck ass. Fucking grinding for no purpose other than to defeat a boss that doesn't even have a compelling reason for which you'd want to defeat.
Trash-tier games.
So much seething. The only reason anyone would have to grind is being bad at the game.
>How is 2 unfair at all?
>Dodge an attack
>Enemy spins 180 degrees and hits you
Gee idk senpai.
The appeal of these games to me is that they feel like a throwback to those old games that were highly difficult like castlevania, megaman or ninja gaiden, except the production values are high enough to justify the challenge.
I don't remember that happening at all.
>shit hitboxes
>enemies aggroing in clumps
>gank squads at every corner
>traps that can't be pre-empted
>i-frames tied to a skill without any indication
the fuck
just watch your stamina and weight, upgrade weapons, block, parry, roll
The best example I could give would be the knights in drangleic castle who lift their swords up and drop them then spin if you go behind them. Also . And let's not forget shrine of amana.
I am pretty sure you can just wait it out and dodge roll at the last second and the amana shrine was a test of patience.
kek I just beat Nameless King suck me
>the amana shrine was a test of patience.
Hey bro let's make an area with pitfalls that are hidden by water and darkness but make it so that if you use a torch to see the pitfalls you get attacked by monsters. OH and make sure there are mages and warriors ready to fuck your shit up if you come within a mile of the way you are supposed to be going, while making the projectiles track for good measure. It wasn't a test of patience it was a test of either clearing everything out enough times they stop respawning or abusing poison arrows.
>All the enemies have infinite stamina
they stop attacking frequently, and are also undead
>the weapons hit like wet pool noodles
allocate your points better, or git gud with parries
>the armor may as well just be cosmetic.
imagine using armor you slowrolling sack of lard
How is it abusiving when they hardly do anything past ng+2? And all that other stuff is you complaining ablut having to play the game. It shouldnt have to hold you hand. It is a welcoming change of pace.