ITT describe your life situation

ITT describe your life situation

>age 23
>legit autist
>live in a trailer in wisconsin
>work a factory job
>complicated relationship with my family
>main goal for the future is becoming a foster parent to start a family. Since women don't like me
>lifes really boring right now, I'm getting trashed and browsing a certain other chan site

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i think youre just a stupid faggot. using images like that and all.
chad here.

I cant keep doing this man. Its not getting better. Talking about its not making it better.

>work full time
>live alone
>will probably never be married or be a dad
>will likely kill myself when I turn 30

>live in US
>own a house, live alone
>no friends
>no gf
>just me and my parrot
>work for a video game company
>been working from home since early march

I just want to find a girl who isn't a zoomer to talk to ;_;

>look like shit, literally dozens of negative physical traits
>aging horribly
>feels like a manchild
>about to graduate in comp sci, didn't start working yet
>thanks to overcaring mom, I have no notion whatsoever of being responsible for my own existence
>would freak out if parents stopped giving me money
>obsess over self-improvement and changing my ways but never really lift a finger for more than 2 seconds
>this plague is delaying further my graduation and getting a job to force me to change
>3/10 practice gf unsatisfied with me and keep indirectly threating to leave, even with me acting like chad and never being a doormat
Maybe I should just off myself and end all of this

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>age 18
>mentally healthy
>live in lower middle class suburban neighborhood with parents
>don't work lol
>haven't had a friend since elementary school very lonely
>no ambition or goals for the future
>birthday in a few days gonna be miserable
thats about it

>male with personality disorders like a fucking pussy
>no motivation or drive
>will probably kill myself before my 20s

>live at home
>have a shitty part time job at the local community college
>tfw have a masters
>tfw was rejected for phd programs this year
>tfw my industry just went into an unprecedented crash this week

>have a comfy job with a class I railway
>never had a gf, no social circle
>trying to decide if I should buy a house or not

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>Essential worker as a garbage man
>Can atleast pay for my own place
>Full blown alcoholic
>No ambition or expectations
>Heavy smoker
>Considering suicide at 30

fucking pathetic user. your practice gf is threatening to leave you. unreal. manchild is right

>NEET since 2013, on autismbux
>single because I destroy any relationships I get in
>live in a 5 bedroom house with 6 other people in Florida
>no ambition, no goals, just consume drugs/anime/vidya daily until the inevitable suicide
It's not too bad!

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>age 30
>do software engineering from home
>live in an apartment in kansas
>agoraphobe, never leave the apartment
>afraid of everyone, everything, every noise
>depressed, borderline, avoidant, dependent
>no people in my life
>hard to get out of bed every day
>just continue breathing, day after day, not sure why
>bored and empty, eats at me constantly
>starting to get addicted to benzos after I stopped drinking and curbed my binge eating
>watch cute anime to escape reality
>if im lucky I'll kill myself impulsively some day
>will probably live a long, unfulfilling, painful life

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god you "people" are pathetic. why cant you just stop whining and make a change? even is your changes stop at no more whining you'll be a +1. suicide at 30 seems to be a club or what

Timetable on getting $

>turned 24 this month
>last job was at a factory, worked there for four months, then quit
>currently unemployed
>hate living with my brother and family, awkward
>I need sustainable income, or I'mm going to be saying my prayers before taking my life at 25
I wake up and feel like I can not take this any longer. I wish I could get a paying job and my own place so I could be alone, drink and pray on my own. There is no other life for me, and I'm not even sure I will be able to sustain myself.

Ill be your friend user! I will sing you happy birthday!

>pretty decent childhood
>athlete and honor student except math
>go to college for business
>cant pass calculus, otherwise good gpa
>run out of attempts
>try to transfer
>no other university will take me because failed math classes
>its just one class
>continue to take other classes for program
>complete them all
>only math left
>uni still wont let me take it
>no-one will accept my transfer applications still
>stuck in limbo, 5 years and thousands of dollars down the drain
>no gf either

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It took me 13 months to get approved for disability

>18, will be 19 very soon
>no friends, pushed them all away years ago.
>Have been a NEET since graduating a year ago, never held a job at all
>social anxiety and just low self esteem in general means I barely leave the house
>occasionally get money for helping my aunt with shit around the house, just use the money for drugs like weed and acid
>lazy as fuck with no motivation, probably from lifestyle induced depression
>no driver's license, terrified of driving. Used to still try but never drove again after my dad yelled at me.
>prison gay from loneliness and years of porn addiction

That's about all. I think my parents are slowly starting to realize that I will be a massive failure. They've been pestering me about getting a job lately, I put one job app in and lied about two others. Currently using the pandemic as an excuse for no call back. There legit feels like there is no way out of this hole.

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I should add that my discord is kaspona#3485 if you want to add me

What field? I'm applying to PHD programs this fall, i gotta know the state of affairs.

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>age 21
>live in socal
>no motivation to do anything
>just play guitar and record "podcasts"
>all girls i've been with have cheated on me
>considering just being promiscuous

anyone relate?

thank u user i'll add you

> 23
> probably have mild aspergers
> grad student in pretty highly ranked phd program, although it's in a meme discipline with not a lot of job prospects.
> right now stuck at home with parents
> total robot in undergrad, eventually lost virginity in a drunken hookup we both regretted.
> have had slightly better relationships in grad school, turns out some girls actually like me now that I attend a prestigious university and work out a bit
> check back on this board once in a while as a reminder of how miserable I used to be.

It'll get better, for some of you at least

>Joined army after high school (best decision of my life)
>4 years, never deployed
>Mixed feelings about it. I think of it as both a shame and a blessing. On one hand people thank me for a service I don't feel I've fully lived up to, and on the other I have massively benefiting from voluntary slavery to the military for 4 years.
>Got accepted into state college
>Graduated with shit biology degree because I thought I was smart enough to be a doctor (protip: I wasn't)
>Got incredibly lucky and fucking Amazon hired me to be a manager
>Getting paid just below 6-figures to tard-wrangle associates.
>Working on own business on side. I don't want to be some wagie forever.
>Got about 90k in savings. Going to invest into my own business.
>I don't technically have a gf anymore. broke up, but I've been seeing on her the side for about 1 year now, from a 4 year relationship.
>I know relationship is toxic, but I love her.

Honestly not trying to brag, but yall keep your head up. Life was hell for those 4 years I served. But I am honestly grateful for it.

>Age 34
>Crippling Anxiety
>No job
>No GF
>No friends
>Don't have a good relationship with family
>Food and Shitposting and watching gore videos are the literal highlights of my day to day existence
>Completely desensitized
>Videogames can no longer hold my interest
>Eyesight is worsening
>Unexplainable physical pain within the last 2 years
>Doctors don't know what the issue is
>Have long accepted that I will always be a khv loser for the rest of my life
>Thinks browsing threads like these will make me feel better
>They don't
>Feels like it's too late for me. It probably isn't.
>But i don't feel the want or need to continue

Not sure how much longer I'm gonna last

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Not really threatening, mostly increasing the frequency of her little BPD cycle of
>comes up with a petty fight out of nowhere
>spend days without texting or looking for me
>comes back crying because I didn't seem to give enough of a fuck to go after her

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>Feel alone
>Look at catBro
>Feel less alone
>Feel weak
>Lack of friends hits my like a ton of bricks
>9/10 on the lonely scale
>Thanks catBro

>living with alcoholic dad in the burbs
>manual laborer pleb
>no friends, family doesn't like talking to me
>kissless virgin
>current goals are to quit vidya and make friends
>long term goals are getting a gf kids and my own place

I'm 21. If the government didn't ban it, I would've been evicted at least half a year ago since I have no income. The only thing keeping me motivated is school. I'm a pre-med, and I really enjoy school but having to do it online isn't as good.

I dunno, depending on how much you make you could just cut a woman out of the equation altogether and still have your own kids if you can find a surrogate or an egg donor. If you want your kids to have a female figure in their childhood just hire a good nanny.

I'm in basically the same situation, just a year older. You play any of them video games.

>lost virginity last year
>got a house last year
>well paying job that i enjoy
>ordered a gun this week that im going to use to kill myself

I have a solution for you, just take a huge dose of shrooms or acid. Either you'll kill yourself, have a breakthrough, small chance of going psychotic but it sounds like you're close to there anyways, or nothing really happens. Honestly, I don't see what you have to lose at this point if you're really that unhappy. If it gets to be too much for you take some xans and you can kill the trip. Take notes if you can and want to get something out of it, maybe a voice recorder. Good luck.