I don't want to suck dick. Is this a deal breaker?
I don't want to suck dick. Is this a deal breaker?
For me aslong as she lets me eat her pussy and asshole I dont really give a shit about getting my dick sucked
Yes you do whore.
As long as I can still eat pussy, the idea of someone sucking my dick makes me uncomfortable.
Nah, a mouth cant beat actual sex
You can get plenty of low-value, bottom feeding males by refusing to give bj's. You'll never find a decent partner that also stays with you by refusing to give bj's.
At first it might need seem like a big deal, but what you're looking at is possibly never having your dick sucked for the rest of your life which is an obvious deal breaker to any sane non beta man.
you're completely wrong, a mouth can definitely beat a vagina.
No, I'd prefer not to get suckies because I am ashamed of my dick.
im circumcised so blowjobs are useless to me anyway
thanks mom
no, I like facefucking
All the gf's I've had enjoyed sucking my cock. If you have a bf and you love him you'll also enjoy sucking his cock. You enjoy giving him pleasure. You probably just never had a real bf which is why you think you won't like it.
Is that because you tried it and didn't like it or just don't want to?
Of course it's not a deal-breaker. You won't date me anyway so there's no deal to break.
Imagine being a sodomite degenerate
would you suck my asshole and jerk me off? i'd be fine with no bj
>doesn't wanna suck dick
You gay or something? You some kinda closet dyke? You don't wanna suck dick at all? What's next, not gonna let them put it in your ass either?
Imagine never getting your dick sucked and actually trying to convince yourself this somehow makes you superior to males that get their dicks sucked. It's like a zero-point COPE field about to tear a hole in the fabric of reality, the cope is just that strong and hard!
Lol you're such a loser faggot and deep down inside you know it. Kys.
That's fine, I just want to have normal sex
Lmao, look at this seethe.
Sodomy is an abomination, simple as that. Anyone who disagrees is just a coomer.
if you expect oral, you should give in return
No I don't really like blowjobs. I'd rather eat you out. Or read/watch oc. Just not a huge fan of them. My time is better spent doing other things, I'm in the minority of men on this one though.
Not for me. Titjob is essential though.
It is for me. She can't just suck my dick, she has to want to suck my dick. I'm not asking her. I'm talking wake up blowjobs, cocknursing on the couch, sitting under the computer desk, etc. Throbbing when she moans or giggles, slurping sounds, rubbing my balls, taking it in her throat so she can kiss my pelvic bone, staring up into my eyes as I fill her mouth with the cock juice she wants so badly, cleaning me up with her tongue.
It's just the most arousing, validating thing to me. I'm afraid that if I got a girlfriend and she wasn't like this, I'd be sexually dissatisfied and want out eventually.
I've never met a girl who hasn't wanted to suck dick. I don't get it, but it they enjoy it. so if a girl asked not to have to suck dick, I would be curious if they had ever tried. If they had tried and they had a bad experience, I would probably feel offended in some way depending on their rationale. I have a clean peepee, and I don't need them to choke on my dick to feel good.
It's not necessarily bad though. I respect the idea of keeping sex pure and normal to a degree.
If she was into a bunch of other weird shit and just didn't want to give head though, then yeah, that's points against her.
Yes, that's incredibly honorable. At least you have self-respect and dignity unlike the majority of people. How could I kiss a woman knowing another man (or even multiple) has fucked her mouth and ejaculated all over her face? You have no dignity if you willingly let that happen to you. Not that any woman would ever want to be with me, obviously, but regardless that's permanently ruined the idea of a relationship for me. I just can't love someone that let their body be used and abused, especially out of wedlock. I wish more women like you flat out refused to ever put a penis in their mouth, that's fucking shameful. Yeah, I'm a headcase and maybe nobody should have that mentality, whatever, I know I'll die alone.
The chances of finding someone not willing to let their bodies be used for pleasure like they're some fucking toy is rarer than getting struck by lightning twice. This applies to men and women. Hypothetically, even if I did find someone, if she ever tried to put her lips on my dick I'd end it right there.
not even as foreplay?
don't have to do it for long just a few minutes at a time
>cocknursing on the couch
I imagine this is some adult baby tier shit.
Yeah, pretty much. Sorry, not sorry.
hmm not really i don't either so i get it but most guys do want a girl with like cock lust id be interested in you tho if you told me this tho
i met one she was pretty horny as well and a sex freak but she didnt want to suck cock one night i imagine shes seen some stinky cocks or somthing at some point and it put her off.
as a guy i can relate i wouldnt want to suck a cock because im not attracted to them but if had a vagina i could see myself still taking it i mean id probably only be into a certain type of person tho sort of queer ish straight males
are you attracted to men at all or do you have a type ?
It's not using her as a toy unless you're jusr grabbing her head and facefucking her, which I don't like it. For me it's an act of love. And from what I've heard girls tell me, they consider it almost nothing. I know girls who'd blow their friends if given the opportunity. I personally find it even more intimate than sex, but whatever.
I agree that it's disgusting thinking about your girlfriend sucking some other guy's dick, but it's disgusting thinking about your girlfriend doing ANYTHING with another guy. I want a virgin gf, but I've rationalized away the major benefits of chastity in my head, so as long as I ignore my implicit biases, I can forgive the girl I love for not being a virgin - or I think I can.
I'm dying a virgin, too, though, so it doesn't matter. We're talking about shit that doesn't concern us.
No, that's just like girls lying their head on your stomach and slowly suckling on it or rubbing their wet lips over the head continually.