Why zoomers are the worst gen:

Why zoomers are the worst generation alive rn:

>Mostly raised by Gen Xers and Older Millennials who happened to be of the lowest socioeconomic hierarchy - mostly meth and opioid addicted trailer trash moms who wore cookie monster snapbacks and their monster chugging kyle dads who use their unwanted children soley for social media gratification, EBT and to suck SSI money for their own lifestyles.
>All the aidens and jaydens of gen z were parented by cracked, greasey hand me down ipads - thus mass groomed by Yas Forums neckbeards, pedoshit ex-scene kid youtube e-celebs, weeaboo transqueer-burgerfluid furry spergxir/sperxem trannies
>Undeveloped empathy and frontal lobes; desensitized to hentai and edgy shit being pushed by the aforementioned 'as a joke/iornically' (yeah, lazy copout)
>Literally all became either batshit incel nazis or far left SJW snowflakes with no critical thinking skills and cluster B personality disorders - and hypersexuality with no sense of boundaries or decency thanks to deviantart, shipping, and youtube celebs subtley grooming their kids with playthroughs of hentai games 'as j o k es'
>All jokes, pop culture and aesthetics are just memes and infantilization - look at all the zoomers in college an workforce. they just babytalk, coddle and go 'uwu owo uwu' with shitty, MSpainted lolsorandomandquirky graphics that look like they were made by a two year old
>literally got by with nothing but participation trophies and no effort, everything about politics and knowledge is from shitty memes (many of which are astroturfed) and if you constructively question or criticize any of their stances or if they get any trivia/things wrong - they'll just screech "REEEE GATEKEEPER REEEE JUST ENJOY LIFE FOR THE FUN AND EXPERIENCES WHO CARES YOU DUMB (INCEL/SJW, depending on political stance)

t. millenial. Gen X and Millenials are the most mature generations with the best and most healthy upbringings.

Attached: 1_Hyd_x4yW3H_wxn_f8tFYLQ.png (434x327, 37.18K)

Am a zoomer and am none of those things, you're just another homosexual ranting

No one is reading that shit faggot, next time dont make a fucking blogpost

>t. 25+yo man still going oogabooga mode over trivial labels

you're a retard. no wonder genX hates you

No, boomers are still the worst.

Seethe harder you fucking copelet

Damn, which zoomer fucked your girlfriend/boyfriend?
LOL gotem

No one:
Literally no one:
Not even Big Chungus:
Keanu Reeves:
President Trump:
Nu-Yas Forums: Imma end this man's entire career
Gangweed Gang Gang: Epic style ownage gamer moment
Facebook: Copyrighted
YouTube: Demonetized

25 is zoomer
95 and later is gen z

a mixture of parents computers and the school system are to blame

I disagree. Gen Z is much more based and redpilled compared to millennials.

depends on source. either way OP says he's a millennial

How bad did the school system get fucked over? where is it at and how did it change from previous gen curriculum?

>boomer attention whoring again
How does it feel to watch us live through the best era and we are still young and have hair and our dicks still get hard in bed

Zoomers, coomers, boomers, doomerz can you just shut the fuck up already retard

Cope. They all are leftists.

can i coom on you, plz?

95 year olds are big boomers you fag

Millennials cant stop becoming trannies

>Literally SEETHING about "kids these days"
I kid you not funniest shit I have ever seen.
Do you remember the grumpy old boring people when you were young?Probably had no interests and just stayed in their home and cringed. Well now go and look at the mirror

Gen Z? No, they aren't.

Some are influenced by millennials and have become millennials2.

Most of them, though, are moving to right-wing political theories or just simply reject the SJW mentality.

Proof? Most of Yas Forums is zoomer.

Zoomers are a bunch of retards like them too. They all hate guns. Theyre not based as you think they are.

I just see a bunch of retarded Gen X's or Early Millenials thinking that the SJW Millenials are Zoomers.


I hate Gen X more than boomers, god.

>most of 4 chan is zoomer
No wonder this place fucking sucks. Look at tiktok. Its a zoomer paradise. And anti right comments gets tens of thousands of likes. People who duet tiktoks of guys with trump signs making fun of them get more likes and support. A youtube comment making fun of leftists will get what? Maybe 2k likes. But comments hating trump will easily have 20k plus likes. Stop living in a bubble.

I've never met a left wing zoomer, I am a zoomer. not the trannies, not the nigger zoomers, not the homosexual zoomers, none.
lgbt zoomers have the highest rate of lgbt members who hate left wingers and in your face lgbt members.
the youngest left winger I have met, both online and irl, was 23, after about that age, the number of left wingers harshly hikes up. my grandmother and parents are left wing. my brother is centrist/ right of center, I am much more right but not very fascist. more anarchistic but most likely not in the way you think.

the majority of zoomers aren't centrist, moreso that their political views are very hard to put in one box, so when you take the test, it places you near the center. in the future it's likely that there is going to be even more political labels. zoomers are scattered politically, and because of that, we are more accepting of different ideologies instead of the millennial way of pushing away anyone who doesn't fit exactly in your niche

>fag spacing
Please leave this place i can smell you newfags froma mile away. You bring nothing original here and spew the same memes over and over thinking itll make you blend in. It wont
Same fag

Anybody with a brain doesnt use apps and even limits internet use to 1-2 hours a day.

Even if you say you are right wing, if you track youtube comments and watch tik tok and reddit you are a libtard simp with your ass cheeks wide open for black men

Yas Forums doesn't represent reality most zoomers only have rudimentary knowledge of Yas Forums from some YouTube video they saw
a correct way of putting it would be to say

"a reasonable amount of white male zoomers are moving to right wing political theories or just simply reject the sjw mentality"

>All people in an age group that's different than mine are bad

cope neocon faggot
trump is shit you nigger. you truly based people support trump? he works for (((them)))

if you understand the meaning whats the point of clarity

Fucking triggered. Gtfo nigger

because most zoomer normies are apolitical or liberals or commies and i was just pointing that out

Most normies of any generation are all terrible