I'm sitting in my car contemplating death by car crash.
Post the most depressing songs you know.
>pic related
I'm sitting in my car contemplating death by car crash.
Post the most depressing songs you know.
>pic related
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Our special place revision by the queenstons is a mood
you're at zero, push the petal all the way down faggot
death by car crash is pretty retarded just hang yourself
yeah end it
Metallica-Fade to Black
Youre welcome.
Also rip.
throw it in le garbage
thats a furry song. I love you now
Jeff Rosenstock - Amen
neutral milk hotel - april 8th
For real tho, I love you bro, you mean something
most anything by John Maus. try Hey Moon
Meatloaf, paradise by the dashboard lights
the comments too
Last train home
but dont actually do it bro
why are you even alive wagie
just do it the ride will never end otherwise
don't buckle up. i was in a near death experience i had a seizure driving home from a friends house.
crash into a family van instead, it's better than crashing into a fucking wall like a retard.
Probably last train home is a good pick. But make sure your death is actually worth something and not because of a break up or something retarded.
Make sure you're wearing a tight dress when you listen to this one:
are you white? also, what's ur circumstance
what the fuck faggot i was just listening to last train home 30 mins ago
best song for a good ending, i will be listening to this when i finally do it.
I was circumcised as an infant thanks
Not a weeb like a lot of people here so i just discovered that song last night. Literally played it non-stop from 2 to 5, such a great song.
Nigga rlly thought he hit it with this fire roast. Holy shit you rlly killed him, omg. Nah bruh shut the fuck up
Kansas by Gorillaz
this or how to disappear completely