Literally how am I supposed to compete with this? This girl is 4'11, 110lbs...

Literally how am I supposed to compete with this? This girl is 4'11, 110lbs, and has a tiny little flower of a pussy and can take a dildo that's bigger than at least 99.99% of the population like a champ

Attached: MayMarmalade--26_.webm (720x540, 1.94M)

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You don't but if it helps... she's already *very loose*
that toy is so huge only guys with a 7.5 x 7.5 inch dick or above would bother.
Her face is heavily made up and she did completely age herself badly with her terirble life decisions (seriously her skin is aged from sun tanning/sun overexposure).

>When I think about the fact that my bf has probably watched hundreds of girls like this and I will never come close to comparing.

Attached: 1586342567189.jpg (340x255, 16.52K)

get a bike pump, silicon and viagra. you know what to do.

Or it could be she's a ginger and naturally has freckles and gets a red face when she's horny

fuck i wish i was short and cute :(

if you're a female, you don't have to compete (unless you want to marry a Chad, in which case good luck with that)

Op thinking a girl is with you for your dick is the most retarded thought process ever when she knows your a huge virgin

Attached: 1570656499321.jpg (1024x1024, 79.63K)

Leave it to a woman to try and make the thread about her

You can compete by making me respect you. If that's what you really want, that is.

Being disgusted by someone isn't a choice. Technically you don't have to compete either, if you're willing to settle for an ugly landwhale.

>men never mention their own problems in threads relating to the subject.

Attached: 1587253398528.png (1000x1091, 140.87K)

if she's 4'11, that dildo is like 6x6. fucking thick, but girls can have loose vaginas at any height. she's just loose.

Of course, I don't blame you for being Chadsexual
Sometimes I forget that an average guy is, in the eyes of a woman, equivalent to an ugly landwhale monstrosity

Thankfully you can always come to this board to remind yourself of that and wipe out any excess motivation or happiness.

Well I'm shorter than her, but I couldn't take one that size.

You're not, because it's not a competition
You offer what you can do best, and can outsource the sex if that's what it's needed to make her happy. You can learn to use the toys, your toungue like a pro or scout for friendly people that can satisfy her sexually while you please her in every other way

>that dildo is like 6x6
More, at least in length.

>Well I'm shorter than her,
Ay Bby Want Sum Fuk?

>but I couldn't take one that size.
But you could take 6.7" x 5.4"! Just give me the sign and I'll do it.

It's more like 7x6.5

>Technically you don't have to compete either, if you're willing to settle for an ugly landwhale.
Do you know one who wants a non-Chad? I'd love to marry one, thanks in advance. Haven't found one in 42 years.

Well, she's a ginger so you're probably already winning.

be my halfling gf

beautiful looking roastie.
I don't compete. I enjoy her and let her enjoy me.

Whats the competition? You could probably force it if you really tried.

You have a dick so who cares.

That's cute but we could work on that.

Please be my gf i'd treat you like a god

God I wish I were me, imagine waking up in her body.

This doesn't make sense, also heck of tranny.

Being intimate with a loving, loyal woman who is actually there with me would win over some porn woman any day.
Or just date somebody like me who doesn't watch porn

Fuck I need sauce on this

Don't be so hard on him. At least he won't know the pain of being used as ass to mouth cum rag before being blocked and ghosted on everything.
To chad, emotionally connecting with you is the same as fucking a land whale


always read the title