How often do robots shower?
How often do robots shower?
once a day for 29 yrs ..
twice per week in this quarantine times.
Every day but I ran out of lotion and now my skin is dry
once every 2 days , i like the feeling of my hair when its clean .
twice a day sometimes three when i smoke
Once a day, on quarantine, once every other day
why does kumiko have an ice cream on her head?
it must be so cold!
is she ok?
in normal times, once every three days, but during quarantine I can go 6 days before getting one.
I will never understand people who shower every single day. Do you just get under the water or do you actually use soap and shampoo every time? cause if you do that's pretty bad for your skin and hair.
Haven't walked outside my house showered or brused my teeth in like 4 days who gives a shit anymore every day is the same as the last day
I shower once a month. I don't go outside and don't do sports so it's ok
for now it's once a week
before corona it was twice a week
before my current antipsych, once a month or once every 2 months
every once in a while I might shower 2 or 3 days in a row. goal is to shower at least 3-4 times a week.
Every other day unless I'm going somewhere special or have been training etc.
every day but sometimes I can't be bothered
I shower every day because when I am showering I feel like I am in my personal space distant to the whole world.
Maybe like 2 times a month I am a shut in so it does not really matter anyway. It depends on what I am doing tho. If I go to get my dick sucked by this stupid roast I know them I will shower before I see her.
You guys are all smelly smash players. Take showers you filthy bums.
>Take showers you filthy bums.
i don't play smash and i shower once a month
>why dont I take a shower you wonder
>I guess what I cant smell
but the smell is comfy, I always smoke after a shower to get it on me again
Hopefully tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Once a week
>once a month
>dumb animal that only focuses on insationalism can't read that one of those replies showers once a week right now and made great improvements
Not often enough
Showers are best when you stay for an hour and dissasociate. I'd say as often as possible
I don't even remember the last time I took a shower. Maybe 5 years ago?
But baths! This is the shit.
I stay like some kind of retarded fish several hours in my bath, sometimes I even sleep in it.
I feel too disgusting if I wait longer than 48 hours since my last shower. I legitimately can't stand feeling that dirty. I can smell myself at that point too and it's gross. Plus I get a ton more sores/pimples/etc if I wait too long to shower.
Once or twice a day, depending on whether I leave the house.
Typically once a week. Although, I haven't since Easter.
I shower every other day, and shampoo + condition every other shower. Keeps my hair nice and voluminous and otherwise good looking.
I dont like going out in public or being around people if I havent showered beforehand so usually shower almost every day, but during this lockdown ive only been showering once every 2-3 days.
Everyday at night , sometimes a morning shower too
Shave every 3 days