giving away my savings and other neat things i have. $700 in cash, plushies, records, cds, art...please give me a paypal or e-mail to contact. nobody wants to take me up on my offer as they are suspicious but i just dont need these things anymore. thank you! i also have a nintendo switch and more!
Giving away my savings and other neat things i have. $700 in cash, plushies, records, cds, art...
The prince of Zimbabwe needs to sell his belongings to cover up costs for the TFW NO GF documentary, leave all your banking details and he will transfer you the money.
Wait i dont have a paypal
But would you be able to send me a game on steam then
What type of cds and plushies?
are you killing yourself OP? if not, the $700 would be very helpful. i just don't want to contribute to someones death like that
This, you can make a whole list and people will pick what they want. To increase trust you can also give a motive
Are you gonna die?
Dammit not original.
pls dont dox me guys
pls don't kill yourself :((
You're clearly a nice person.
don't kill yourself.
i've made this exact same post, so i know what you're doing user, only it ended at an attempt. i realized in a drunken suicidal haze that merely existing is good enough a reason to keep going, and it took me this long, but i truly find beauty in that.
tough times make a tougher mind
Don't listen to those fags, OP, gimme your switch.
I didn't realize that OP was killing himself, I'm retarded. I'm sorry OP, please don't do it
dont worry guys im gonna be okay! ive just surpassed the need for money or anything tangible.
so, my switch is a normal black switch and i have acnh, splatoon, outlast, and smash. i also have a midi keyboard, loooots of plushies(i mean do you guys want me to email pictures? i need help on how this system should go! i want it to be fair)
i have a couple of figures, a melt-banana record, an ollllllld laptop im using right now. the plushies i have just range a lot but they could use good homes! i have bracelets ive made and real life (now dead) butterfly boxes. they are so pretty!
how should i sort this out?
>how should i sort this out?
Well, you could start by posting pictures of the stuff in question.
[email protected]
I have an er bill about to hit collections which will make it way harder to ever escape neetdom if I do get my shit together
>im gonna be okay!
Uh huh sure...
OP pls don't kill yourself (also are you a girl in the UK)?
i put my email up there and said people not to dox but 50 bucks for a new game would be cool
that one isnt my paypal just a contact email
thanks in advance if you decide to contact me
the switch! for starters
[email protected]
Just a contact. Picked the dumbest thing I could think of
Cute stickers, even the skull looks happy. Can I have it?
[email protected]
Im the second user desu
do you guys want these? i was planning to open a shop to sell these but i dont think people would pay and its too late now. i can give one away to each person? i also dont want to be suspicious so i may need time to ship things out!
Yeah i'll try my luck at the draw
I'll take the switch off your hands pal, but also your friendship;)
[email protected]
i have to make an alternate email
should i do a raffle for the switch? i also have a midi and guitar but idk the hassle of shipping those lol
can i get some money?
Hi user. I'm glad to hear that you're well. What species of butterflies you have? I'd love to start my collection but can't really afford it. It'd be great if you could send some photos to my mail ( [email protected]) Thanks in advance. Cheers!
>should i do a raffle for the switch?
No, you should just give it to me directly.
I'd like one, something to remember you by, I guess
I'll bite, I like the figures.
contact: [email protected]
Huh what why?
Is my email not working so sorry