Come post your servers and IDs, there really aren't many being posted or made anymore and it's sad! so post your servers and stuff lole
Discord thread
Midwest Yas Forums for midwest anons ONLY
no women PQMfJG
I would post but I'll be asleep soon because I'm from Europe..
I will post my tag if this thread is still up when I wake up.
there arent really many posted anymore because they get 404ed or moved to /soc/! it stinks :(
post it now i will add you
You can also just add me!
Hmm.. my tag is stinkie#4682!
I'll only be up for about 20 more minutes, but I'll be up for talking tomorrow if anyone's interested..
.. especially if you play animal crossing!
Anyone want to talk about weeb shit? I'll listen to your problems. Probably can't tell you anything useful but I can try. Open for music recommendations if it's something involving guitars. Drinking hours right now. No underage females, druggies, coomers, or Yas Forumscels.
If pic related looks good to you and you're a biological, American female who isn't black, hit me up. Buzzkill Aldrin#2502
Pls add me discord I'm a cute twink looking for eboys but I'll take hrt if you buy it for me :3
I'm not expecting much but I really want a nice girl to dom me in bed. pls dm me if you are a caucasian princess and willing to mother me. Fennic
You guys suck, the last time one of these threads were up someone else posted mine and I got inundated with requests.
What the hell are you doing here, Fenny? Quit chasing white girls you gross nigger.
Curanes#4218, can't sleep so I figure conversation would be nice for a change. I'll try to talk about whatever you want just don't expect me to lead a convo.
What do guys think about this idea: We gather 100 different discord robot tags in one thread, assign a random differente number to each one from 00 to 99 and then after that, each one of the posters rolls and have to talk to the one whose number they rolled. Stupid or good idea?
Interesting idea though the randomness would probably lead to robots with nothing in common talking to each other. Its still a cool idea though
21/m/usa, i'm an artist and a composer and I like shitty anime and video games
i know these threads are normie as shit and posting in them is frowned upon i'm just not in a great mood right now
How old are you?
Of course this isn't original.
I am twenty one very original years old, user.
Into computer programming, playing the piano, reading and writing, and I love learning languages! (currently learning Italian)
I love hearing about other people and learning from them!
My discord is kaspona#3485. I also have a server if youd like to join that. The invite code is ftvD8x.
just want some cool friends.
Server for normies
I'm a homeless insomniac schizo ex druggie
I like old computers, motorcycles, and music
I don't really have many friends but would love some people to hang out with
Big Dumb Dumb Idiot#4217
add me coward
Boots? Is that you?
Sorry user
Don't know anybody named boots desu
Just checking if you're a tranny I used to know
Ah alright
Have a good night /day user
Pythias#8166 just created my account and VC is too much for me. But look forward to try to get along with someone.
24 m
Typical neet
I like typical nerd stuff like video games, reading, anime, cartoons, etc. Code as a hobby. Recently picked up pixel art and 3d modelling. Like music.