154 IQ

>154 IQ
>Smarter than almost everyone I've ever met in life, this board included
>Level 2 Autism, never going to reproduce even if my life is perfect

I think my life is totally ruined forever, but I feel that it's good in my mind. I think I hate life itself, but I am so disconnected from my emotions that I can't experience it. All I have is murder or nothing.

I think I'm stuck here for a long time. At least until 60 years old.

Attached: Me2.jpg (812x593, 184.24K)

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Same here on those three greentext points (down to the exact IQ), had an IQ test as part of my Autism diagnosis.

I've resigned to being lonely my entire life.

how is this a bad thing exactly, do you have a down syndrome face or something? i don't get it

Nice to be with you.
And same. Do you do exercise and take omega 3? I think most of loneliness is just stress. I don't believe I'll be able to exercise and work-out when I get older though due to brain-death/necessity that my brain be strong from a sedentary life.

wanna fuck?

This is what I've been doing to stay happy. I need to buy Fiber supplement as well.

Drink half-a-gallon or more of water a day (adjust to body weight and activity level), cut-out as much processed sugar as possible (can cause brain damage), take daily Omega-3 and vitamin D supplements if you lack fish or sunlight (best to eat real fish and go outside at noon for 10-30 minutes or more a couple of times per week depending on skin color), eat fiber and avoid man-made carbohydrates (sugar, bread, alcohol) (it causes fatigue, unnecessary hunger, and weight gain), and take a daily multivitamin. Eat all of your food within a 4-to-8 hour period (maybe less) to start a 16-20 hour fast for better thinking, more energy, better digestion of food, superior calorie burn, and improved mood. (try and eat in the afternoon to not lose sleep at night, be sure to at least eat at your Basal Metabolic Rate daily, and eat nutrient dense food, not junk to avoid binge eating) Eat a healthy diet high in fiber, and eat meats, eggs, and various fruits/vegetables. Shoot for Probiotics as well. Sleep at least 8 hours a day, but know that you will receive better rest by exercising, fasting, and eating well. Do cardiovascular exercise (3-4 miles + of walking, 1-2 miles of running, jump-rope, etc) daily/when possible (take breaks from it when stressed by it and listen to your body if something brings it pain) and supplement it with anaerobic exercise (push-ups, sit-ups, etc). All of this is necessary and good for your brain and mood. It will make you a smarter, healthier, more attractive, more creative, stronger, and happier human being.

This is a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, and the one true way of living designed for all human and animal life. Technology has radically changed the world.

editions-hache.com/essais/pdf/kaczynski2.pdf (ignore the revolutionary stuff)

not original post

what do you mean by "take omega 3", do you mean the pills? wouldn't it be a better idea to eat seafood that contains omega 3 instead of taking it in a sub par pill form?

prove you are smart.
first label your expertise, or multiple expertises, then give a snippet of knowledge from them that you think would make you seem as an 154IQ individual.

>119IQ, last measured professionally in 7th grade
>despite only slightly above average IQ, have been unable and unwilling to make friends because people are that dumb and shallow

I spend my time on the internet forcing myself to chat in groupchats to get looked up on enough to bully people into getting hobbies and interests, then I slowly convince them to stop using social media so much. eventually I abandon the chat and move on to the next chat, occasionally checking up on the ones who got hobbies. so far, I have only ever convinced 3-4 people to stop using social media so much, and they only ever last for a few weeks before letting it overtake them again, but the hobbies usually stick much longer. unfortunately, too socially exhausted to use groupchats, but I get mass added to 10-20 groupchats a month, and weed out the ones that are too full of self loathing people, they're too stuck in their ways. won't even listen when you say their meme depression can be cured or greatly managed.

You are autistic.
You are not 119 IQ. Probably a lot smarter.

If you take the test on the right hand side of this website, you will score higher than your professional test. If you take the test on the left hand side of this website, you will score in-line with your professional test, maybe 10 points higher.


I'm glad my IQ is high enough to know that all IQ threads are trash

You are just schizophrenic and think you're totally a part of the world around you.

Yes it would, but it's hard to cook and eat fish when you have autism.

You're not very smart if you decide you're being held up by mental barriers you have erected yourself.

>Mental barrier

You do realize some people are stronger than others, right?

It's surreal to think about what I am.
I'm 1 in 1,040 of my race. It's like a swan song of a people that never existed.

Smarter than 48,911 West African males.

Like a living God

Listen to yourself, cut out the excuses

What excuses?
There is no excuse. I am what I am and then I'm dying.

I refuse to listen to your insanity.

Remember: taking the same self graded test multiple times is cheating and useless.

Attached: Sockpuppet Debate LUAN.jpg (463x605, 95.3K)

It's not. I solved what I couldn't solve before due to poor health & undeveloped brain. Had a 1 year wait before I took it again.

Totally different thinking patterns that gave me the right answer.

>15% sub-saharan
>154 IQ
nice LARP

It's not a joke.
I am greater and more intelligent than you.

I can already see it in the words you write that I'm smarter than you are.

You explain like you have 120IQ.

Don't care.
The hardware behind the software is online and working.

You and I both know I'm right. Let us drop this charade.

You're wrong.
You were wrong about ADHD strictly being laziness.

You're a smart man, but you're not very wise.

For someone who says he's smart, you have low reading comprehension (I do believe autists have lower linguistic capabilities than normal people, no? If so, I could hardly blame you). If you read my posts again, you would find that my perception of those who suffer from ADHD has been skewed by my own personal encounters. These peoples used their affliction as an excuse to be lazy. Therefore my general view of ADHD is that they're lazy. This does not mean that I believe ADHD as strictly being laziness. There's a fine difference there, Kurt.

The issue is that you are saying it was an excuse to be lazy, which you could be right about, but it also could have been the true neurological disorder, ADHD.

I would have to have been there to see if it's true or not. You may be right that they're just giving up early and being lazy, but I doubt it because such behavior is characteristic of a genuine mental issue, and I believe if they were truly free to do something, they would do it just because they can.

You're right I do have somewhat low reading comprehension, but it's at least 85th percentile which is more than enough to handle 99% of the information in this world.

High IQ isn't evolutionarily viable.

I know I'm right about this because they always bragged that they could get out of doing stuff by saying they have ADHD. Either they were telling the truth and being lazy or they were coping (if you'd seen these kids demeanor you'd see it was the 1st).
As for the rest, there's not much else to say, really. Fun Easter egg, it was.
Also Holy shit did you hear that thunder right now? Wtf

what have you done with your intelligence op? it means nothing it you waste it pretending you have a 2d waifu or something equally useless and autistic.

>Did you hear that thunder

YES. Very beautiful lightning show outside right now.

But despite this, I feel like they were telling the truth and just coping. If I could mow the lawn without feeling pain, I would do it. I don't think it's normal to be happy you are limited.

They are covering up their disability.

I've never done anything substantial with my intelligence. Shot a bird one time and didn't like it so decided to never do anything like that ever again.

I'm not in command of anything, and I would probably get overwhelmed if I were placed in charge of any business despite my intelligence. I can't do any high level math. Algebra 2 and Geometry are the end for me.

>I've never done anything substantial with my intelligence.
then why do you think anyone would care that you have it and want to reproduce because of it?
you are not stuck on r9k. you choose to wallow in the filth instead of bettering yourself. own up to it op.

I doubt it. I suppose we'll have to drop it at that.
You never did Calc? What did you take for your 4th year math? AQR? Stats?