Ugly men vs ugly women

Ugly men vs ugly women

Who has it worse?

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They both have it pretty awful.
Any difference is negligible.
Being ugly is a major loss to any prospects you had in life.

Ugly men it's not even a contest. An ugly woman will at least be pitied, and she can shuffle through life doing some cushy make-work office job. An ugly man only invites scorn and active malice, and the treshhold for ugly for men keeps sinking lower and lower with each passing month.

Ugly women at least get to have sex. Even I've plowed some horrible morbidly obese slampigs in my times of desperation and I'm literally a 10/10.

ugly women, but I mean really ugly. Morbid obesity mixed with acne. The types that smell no matter how bad they have it. No job possibilities since nobody can stand the sight of them. Atleast men with these issues can get a physical labour job. Ugly women can't even do that since they're women

its worse being an ugly woman, because theyre a lot rarer than ugly men. at least ugly men have other ugly guys to relate too.

ugly men, if the ugly girl has a nice body anyone will want to fuck her and she can eventually find someone to settle for who loves her and who she loves as well.

How tf would I know? I am only one. I would assume that they both suck though.

Imagine being physically and mentally inferior to men AND being ugly?

Anyone here who has had sex will answer that ugly women have it worse

Ugly men. An ugly woman can always find an uglier man she can live for free off of.

Ugly women since ugly men can money/status maxx and get laid with somewhat attractive women. There are no options and there's zero hope for ugly women aside from plastic surgery. If she's too fucked up looking, even that won't help

t. future divorcee

If you asked me this a month ago, I would've said an ugly man. But desu, ugly women are also treated really badly. Just being ugly is a major setback. I know it sounds silly but hear me out.

And by ugly I'm not really talking about your facial genetics. I'm not talking about skin color. I'm talking about fitness and hygiene. Having stinky breath, wearing dingy clothing with holes in it and not combing your hair or having a clean shave or not getting enough sleep can really fuck your appearance up. And the funniest thing is, this lack of hygiene also fucks with your personality making you even more unattractive. So don't be surprised if people are not friendly with you or if people seem a little uncomfortable around you. Grooming is another thing. Grooming can be makeup for girls or hair coloring or some kind of physical change that is undoable. Again, this is not plastic surgery or nose shortening or jaw widening shit. Girls can really maximize their appearance with a combination of fitness and grooming and hygiene. Same for guys. A man should only have a beard if it is properly groomed and if it doesn't look like you have pube hairs on your face.

*Physical change that can be undone.
Sorry I'm kind of tired right now.

Ugly men mostly have nice personalities whereas ugly women are massive cunts on top of being disgusting goblins.

ugly women have it worse. if you're an ugly man you can still earn value and respect by amassing wealth or being really talented at something. if you're an ugly woman... maybe your mom will love you.

Strangely enough, really ugly, manly looking women are usually high IQ. I knew this one chick in highschool that was probably the ugliest girl in the entire school, but she was doing college courses while there and was in advanced classes for everything else. Shame about her looks though. She was over six foot tall, broad shouldered, very overweight, and had a mannish face. Honestly, that bitch should have just tranny maxxed. Would have made probably made a 8/10 dude if she lost the weight and worked out.

We both do

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Ugly women. We're cared for so little that the very concept of a female who isn't aesthetic in some capacity never occurs in culture at all.

Link a /soc/ post or you're lying, faggot

women are more privileged than men period. men are treated like disposable garbage because we kind of are desu

you can repopulate a village quickly with 2 men and 20 women, you cant with 20 men and 2 women.

Therefore, even if men are physically and intellectually superior we will always be at womens mercy because of cucks and theyre the rate determining step to our species production

so to answer your question ugly men have it worse

except when you go on tinder you'll still get 100 matches and the ugly guy will get 0 now fuck off

Ugly men arent pitied because they arent powerless or worthless. Ugly women have nothing and are basically invisible slaves. Even desperate incels dont even consider them.

this post was written by either a cocksleeve or numale

>except when you go on tinder you'll still get 100 matches
Casual sex is not the same for women as it is for men. For men, it's a status increaser and a source of pride. For women, it's a status decreaser and a source of shame. Most hideous women never get married. Most hideous men don't either, but at least they can use wealth as a draw for women.
>Therefore, even if men are physically and intellectually superior
Males are usually physically stronger, but the average male is nothing to write home about intellectually. I scored way better on the ACT, ASVAB, and every other IQ adjacent test than vast majority of males. There are also significantly more mentally retarded males than there are females.

Hey, good job excelling in a system that's heavily biased against men. Asshole.

if casual sex is so bad for women they why would they engage in it at all? fucking retard also no one cares about your standardized test scores

look at this pathetic roastie actually try to argue that men arent physically and mentally superior to women

>a system that's heavily biased against men
The culture is fairly biased against women. Women are usually considered to be bad at any STEM subject. Then again, I was always self-absorbed and considered myself to be an "exception" to most women. Freshman year, I headed my entire grade in mathematics kek. Also, the system didn't really work for me either. I was a hyperactive child and got in trouble constantly.

I think some just buy into the feminist sex positivity meme only to regret it within five years. And you won't find a single woman say random sexual encounters actually fulfill her in life.

Women have it a lot worse than ugly men in general. Men hold power in this world and ugly men can even rape the most beautiful women out there with no consequence, so there is not even a need to compare in other aspects.

Ugly women.
Ugly men are feared, offputting. And they get a degree of respect from this fear. Even a manlet, if he is ugly will be threathed kindly, because people dont want him to pull a knife. I would argue feminine men have it the worst, by far.

Ugly women are just ugly. And because being a woman and being ugly is a far rarer combination than being ugly and male its essentially a death sentence.