You need to realize your personality is what ultimately repulses women

You need to realize your personality is what ultimately repulses women.

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The straight males on this board are angry assholes. They act like cunts but are in disbelief they cant get the qt gf they think they deserve

Obviously. There's nothing I can do about that. I was incredibly popular online as a kid and semi-popular in school, but it was because I acted like an idiot. Girls like dumb men.

Since going through puberty, no one really likes me anywhere, irl or online.

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Its the same reason Stacy can get away with being a cunt to people but ugly girls cant. Meanness is only attractive when its attractive people doing it.

I know. I realized there was a barrier in communication, a long time ago.

Meanness is never actually attractive to women. I cant believe men unironically believe this

still repulsion all the same

Good, let's keep it that way. No girls allowed.

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Wrong, my complete inability to approach people is what repulses women

but how can they know my personality when they don't talk to me nor see me talk to anyone else?

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I already came to that conclusion. I know I'm weak, passive, and emotional. I know that I'm not a man women want to be with, because I'm a born loser. I can't even keep up the pretense of trying to get my life together. It's all so tiresome and bothersome. Women want a guy who is in charge, who knows where he's going, who leads. I'm not that guy. So I'm unattractive. I know I have two options: to change, or to stay the same. I've chosen to stay the same.

>come to a board full of autism to tell autistic retards that they're autistic
what's the point?

>Women tend to be attracted to the Dark Triad--narcissism, manipulativeness, & psychopathy
>More psychopathic men tend to receive higher attractiveness ratings from women
>On PornHub, women consume most of the porn where women are violently raped and abused
>62% of women have fantasies about rape and other forced sex acts
>50% of female porn viewers admitted to watching porn involving extreme violence against women
>Criminal and antisocial men have more sexual partners and have sex earlier
>Antisocial, criminal and violent men have greater sexual access to women
>Imprisoned serial killers, terrorists and rapists receive thousands of love letters from women
>Male gang members have dramatically more female sexual partners
>Childhood bullies experience greater sexual success than non-bullies
>More than half of prison staff sexual misconduct involves female guards/staff
>39% of hospitalized male psychopaths had consensual sex with female mental health staff
>Women desiring marriage and commitment are more attracted to narcissistic men
>Female narcissism reduces marital quality for men, but male narcissism does not for women
>Men are attracted to "nice" women, but women are not attracted to "nice" men
>It is Looks > Personality > Money for both genders, but women lie more about it
>Your looks define perception of your personality in online dating
Read your Bible, anons.

But my personality is the only thing people like

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personality is largely genetic and the remainder is childhood socilaisation which means parenting + interacting with people in your local area that you had no control over

ultimately everything about dating is due to uncontrolable charactaristics

except it doesn't lmao unlucky pal

>Meanness is never actually attractive to women.
It kind of is but isnt at the same time

see if you're nice to everyone then when you're nice to her it isnt anything special, she's just another person
but if you're an asshole to most people but nice to her then she loves it because she feels special

betas dont actually see the nice side of the asshole tho so they just assume he's an asshole to her too, emulate said behaviour and fail because being an asshole to a girl wont get her to like you
she likes when you're an asshole to other people but nice to her

t. I have a girlfriend who likes me despite me outright saying I want to genocide most of the human population

Top kek.
If my personality was my problem, I wouldnt be able to make female friends, but I have.

My problem is being an ugly weirdo.

>>It is Looks > Personality > Money for both genders
Looks > Personality is sensible for either gender, but money doesn't really factor in for men. It seems fairly rare to find men who especially care about the material assets a woman can provide, where a man not having a (good) job, a car, etc. is a huge dealbreaker for the majority of women.

>if you're an asshole to most people but nice to her then she loves it because she feels special
I am more attracted to men that have good manners in public and are able to talk to anyone.
Being gentle trumps being macho and aggressive in public. I would think a guy had autism if he was really rude to strangers

I want a bf that is able to drive. I can drive so it does not seem like a big deal to want a bf with a car reeeeeeeee

listen lady you're on r9k, like the rest of us you're not a mentally stable member of the public and what you want isnt representative of what most people want, in the same way the stuff I want from a girl isnt what most men would want.

Im just telling what most women actually want from personal experience

Good post.
The best way to approach this is simply to treat everyone, regardless of their sexual value, as you organically would, without caring whether or not people will like you in return. If you do this, it doesn't matter whether or not women end up wanting to fuck you (although, based on life experience, they are far more likely to).
literally, just bee yourself, broo

Love this.
It would be great if guys didnt pretend to be nice so we can know who to avoid

Sure it's a perfectly reasonable and typical expectation, but that sort of thing is simply not a dealbreaker for men the same way it is for women. I just don't care if a girl doesn't have a job or a car or her own house or any money, it has no bearing on how I would evaluate her as a romantic prospect.

Everyone tells me I'm super nice. When I sarcastically act mean, they're always caught off-guard. I used to take the time to help kids with math and computer lit/programming. I'd always hang out with kids if they wanted me to, even if I didn't particularly like them. I remember talking to a popular kid about how he wanted to be a model but he couldn't talk about it with his friends because he was afraid they'd make fun of him. One kid actually drew a picture of his dream house and he drew mine next to it. I'm the only person in my circle of friends no one had a falling out with. Whenever my uncle had friends over they'd end up hanging out with me instead. I played an MMO as a teenager and I spent 95% of my playtime helping people and getting nothing in return. In TF2, I've stopped playing just to help people get achievements so they could get new items. I donate blood every year.

I'm a khv wizard. Girls do not like nice guys. Guys don't either. People feel neutral towards nice guys. I'm not even that nice, but it's still too nice. People tell me all day every day how great I am, but every now and then, when the loneliness gets to be too much, I tell one of them to piss off with their cheap platitudes and, like clockwork, they say, "Oh, so see, THIS is why you're so miserable/alone/whatever." Yeah. That one moment is why. Not the years of being empathetic and helpful.

No. It's a load of shit. People feel safe and secure with nice guys around, but no one wants to fuck them or even really get to know them, they just like the concept: "these dudes won't start a fight or whatever, so good, that's good - now to find the actually charismatic people to fuck/be friends with."

My grandparents are the perfect example of this. My grandmother is a judgmental shrew, but she cripples herself with altruism. My grandfather is smooth and amiable, but he's also completely irresponsible and dishonest. People love him, no one gives a fuck about her.

I am aware.

In fact, I realized it a long time ago. Only recently was I able to face my weaknesses and become a better man.

If you want a girl who has issues, follow this advice

False. I can get girls fairly easily irl through socialization. My problem is I don't have the self-esteem to take things further and I cannot bring myself to trust women.

That's very sad. Have a picture of a chalupa to cheer you up.

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Would you agree that women are attracted to "assholes" largely due to the fact that they're more honest?

yes women are attracted to elitist egotists
what else is new

But yet when a woman can't get a guy for any reason, the guy is always blamed, or men in general are blamed, and people go on endless tangents about how women are oppressed by a patriarchal society.
Really makes you think.

You need to understand that even the most conformist, socio-commie, globohomo personality will still be devalued in comparison to money

But then money will be devalued by philosophy and aging

Not that user, but women are attracted to manipulative men. Does it make more sense that they're actually attracted to manipulation or that they themselves are just victims of manipulation?

I don't actually have an opinion myself. They're attracted to other horrible traits, so I don't see why one more would be unbelievable. However, I've known lots of girls who dated pieces of shit and they claimed they couldn't see it.