Bunch of fucking whores, the lot of you. Literally the checklist for neo-Yas Forums:
>Likes Animal Crossing, Persona and Danganronpa >Has or is thinking of making an onlyfans account >Has meme hair dye and piercings >Emotionally unstable slut
Just fuck off. Leave us alone to play video games in peace you sluts.
>Likes Animal Crossing, Persona and Danganronpa OP is really missing out on some of the best game franchises there are. P.S. where are these girls? at least we'd have something in common for once
Blake Wilson
>Ironicweebcore >Good
Pick one. AC is good for what it is at least. The other two are trash.
Tyler Harris
>having a hateboner for weeb stuff without reasons yea right.
Gavin Turner
I love weeb stuff. I've been enjoying weeb stuff since before you were born. I just don't like overrated social sim scooby doo garbage like Persona or BPD girl shit like Danganronpa.
Brody Cruz
>Likes Animal Crossing, Persona and Danganronpa i watched the danganronpa anime season. it was shitty but fun. i'm not a gamer girl and gamer girls are boring. >Has or is thinking of making an onlyfans account. no, i've joked about it but i never seriously would. >Has meme hair dye and piercings bright red hair, no piercings they're cringe. >Emotionally unstable slut something like that...
Samuel James
> overrated social sim scooby doo garbage like Persona or BPD girl shit like Danganronpa this is what i meant by no reasons, you boomer weeb. just because something is popular doesn't mean it's bad. also what the hell is this "danganronpa is BPD girl shit", i've literally never heard it before.
Nathaniel Gonzalez
What's wrong with hair dye? Plus I've been playing AC for ages, damn man calling me a whore for liking a nice relaxing game. Persona is boring to me.
Jordan Ross
>Why do girls love this shitty game so much? I used to be a competitive FPS player; got server firsts in WoW too. But the fun of a lovely, no-effort game like Animal Crossing is a true delight. Something that moids wouldn't understand...
Brody Davis
im 23 male i love this game, i know its made for normie females but its actually chill as fuck
Evan Cooper
Because it's comfy and has good vibes. I'm not a female, though. Just a random dude with anxiety.
Josiah Bell
Good God this fucking board is trash now. Bunch of normalcunts acting like tryhards without actually knowing what the fuck they're talking about for attention from other retards. Nuke this board.
Josiah Evans
You are a whore with mental illnesses. Not virgin = Whore.
>moids Funny how you insult us but literally cannot live without our dicks. Let's see you try and go without a man for even 6 months.
Easton Bailey
I am a virgin though, lol..
Mason Nelson
How is "moid" an insult? It seems like you take it as an insult, while I use it as a descriptor. >Let's see you try and go without a man for even 6 months. I'm not sure what to say because only a stupid person would say such things.
Caleb Gutierrez
gonna leak my friend code for anyone in the thread that plays: SW-8200-5615-3917
no trannies though
Brody Morris
>also what the hell is this "danganronpa is BPD girl shit"
Not OP but I imagine because it has a few mentally unstable female characters that allow BPDs to self-insert. Even worse, the crazy female characters like Junko are never really called out for their insane bullshit, which is exactly what BPD girls would like.
Jack Parker
It's so cringy when zoomers try to make nu-women hating threads. It always comes across like you're desperate to be accepted by other anons. Go post some gore or something. AC isn't bad though, I played it on the gamecube years back.
Moid is a dumb term that arose from pinkpill spaces, as a counter to "femoid". It's dumb and uninventive. Most of the people who use it on these spaces insult men, but they're not capable of going without a man sexually for anything like a long period of time.
Isaiah Cox
Hey, I'll add you tomorrow if I remember to check this thread. I try to keep my gates open when playing so stop by any time.
The origin is new to me. Personally, moid sounds great as a descriptor. I think that, ultimately, it is you that has to worry about going without sex. So, good luck.
Colton Clark
>I think that, ultimately, it is you that has to worry about going without sex. So, good luck. That's...what he was saying. You just proved his point.
Carter Ortiz
Something about these sorts of images just makes me mad. I hate the fact that girls play video games now. When I was growing up none of them played games, not even casual normie shit like AC. Now they're fucking everywhere. And they have to sexualize EVERYTHING. Everywhere women go, they sexualize everything and turn it into coomerbait. I hate the way women can't not think about getting their nasty yeast infected, monthly bloody holes
Parker Wright
>I think that, ultimately, it is you that has to worry about going without sex. So, good luck.
You didn't really address his point at all. You just proved what he was saying, namely that despite being disparaging towards towards men you couldn't go without sex for more than a few months. Are you dumb?
Daniel Wilson
What is sexual about ac or the image I posted? Sounds like it is actually you who has the habit of sexualising things, user.
Camden Anderson
So... moid goes sexless, and I am the loser? Male logic in action, my friends.
Landon Cox
I met an Australian cutie through reddit and we play together and video chat all night now. She said she even wants to come visit me in the states someday. Stay mad incels
Charles Harris
im 34 and most average females played games when i was a kid/teen. >first time i played a playstation was with my female teen neighbor. >re 1 >still get scared a licker is going to fall from my hallway ceiliing in the middle of the night.
Levi Nelson
Well done "bro"! You really got this "bro"s back! True brotherhood "bro", you totally "powned" that foid! Yeah! Virgin bros, unite!
Brandon Lewis
>still no dodo code i guess ill just hang out in my village then.
Joshua Cox
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, femoid. Go take your SSRIs.
Ethan Murphy
Are you Murkan? I feel like it was more common there. Over here literally 0 girls played games in my school growing up.
I think his point is that if men are so useless and devoid of logic, why do you need to have us stick our dicks inside of you on a regular basis?
David Hill
Holy mother of based. You'll be getting a phone call soon.
Luis Rogers
>Are you Murkan? yes, i do find it hard to believe that only boys played games where youre from. game companies tried really hard to market games to girls in the 90 and onward.
Caleb Garcia
lmao yeah, for decades they mocked us and ostracized us, now they've taken over our hobby, and what's the first thing they do? They turn it into an opportunity to whore, wear revealing clothes while streaming, shill their onlyfans, dress up in slutty cosplays of characters, use the hobby as a way to meet men for sex and so on.