How do I stop getting upset when I see things like this?

How do I stop getting upset when I see things like this?

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completely losing hope for our future, or killing them. Chose wisely.

Is it just me or are 90% of blonde girls ugly in the face when you look at them up close? People get blindsided by the blonde hair and yes its appealing but 8/10 times cute brunette girls have more beautiful faces imo.

It's normal to. Seeing interracial couples causes the area associated with disgust to activate in the brain.

Seems pretty silly to get upset. Whether she's with a Black guy, a White guy, an Asian woman, or some Indian tranny; either way, she's not with you. Nothing fundamentally changes for you as an individual.

Who some chick--that I will never meet--has sex with is pretty irrelevant.

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Stop seeing it as something that has value.

it helps if you go outside and stop being such an ultra giga faggot

I mean she isnt that pretty if you stare at her, maybe for like sports illustrated in 1987

Date Asian girls so you can be the cuck.

She has a pretty impression (blonde, slim, looks young) but up close she looks like a gremlin. This seems to be a theme with blonde roasts man idk.

>Nothing fundamentally changes for you as an individual.
it changes reality for your offspring tho
the more people are in interracial relationships the different the demographic makeup of the world your children will live in is
it will also affect voting patterns as race is a huge factor in how people vote, which directly changes the course your country will go in

ultimately immigration and miscegination are a subversion of democracy

OP, if that upsets you, then whatever you do don't go watch pic related.

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Relationships come instinctively. And we all have our own natural partner. And I already figured out who mine is.

So, I'm not too mad about it. Why would I date somebody that has no compatibility with me? And would eventually cheat on me, with someone just as degenerate as her?

You're basically saying "things will be different in the future"; that's inevitable. Interracial relationships being more popular now is a result of change itself. The public's attitude towards them changed and then laws against them were removed.

The the world that people's offspring will live in pretty much changes with every generation.

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>thinking wh*te women have any value anymore
Asians are natural

>How do I stop getting upset when I see things like this?
I think of this image and remind myself that nothing matters.

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people didnt have any choice in that change
we were never asked or given any option to reduce immigration, its just because the elite wanted more wage slaves

You're jealous of him. You are upset about the fact that someone, despite being ,in your eyes, inferior, but was able to make it

To get rid of jealousy, you must understand the world is not a meritocracy. The world doesn't owe you fairness and not try to find fulfilment through others (whether it being getting a gf, being seen as more handsome than anyone else etc) but find fulfilment through yourself and your own achievements

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ez bro, just get a gf

start making white babies

>Dating a near skelly bitch and leaving thicc women for the rest of us.
Thanks, King.

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Are you serious? Interracial couples don't even make up fucking 5% of relationships. Stop being an idiot.

What is there to be upset? Nothing warms the heart more than seeing a woman happy. Just look at that pic in the middle. A gorgeous Goddess relaxed with a smile on her face knowing her life is great, as it should be.

OP, honestly, just watched tons and tons of BLACKED and amateur interracial vids. It used to upset me, too, bro, but I did this and it *conditioned* me to accept that black dudes get all the best white girls now. I accept it now. And now it's the only porn I can coom to anymore.

The world has changed and we gotta change with it.

Yeah but the future nigger mutts she will give birth to will only make this shit world even shittier

But thats the only way white genes survive

Name one, ONE country filled with blacks and mutts that isn't a shithole? America is a shithole btw, your white gat3d community doesn't count

You have nothing in common with a nigger, except the shit trash stuff society sell us now

All countries are shitholes. The only nice places on earth are NYC, rural switzerland, and a few cities in japan

Coalburners are the ones getting fullfillment by destroying the world, they are the ones shitting on others

Realise that it isn't common and stop obsessing over black dick you faggot.

All places are shitholes now because all places are filled with niggers now, except for japan, rural swithzerland and your gated white skyscrapper in NY lol

Niggas are based honestly. They revolutionized music, comedy and sports. Are you a rich man btw or just a loser?

>Niggers are based honestly. They revolutionized music, comedy and sports.
So pure unnecessary shit, Jamaica is still a mega shithole and nobody gives a fuck about any of the three when their society is shit. All modern music is a white invention but jews put niggers in the front, all modern niggers the "revolutionaize" music have white ghostwritters making the beats of their songs I know it because I am one, they pay you more so you don't get credits on the song

Just realize even if she dated whites, she would never in a million years let you do so much as walk an inch near her

He doesn't get triggered because of that, he would feel well if she dated a white guy, the point is that the future is shit because the niggers she and all the coalburners will spawn will be nothing more than retarded wageslaves

>I am a gost writter
Adorable. You seem like you have a high blood pressure. Have you gotten laid lately?

>NEETs should reproduce
Wrong. White males are getting destroyed for good reason

The only important sport is football and the ones that revolutionized it are Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, non blacks

am i literally the only white guy on here that doesn't get more offended if the other guy is black? if they have a hot girl, it's just the same envy level, no matter what race the guy is

i'm not even "colorblind" or left wing, but that's how it is for me

What reason? Self hate the white girls have because they think they are black lol?

Define important and also tell me your mile speed :)

Because people without a job or free time are useless. Watching cartoons all the damn day makes no sense for a partner