Japan is based after all

Japan is based after all

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was anyone doubting the basedness of japan?

Japan has always been based

this isnt that surprising to me. japan wants their female population to be baby ovens and you dont put your baby ovens in harms way. men should be making that life threatening sacrifice as they usually do.

is any of the backlash even coming from within japan or is it seething american soibois who are stirring up the drama

He's right, but no mayor will ever be as based as the former mayor of my city

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I mean if he's receiving backlash they can't be all that based.

>men are more likely to die from corona
seems unbased to me

Japan is more of a wage-slave hellscape than even the USA

What do you think.

Men take more actually because they are useless and don't know how to buy

>if stupid people disagree with you then you aren't based!

american's actually work more and make 25 thousand dollars less on average than japanese per household

Didnt he do coke and fuck hookers?

and they don't deal with feminist bullshit thanks to it

Japan also isnt reliant on an influx of cheap labour

japan also has less debt per person and buys more things in cash than credit, probably because of their non-inflated dollar

>japs literally die from overwork
>but at least women dont paint their hair

no they do paint their hair, and they look like real life anime girls because of it and its super cute
but women know their place and aren't belligerent hambeasts over there

>Japan also isnt reliant on an influx of cheap labour
can tell you haven't been to japan
mostly pakis and bangos running the registers at Lawsons now

>women know their place and aren't belligerent hambeasts over there
and you know this how?

97.7% ethnically Japanese
Your anecdotes dont mean shit

>with you then you
We're not talking about a single individual, we're talking about the Japanese people as a whole, you retard.

and all the filipinos and thai that take on health care roles for the elderly. japan is really reliant on foreigners for the last 20 years really.

>muh statistics!
this is why you idiots fall for propaganda so much

Japan is extremely unbased, because the data suggest that men are less suited to go grocery shopping as they are at a higher risk of severe complications. It's like 70/30 in the most extreme age group.

>but women know their place
If you still think they're cute submissive waifus you're in for a big surprise.

Japan is stuck in the fucking 70s I swear lol

>any source I dislike is propaganda
Cope faggot

>dude governments don't lie bro
>there's no agenda bro
>there's no way they could manipulate data bro trust me


>facing public backlash
yes, doubting

The population of japan is 126.5 million. 2.7% of the population being ethnically non-japanese means there are 3.4 million non-japs in the country. Thats a lot of people.
Stats dont lie, but they need to be looked at in different ways.

they are better at pretending to be than western hamplanets
i'd rather deal with jap gf bullshit than some western/anglo slut

It's not the mayor whose based is in question, it's the Japanese general public. Stupid people will disagree with him, sure. But the question is are THOSE people based or not? Retard.

Men are the ones that don't like shopping. Men make a list, they go in, buy shit, they get out. 20 minutes tops. It's not men that spend an hour and a half choosing between a pink dress and another slightly lighter pink dress, which they weren't gonna buy anyway.

I love this normie meme

Japan is based, simple as

not gonna lie tho i take a year staring at chips and soda before i make a choice

i'm also a lardass so i suppose i'm the exception

meanwhile compared to europe and amexica 2.7% is incredibly low
japan are still considered an ethnostate, whereas no european country is anymore other than maybe poland and hungary.
and america is literally doomed, whites will become a minority in america its unstoppable now

maybe dont smoke that joint before going to buy junk food

t. Sato
Has cancelling the Olympic fucked you nips up so bad you resort to shilling your country on Yas Forums ahahah

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oh my gosh those poor white people :(

if it was happening to any other nationality it would be labled as genocide
its quite literally an invasion

nigga Karoshi is no secret and nobody based gives a fuck about the olympics
>implying US workers aren't just as miserable

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This is a pro white board if you hate white people so much go back to r*ddit.
Im sure youll find many who aggre with your braindead opinions.