This is Father Mike Schmitz, he is a middle aged man, he is what the average American male looked like 50 years ago.
Having a clear and pure mind is truly the most attractive quality, it's almost like you can see his spirit and his sincerity. The decadence who affect the mind have as much effect on the body. Follow the path of the Light, avoid temptation, refrain from sin, abstain from every form of evil and mindless COOMsumerist culture.
How can I avoid temptation with such a cutie daddy like him?
Wyatt Ross
Literally the opposite of the coomer. BASED
Wish I could be like this man, but I'm already too far gone.
Charles Powell
You think he doesn't at least jack off? I doubt he's even a virgin. They all fuck as much as they can before taking their vows. That's not counting the women they have sex with in secret and the many boys.
Lincoln Perez
You're never too far gone, trust me. There is always room for forgiveness with God.
Jose Young
Imagine how many prepubescent boys he has finger fucked.
He looks like he can't wait for the week to be over so he can rape some children, his eyes devoid of any humanity after far too many acts of pederasty
Caleb Hall
>1970 >the average man was chaste as a priest So what exactly were all those hippies doing?
Isaac Young
Athiest fantasies
Jason Cox
I love this guy, he's such a king. People nowadays will use anything to insult someone, amerimutt, Catholic kiddy fiddler, and so on but he's just a genuine pure of heart good guy. We could do with more like him
Xavier Ramirez
>Having a clear and pure mind is truly the most attractive quality fetishizing a priest and his commitment to God is gross and reveals that you arent really a catholic, just larping as one
Thomas Peterson
Imagine how many kids believed they were receiving the white blood of Christ through him
Kevin Morgan
Pretty much. Dude is unmarried and all of his programs are directed at young boys. He's also the Director of the Office of Youth Ministry.
Good God, you just know. All males are degenerate, but so many hide it with religion and pseudo-chastity
Cameron Hughes
Nah im gonna be a rapper criminal and drug addict LOL
Hunter Smith
What will you say when several boys inevitably come out against him, analknighter?
Chase Walker
I love christians so much, i wish i could be like them, they're always so nice to me in real life. atheists are always marvel watching insufferable pieces of shit it seems like
Landon Evans
yes! he is a nice man, has interesting youtube videos desu.
Tyler Hall
he looks like that because of genetics, his mind set had nothing to do with it you brainlet. most christans i have met are hypocritical assholes.
Ryder Sanchez
Lapsed Catholic here. I always found mass a bit boring and was too much of a free spirit for that stuff.
Christopher Phillips
>most christans i have met are hypocritical assholes. I doubt you've met any real christians. Yes, in surveys 80% of people will say they are religious because they are scared of dying. But in terms of the 20% who actually follow the doctrine (not having premarital sex for example) are truly the sweetest people around. I doubt you've ever met a priest like the guy in OP's video. This dude is literally a sworn virgin for life all in the name of helping others. Truly the top of the top.
This all comes from an athiest but I think it's pretty stupid to deny that the truly religious are bad people in anyway.
Lincoln Thomas
I always cried when it took place, when the Priest walked down the pews with the Holy Book held up for all to see I couldn't help it. Want to go back to Church honestly, and want gyms to reopen. Life was good
Levi Collins
yeah, I guess the community aspect was really good. it's kinda left a vacuum desu.
Liam King
really sound's like your just a Christian shilling your bullshit. i have met plenty of nice non religious folk, i'm agnostic and I don't lie or cheat or steal or drink I'm very nice to everyone i meet and i'm a virgin. And in all reality Buddhists are probably the nicest people. and op's priest is just a human man like you and me he isn't any better or worse he isn't some golden saint to be worshiped.
> Holy shit, what an easily distracted, retarded speaker. But at about 27:55, he finally let the cat out of the bag that he's a likely faggot pedophile.
This dude is proof that most normies are fucking homos and retards. Everyone licking this dude's ass are only doing it because he looks like a Chad. If an ugly priest said any of that shit, he'd have sixteen articles written about his obvious downie pedo nature immedaitely
Ian Gomez
Wow what a based white male, good on him for being a total beta disgusted by sex and for sitting around all day sperging over a book of Jewish fairy tales instead
Jaxon Morgan
It's worth noting that he used to be an actor. He played Robin in Batman forever.
Hudson Bailey
All your grammer and spelling mistakes make it obvious know you are an underaged poster, probably 14-16. Look, you are probably smarter than your peers and wondering how everyone around you can "believe" in something as ridiculous as a god. I was like that too when I'm 14. But as you get older you'll start to realize that people are drawn to degeneracy and, in the USA, and the few people left who are still super religious do end up much more likely to lead fulfilling lives these day (happy families etc.)
Nathan Murphy
>Real Christianity has never been tried
Connor Butler
I'm a Christian (though not Catholic) and people like you make me cringe
Logan Cooper
I'm a Christian, but I drink and do drugs and fap to degenerate shit all the time. No pedoshit though, they deserve the rope.
Jonathan Baker
*My bad, he made it to the final cut of auditions to play Robin in Batman forever.
Alexander Clark
"I'm a Christian, but don't follow any of the inconvienent parts about what it means to be Christian. Oh, but I am going to heaven!"