>tfw ghosted by Yas Forums bf three months ago
>create dozens of fake contact posts on the boards he frequents hoping he will add them
>they are tailored exactly to his taste in women
>he never takes the bait
i just want to talk to him, even if i have to pretend to be someone i'm not. also, if you ever added a femanon from here and she never accepted it was probably me, sorry for getting your hopes up.
Tfw ghosted by Yas Forums bf three months ago
You're not a femanon, you're an ugly sperg larping as one in hopes to get replies to your bait. You're just looking for that next dopamine hit which will only last half an hour. Now kill yourself and never come back
i fucking wish i was larping. how could someone even come up with a plan as retarded as mine if they weren't motivated by the loss of their oneitis
Do you wanna be my gf? I can't replace him, but you should try to move on
LDRs are not real. Go outside.
Most likely he left Yas Forums. You should do the same, a shit place for friends.
>go outside
Every country is on lockdown stupid normalnigger.
Do you seriously anyone in here is going to believe that a fembots, out of all fucking people, got ghosted by a robot?
Can you take the time to think how fucking ridiculous this sounds?
This is actually a really good idea. I am gonna catfish my robot bf when he dumps me too. Thanks anonette.
Only way this happens is if she was batting out of her league.
tell us about yourself femanon
maybe you'll suit someone else's taste in women
Tfw no crazy stalker catfish gf.
I'd unironically make you my gf femanon.
>ywn have a gf so upset you left her that she goes out of her way, actually puts in effort, to try and reconnect with you.
Thanks you bitch. I really needed these feels today.
post shoulders
sorry user, he's all i had and he's still the only one i want. i've been trying so hard to recover but nothing i do has lasting results.
probably. he was kind of a shut in when i met him but he got so much better over the course of our relationship. i almost hope he met someone irl, at least that would explain why he ghosted me so harshly.
he was a robot permaneet when i met him but got his shit together and turned chad. it made sense that he didn't want to be around me anymore, i'm a mentally unstable ugly ogre and he was always too good for me. he probably only got with me in the first place due to crappy self esteem and that issue solved itself
I tried, then. I just want a cutie femanon to love me. Also, I'm sure you're not that ugly, I've never met a girl who says stuff likr that who was
Holy shit I started talking to an user a little over 3 months ago. He talked about getting away from his crazy ex sometimes. What was his name op?
i have more obsessive gf tips for you, kindred spirit. if yours had an addiction to /soc/ egirls like mine did you can add random girls who you think he'd like and see if he shows up on the mutual friends tab before they accept your request.
despite the way this thread makes me sound i'm not actually that psychotic. i'm kind of scared to give more information about myself though on the very very small chance he sees this thread. i don't want my jig to be up
i hope you guys find an obsessive fembot gf someday!
give me the first letter of his screen name or first name and i will confirm or deny
First name starts with A, but I hope it isn't him.
not him then, glad it's a relief for both of us! enjoy your friend and treat him right
>turned chad
>im a mentally unstable ugly ogre
have you ever thought about dating men in your league?
Yikes. Um, misogynist much?
Lauren, I've seen this thread, stop, I've moved on, go get some psychiatric help and find a man who will always be there for you.
it's not like i could help it, we genuinely fell in love with each other. i didn't expect him to turn his life around so quickly. all i wanted was for him to help me become the best version of myself, too.
not lauren but this honestly sounds like something he would say and i'm sad now
I'll be your bf. I make $200K a year and can provide you all the support and love you could ever ask for
>we genuinely fell in love with each other.
if you genuienly fell in love with each other then why did he ghost you?
I've also been ghosted by a Yas Forums gf before so we already have one thing in common. Ghosted on the day we were supposed to meet in person ;_;
i think he expected me to grow at the same rate he did but i wasn't mentally there yet. i felt unsupported and our relationship turned pretty toxic and unstable on both of our ends.
i'm sorry, i just don't want anyone's love except for his. it wouldn't be fair and i don't want to take advantage. i'm really sorry to hear about your ex though, that's unimaginably cruel
>i think he expected me to grow at the same rate he did but i wasn't mentally there yet. i felt unsupported and our relationship turned pretty toxic and unstable on both of our ends.
keep deluding yourself but at the end of the day no chad is going to commit to a mentally unstable ugly ogre
i know. i don't blame him for not wanting to be with me, obviously. he always deserved better and i knew that from the moment i met him. however it would've been nice to stay friends. i've never connected on that level with another person before
It wouldnt have worked out as friends. You'd be trying to get back with him, putting pressure and distress on his new love life
Cutting off ties with you is what was best for you and him.
how old are you op? you sound like you're 18-21. If so, shut the fuck up and get over it. you have your whole life ahead of you to meet new people, etc.
how long ago did he ghost you? yesterday? today? a week ago?
thisand thisdont waste your prime years chasing after a guy who's clearly not interested in you
Weird, if he browses Yas Forums he definitely would have added them. Does he have different interests you dont know? Only reasonable assumption is that he's offline