2000-2004 was basically just a continuation of the Late 90s Golden Age when it came to kid centric culture like PS2...

2000-2004 was basically just a continuation of the Late 90s Golden Age when it came to kid centric culture like PS2, Samurai Jack, Invader Zim, Malcolm in the Middle, etc., and was the tail end of Gen Y or Millennial Kid Culture.

2005-2009 in contrast was a dark age in children's entertainment with Johnny Test, iCarly, casual gaming, and Fanboy and Chum Chum, and was around when kids started to stay inside more often and social media started to take over our lives, aka the inception of Gen Z or Zoomer Kid Culture.

Most current users here don't even remember 00-04.

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We'll never be back in those comfy times.
Culture and media trends have a habit of wrapping back around, but it's always a pale imitation through a modern lens.
If only we knew those dreamlike days would come to an end and never return.

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Wipe your nostalgia goggles. Kids who grew up in the 80s and 90s have fond memories of shows that were nothing more than glorified toy commercials. There is no "dark age". Every era seems awful when you're not the target audience.

They. Were objectively better tard face

1987er here
I enjoyed the late 2000s best. During the early and mid 2000s I was in school. In the late 2000s I was out of school and could just be a hermit NEET. What do you have to say about that?

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whats wrong with johnny test

lived on the countryside in europe so it actually ended up lasting till around 2008, cause TV channels were pretty out of date.
still have fond memories of sitting on the couch with two old friends, that I sadly lost touch with and watching the first pokemon movie or watching malcom in the middle with my dad.
we also only actually got internet in 2013.


ive experienced both and OP is right, pre 05 mid 90s was objectively better in terms of peak comfy western culture. why is it that zoomers steal the major themes of that era? there was no smartphones either, the internet wasnt ransacked by normies, no major political agendas trying to twist things, etc. it was simply better. id go as far to say that it all went to shit in 2010, even the late 2000's, if you ignored whats on TV, things were good, except the economic crash.

If you say so. I was too busy wagecucking back then.

Everything went to absolute shit when smart phones and social media became the norm. It's just been getting exponentially worse since like 2010.


i remember the late 90's and early 2000's well. My family was still close. everybody just went their separate ways over time. Family values used to be a big thing. Shame that it died the way it did.

People then did not know that much about each other and that was a good thing. With social media today the world is one big village in which you can find almost everything about everyone. I think this killed the romantic experience of meeting and getting to know someone. Also platforms like twitter gave the scene to literal retards to give their opinion on subjects they have no fucking idea about.

I thought this was gonna be the "Boomer zoomer cringe based" vocaroo

Did the recession affect your NEETdom?

I fell out of kids stuff from around the mid 2000s, well I was into Duel Masters when I was 15, that may be one of my last kids things I got really into, and even then I was more advanced than I'd be if I were 5 years younger because I actually learnt the rules and thought about decks.
So I'm not really qualified to speak about what entertainment children in the late 2000s were into.
I have to say that in general though the peak of culture was around the mid 2000s. The internet had become huge and the culture was still okay and internet speeds were probably good too. And being into Nintendo DS was great.

wasn't this posted on Yas Forums? fuck off.

2000 was peak technology, it had the best of both analog and digital
35mm projection film is still higher res than 16k

I agree completely

also gen z is 2000 and after

It's late 90s and up. People born in 98-99 are identical to those born in 2000.

I was born in the early 90's, and I've noticed that it seems like remembering 9/11 is kind of the cutoff for gen z.
If you weren't at least in elementary school in 2001, you're gen z
So probably 1995 or 1996 is the cutoff.

I was born in '95. I know what you mean. The only exception was probably Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.

But other than that, it was comfy. Yu-Gi-Oh, Nintendo Wii, Toonami. And the last good thing I remember was Haganai in 2013. And then Magic Senpai, and that's it.

We cling to it because it's hard to face the current challenges we have. Wanting comfort, and avoiding hostility is a normal thing.

The Wii was more 05-09, than 00-04. However, it was one of the few soulful things from 05-09.

That's awesome, m8. So, where are you now in life?

cranked out in large quantities with no effort and no budget, and aired constantly, because kids with no standards watched it and it was profitable
was eventually cancelled but is soon to return with no guaranteed increase in quality because of the success of similar cheap garbage like teen titans go and total dramarama

I stand corrected. It feels weird, since my childhood was probably between 1999-2010. And maybe a few good times in 2013-2017, but that's it.

I still hang onto the memories.

he was a gay boi, it's in the name testicle

gen y and millenials are not the same people and it annoys me to end when people act like they are

Yeah they are. Plz show proof they aren't the same.

boomers > gen x > gen y > millenials > gen z
boomers birthed gen x, boomers birthed y, the earliest millenials were born to gen x, gen z (zoomers) were birthed by gen x and gen y birthed the youngest of the zoomers
the only reason millenials have a stand out spot is because of y2k, theres a gap of children between the greatest gen and boomers that have no special name or official grouping because nothing important happened during that time as opposed to the greatest or boomers

Who else remembers waking up on a crisp summer morning and turning on your large as hell panasonic CRTV that you put pokemon stickers on (gen 1 only), tuning into Fox Kids/Fox Box, and watching some yugi-oh. (Or secretly magica do re mi but you don't tell your friends about that or they'd call you gay.)

Or maybe you'd take a nap around 8 while sunshine warmed your face late in the day and you ended up waking up around 1 am to the opening of Inuyasha. Seeing your first pair of anime boobs in a barbie-doll nude scene made your heart race and it felt good.

Later you put in Alien on your Sega Saturn and got spooked out until the sunrise came up.

I miss those days.