Give me one reason why we shouldn't just kill all men?

Give me one reason why we shouldn't just kill all men?

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Who else would you take money and get attention from?

Who will give your orders then?

because women are just as evil and they are part of the problem, I hate you fucking people.

Two more reasons to kill all men, thank you gentleman.

I mean you can't and wouldn't because you're a weak ass bitch.

because you are a dude pretending to be a girl, doing so is suicide

Who will do work if men are gone?

why do you want to kill me?
you haven't even tried to get to know me.
I don't hate you blindly...

who will sniff your braps if all men are dead

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Because there are women right now living among you who can't budget 50k a month from alimony. As much as you hate to realize, without men you'd realize how garbage most of your gender is at creating a sustainable society.

I know is not much but maybe we can take a new position as your servants? you can set the conditions you want of course, even cutting our dicks if you feel it's the problem.

give me one reason why not to send you back to tumblr

If you killed all men, all women would perish. The human race would become extinct which is subjective as to if it is a good or bad thing but nonetheless extinct. That is long term ramifications, short term whether you admit to it or not females crave male attention as males crave female attention subconsciously and sometimes consciously. Females would go utterly insane and probably start murdering each other. Sorry a man hurt you to hate us all, no one deserves that but your shitpost sucks.

Also dont talk to me about crispr and artificial wombs any of that bullshit it goes against nature and I do not doubt it will work but nature will attack back in ways even the most intelligent human couldnt fathom.

"Weak ass bitch" lol wtf your typing pattern makes you sound 30.
We can keep some men around for work but society has been patriarchal for too long we should oppress men now.
Men are mean that's why.
Who do you think put those institutions in place? Men. Men complain about the state of society but don't realize the reason you're suffering is because of men.

>Men are mean that's why.
How would you feel if I said women are stupid?
Doesn't make either any less of a stereotype, but if we look at this objectively you're the one being mean here...

True but I think the world would benefit a lot if men just didn't have as much power. Imagine a world with little to no rape, murder, domestic abuse cases.
Also no I don't want artificial wombs we can keep some good men around to be bfs. I have a bf but I still hate men. Simple as.

yeah you really are a dude, stay mad tranny

You literally do say that though lmfao. Look at this entire board. Men can't receive what they dish out, that's the thing. I'm convinced if a man experienced half of the sexism women experienced In a lifetime they'd off themselves.

Please attention-whore somewhere else

Because I love you and I want to grow old with you.

we do off ourselves more
and that's because we experience it no less than you do.
we've just come to realize that it's an essential part of being.

Here's one reason: you're biologically incapable of mass murder.

I can't think of a single female mass killer other than Eileen Wuornos, and even she was only capable of killing one person at a time, with each victim being days or weeks apart. Estrogen makes you far too squirrelly and unsure of yourself to even be able to drive a car aggressively, much less commit violence towards any man who isn't a simp.

How the fuck can you be expected to pull off a genocide when you can't even lift 50 lbs?

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Because on average men are stronger quicker and have better reflexes than women. All you would gain by waging war on man is your enslavement. Not even sexist thats just facts

I don't know about that, men already kill themselves a lot more often.
You don't see the pressure society puts on men.
I don't think it's easy to deal with sexism, but I think it's ridiculous to think that men don't struggle at all.

Idk I'd just get like a simp or something to do it for me. Like an army of simps. And then in return I'd spare them.

because it would rejoyce seething femcels like you, stay mad roastie

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True but not against other men you see...Also that's not a reason.
Men are still very privileged. Men don't see or understand the fear women go through daily. Men don't ever have to fear for their lives walking home alone at night, femicide is something that goes on daily in countries like Mexico and nothing's done about it.

Imagine thinking women can be incels. No matter what I'll always have options and I can get male attention. I rejoice whenever I see angry incels complaining about how they're going to be forever alone.

>Men are still very privileged
We struggle hard, privilege doesn't do shit for you when the world knocks you down constantly.
And this privilege thing makes everyone's expectations of us so much higher than yours.
When you fail you get a pass
When we fail? We get nothing, we're insulted, ridiculed, and tossed into the garbage.

Sure women do fear for their lives more often, I understand that and think it's horrible.
But men have no safety net in life. There is no fallback plan, there is no woman to marry who will take care of us.

Let's see your average simp square up to yoir average Chad, lmao
I'm only 5'10"/165 lbs, and I could knock seven shades of shit out of an average zoomer simp - so I don't even want to imagine how badly your simp army would get beat by men bigger than I am.
And in return, instead of "sparing us", you would spread your legs wide open for the minority high testosterone men who would be left over - in fact, because of the newly lowered ratio of men to women, you'd have to go out of your way to earn the trust of a real man, instead of stumbling through life with the assistance and attention of beta males.

They asked why we shouldn't not why we couldn't. And all you did was give just another reason for why we should (men being morally inferior and more likely to commit violent crimes)
OP is just a larping moid though.