Oh,it's friday again.
*wonders if the topshaggers have turned into topwankers yet?*
Other urls found in this thread:
Timothy James Byrneis is a VERY VERY NICE MAN, The lovely lovely male boy, and the very special mong-boy mong-child spastic-spastic special-needs-child care-in-the-community-mong-man.
l want you to catch the virus and die
Care in the community
Hey! me too!
Why do the nonces of /britfeel/ have such shit-tier names?
I got paid for doing nothing so life is good in britland
Requesting the lore on this Tim person. I see him posted a lot.
lol ok Pete
post comfy places
Now this..... THIS.. is a super high quality post.
Does this man have Gout or some shit?
His feet look like cinder blocks.
>Ebin de lad
You're right
The best moment in britfeel history was when ebin was in his room posting on britfeel and Tilde was locked in his car at the bottom of the street
th-they'll lay you out lad! they're both very tough!!
fuck off pete
Why was he holding up the chicken kiev wrapping there?
>post comfy places
Greta's little minge.
Andrew is the only one with a normal name, but as a certain prince taught us this does not mean he isnt a nonce
Link me, lad. I wasn't there for it but would like to enjoy it.
>he's done it again
Andrew is a good lad and not a nonce.
Nah, it wasn't. The best moment was when Yasin TOO LATE'd the noncenest and posted their pictures to the thread at the meet, and then they sperged out. (Moni, Edgbaston, Cola, Mayuri, Shippy)
noncey pete at it again
>inb4 sh-she's ackshually 17
didn't help prince andrew, it wont help you
does britfeel believe in conspiracy theories?
My name is James,
that's what mother called me.
My name is James,
so it's always been.
Sometimes I'll forget
when I'm lonely or afraid,
so I'll go inside my head
and look for James.
Prince Andrew wasn't convicted of anything.
pete the pedo
Yes, my personal favourite is "Superhero movies are used by the government to acclimate people to the idea of superhumans which are just around the corner".
he did nuffin rong
Yasin rules this general with brown but iron fists.
finna order an XL papa johns pizza wizza tonight 50 percent off
SCEA instructed him to do so. TJB is an honorary britfeel poster.
Based Yasin. Will never forget him buy me and the boys beer because we couldnt get served in the pub
except be a big, dirty, stinking nonce!
> The best moment in britfeel history was when ebin was in his room posting on britfeel and Tilde was locked in his car at the bottom of the street
May I see it?
TO be fair Yazin's rather special.
Yeah that were brilliant, Shippy had been pretedning he was some kind of hardman, then we all saw his fat stupid face on camera and that bubble was well and truly burst
He's a groomer of 15 yr old trannies
I believe the conspiracy theory that the us government created the conspiracy theory that aliens exist to cover the fact they exist.
I mean only a muppet would believe in aliens.
lt's ok he parked near a street light
I hope everyone is ready for a great 2 hours of radio, Poley has gone to every effort to avoid dead air and has a great line up for you all.
8pm see you there
how much daz do i need to snort to prevent corona?
Are you the new co-host?
what's so unbelievable about aliens lad?
>Will never forget him buy me and the boys beer because we couldnt get served in the pub
Yasin confirmed for grooming underage boys on discord
sorry mate, not a fan of /nonce/ radio, you have fun at spastic daycare though
I'd genuinely be his friend, look at him. The pakio mustachioed paparazzo! Amer could have been based like this if he wasn't such a perverted freak
Right then what's our poison of choice for tonight then lads?
Me personally I'm on the jack ratt cider and it ain't half bad if you ask me, goes down like an innocent juice at breakfast, with the kick of an angry raged filled spitting mule.
Could get used to the stuff on the regular tbqh, the best still cider I've ever ad I reckon.
link me nigger
I would say that Shoutanon is the reliable pencil factory worker to Ebin's quirky stage magician. Sure, the latter is inarguably more entertaining, but he burns out quickly. The former, however, is straightforward and reliable and will ultimately get further in life.
This is a metaphor for their radio presence, by the way.
Nothing. But the government has made it so only muppets and inbred are believers so 'normal people's dont believe in ones because why would you believe the same as cletus?
Another Yasin highlight was when he surprised Poley at one of the meets, think it may have been Leeds. Poley had a breakdown in the trainstation and started screaming PAKI PAKI over and over
She really is a zoomer numpty.
She's not saying anything that hasn't been said for decades if not centuries about the corruption of gubbermints.
god i fucking love biscuits i do
Serious question to all the nonce accusers right now, I know we have bants etc.
Let's assume a pretty 13/15 year old lass bent over in front of you, spread her minge and 'presented' herself, are you telling me you wouldn't stick your cock up her?
Impossible. Hypocrites the lot of you.
Nah if you were around at the time you'd know no grooming went on and that HC wasn't 15.
So what yers drinking tonight?
Going into my third year and final year at uni, and I'm still a kissless virgin. All the adult couples I know (parents, older cousins, etc.) met each other at university, so I've got about a year to get a gf before rates drop off.
There is one issue though:
I don't know if I even want a partner (or even a gf).
> expected to be around her pretty much all the time, no alone time
> potential wildcard with money, resources etc. Return one day to find she just blew 200 pounds on "decorative pillows".
> Constant shit-testing e.g. "do I look fat/ugly" that make relationships a mental battle.
> Less likely to be able to hang with friends, and the times I do I'd probably have to bring her along too.
> Might be controlled to some degree, e.g. "stop prepping RPGs, that's a waste of time".
I think what I want is to have the option to have a gf, so I can feel desirable. I can't think of many upsides to having one other than that. I also have a low sex drive, so "pussy" isn't even a boon.. I'm just telling myself my reasons above to cope with the fact that I'm not desirable.
Corrr BBC One is showing the first episode of My Family in a bit,
Any lids remember that show? Used to love it, got shit when Kris Marshall left though innit,
the only decent radio show, in terms of views AND content. other noncier radio shows dont even compare
*eats the last choccy lesbian in the /britfeel/ biscuit tin*
I'd say so, poley might disagree though.
If anything kicked off Shipanon would have stepped in.
> The best moment was when Yasin TOO LATE'd the noncenest and posted their pictures to the thread at the meet, and then they sperged out. (Moni, Edgbaston, Cola, Mayuri, Shippy)
May I see it?
I'll try to dig it out of the archives, it was November 2017
You don't have to stay with a woman for life. Get a couple of kids out of her and go your own way.
yeah, used to watch that religiously as a kid when it was first airing. The daughter in it was pretty hot if I recall
Hi I was around at that time and I remember HC making a post about nudes of him were "legal now" implying he had just turned 16. Andrew was talking to him before that, so was DM. Use the archives.
Thanks, lad. Appreciated.
I also don't want kids, which further narrows down the women that would date me. I can't think of a reason I might want kids.
I was around at the time lad, I know many nonces are trying to rewrite history
>Shippy was just trolling!
>Poleaboo didnt know what he meant when he called those kids cunnies! The references to pedophilia from his boss were just jokes!
>Th-there was a social worker present!
Frankly its sad. How about just dont be a nonce? Also, why is a middle aged (and balding) bloke meeting up with young homeless vulnerable teenagers?
Of course not. It's probably a set up.
But look at someone like Thor Bjornsson, whose partner looks like a child compared to him. Why is nobody calling him out for obvious paedophilia?