why do ethnic women hate white men on the internet but plenty of them still date white guys in real life? shits confusing
Why do ethnic women hate white men on the internet but plenty of them still date white guys in real life...
It's cool to shit on whites I think. Social status thing I guess
nigga fuck ethnic women and white men. white women and ethnic men are the future
But it's also intoxicating for them to shove their noses on my White balls and huff my scent like cocaine.
idk but it makes me want them even more
Because they want their cake and eat it to, bitch about whitey on twitter for POC brownie virtue signal points, in real life take miles of white dick.
imaging her calling you a cracker while you fuck her
Rule number one of women
They never say what they mean.
They literally have the communication skills of small children.
They will act outwardly the opposite to the way they feel inwardly regularly because of it.
this is a ethnic girl thread now
Its virtue signaling. They want people to think they are down with the struggle.
because our women hate you while we fuck yous whitey
Libs use 'white people' for a particular type of white people (conservatives, white men in classical patriarcal roles, etc).
Chad isnt in that group.
Baffles me. I dated a woke black girl who btfo of me publicly but in bed was an absolute whore for whitey. And it wasn't just her, she involved her similarly woke black friend.
I distinctly remember a threesome with them, and later them leaving to a basically anti-white rally on campus, both full of my cum.
cope cracker nobody wants you
sure white boy your fantasies are funny
White people deserve it? Lmao what else, retard.
Why do you care, unless it really bothers you?
facts. pic related is what the 5/10 brown guy gets. while 10/10 white dudes get ugly ass brown bitches
Bathe more, Ricardo.
>Tfw these bitches cook me food and user still lives with his mom in Mexico or Argentina
Strange, plenty of your women seem to not just want or need, but crave us
because, and this may be shocking for you, we arent some fucking hivemind that thinks completely the same
i am surprised that there are no asian girls in this thread
slant chicks love the BBC too, shrimp dick
i got you my brother
here this one is for you user :)
Same reason why I despise men yet love my bf dearly.
Majority of men are disgusting creatures that deserve to be put down but there are a few that are cuties that deserve nothing but love :)
Bros, why are minority women willing to murder their families & commit genocide for a good piece of white dick??? What is it about The BWC....
i think they are cute user
Very basado and truthpillado dear femanon
I love shit like this. It reinforces my racism when I start to feel doubt.