>50,000 coronavirus deaths in the US
Why is no one talking about this
>50,000 coronavirus deaths in the US
Why is no one talking about this
Because it doesn't really matter. We can count the bodies when the virus is over, but checking regularly about the newest number is a bit of a waste of time.
Yes, you guys are a bit fucked up at the moment but since you can't declare war on the virus or shoot it people are just waiting it out i guess.
No one outside the United States gives a fuck about the United States. People inside the United States are to stupid to admit this virus has got the best of them
Because the tweakers would rather complain about muh government, and ignore solutions.
raffs in Tagalog
This. We had problems before the pandemic. And the virus just exploited that.
>Why is no one talking about this
Because your corporate masters need you to go to work for their shekels
this. BROWSE pol Corona virus general weekly avoid all news. This is bliss for us
Because how do we know all these people died FROM Corona? Most people who die with it seem to have other conditions or illnesses on top.
usa is cancer and I'm glad they're dying
Who cares about 3rd world country with TV show anchor as president?
Because that's literally 0.0001% of the US population.
more concerning is only 70k have recovered out of the nearly 1 million that have it. So you catch it and only a very small fraction recover. We've been told two weeks or three weeks but this shit is going on for months.
this desu it's not killing enough murrikans
111H4T 15 T113R3 2 54Y T114T 114511'T 41R34DY 83311 541D?
kys you fucking asshole
Now you are the goodest goyim :')
.. now get back to work
Because the average age of death is literally 81 year olds. I wish both my parents lived to 81. Every super old fuck that was going to die in the next year is just happening to die from Cornovirus instead. Fuck the media and society for pretending some 85 year old in a nursing home or a 45 year old 400 lber dying is a tragedy equivalent to healthy 30 years dropping dead. It's all a fucking joke. I had cornovirus and as a 24 year old it was unironically just like the flu for three days. Unironically not even close to worth closing anything over.
50k isnt alot of deaths its a literal naffinburger
Everyone is too busy play videogame, watch Netflix, and jerk porn.
But it will all change. Soon.
Don't go to chuck e cheese Tomorrow.
people around the world love american politics.
Sick Patrick pic, love a good Naruto reference
God it is that isnt sweep it under the rug so idiots can go back to make donuts.
>when the virus is over
Do retards really think like this? What do you expect to happen really?
Happy to provide, with originality of course.
Nah, man, we only love the movies and big amerikan titis.
Because it's not nearly enough
Americans are literally protesting lockdown due to a serious epidemic
Why are Americans unironically retarded?
If people follow rules the virus will eventually kill off all those who its currently infected/those who are currently infected become immune, and the virus is gone. That's the general idea.
Bitch, Americunts are WOKE as FUCK. Virus is fake, you can only know that If you're not "vaccinated". "Vaccination" is RAPING your body with alien chemicals that grow up into small snakes and lizerds that crawl in your veines and artires to make you weak and blind to the TRUTH.
>Why are Americans unironically retarded?
People want to work.
It is stupid to demand all business and labor to open this soon, but many people can't afford to live off Trumpbux alone.
They also grow your foreskin back
Sad thing is, it's never gonna happen. Maybe I should chat up a healthy girl and invite her to live with me so we could fuck and shit. It's probably fun, kinda want to try b4 deth.
because the powers that be want everyone to chill and go back to work.
blood for the money gods.
Nobody cares.
The United States is an evil, satanic country.
Everyone that died is old or crazy.