When did r9k become a normie board
When did r9k become a normie board
the moment it allowed "fembots" and such to be a thing.
Everyone was mean to each other so I decided I was going to make everyone nicer :p
The change was subtle at first, starting in 2013. After that there were annual waves from 2014 to 2016. This board has been a normie board since 2017.
smiling friends is pretty good, but I think the hellbenders pilot was better
The frog posters.some celeb posted meme frog on Instagram and normies enjoyed meme frog.
To counter this r9k made more meme frogs but bizarrely this only attracted more normies.
Hence the phrase dumb frog poster
I reply to normalfag posts, bump normalfag threads and encourage normalfags to come here. Fuck incels.
I only come here to horny post with the other fags here nowadays, since the board kinda sucks and is full of frothing at the mouth retards who spout weird gay-ass twitch/twitter memes that shut down any form of conversation.
Everyone in this thread is a faggot. Fuck you all for ruining this board.
You ruined it first, I'm just pissing on the ashes
C0111P4R3D 2 110111, PR08481Y 4R0U11D 4 Y34R 0R T1110 4G0. 1T 5331113D 1IK3 4 1114J0R1TY 0F P30P13 T11311 1113R3 4TTR18UT3D T0 T113 R080T CU1TUR3 T11311.
>posting redditjak
>wow Yas Forums makes these cool chad and wojack memes what all these otther boards have rules and shit ughhhh, what's this.... r9k? no way this is like a slow cool Yas Forums i can post all my epicly dank memes... oh wait what's this people are posting like toxic stuff like women have it easy and only go for high tier males, lol what the fuck this is problematic i'm going to troll this board!
4R011D T114T TI1113, 511I115 411D 4G311D4 PU5113R5 1113R3 5TI11 I11T3GR4TI11G 411D 1110R3 110T1C4813 T11411 T113Y 4R3 110111.
This unironically. A bunch of below 18 year old twats who think they have life figured out and think every part of the world is meant for them and their diatribe.
Oh no. You might assume I'm reddit, but it's actually YOU who's reddit.
Define normie, motherfucker
>posting redditrat
We're hoping by 2021 all the incels would be expelled, it's still an incel cesspool full of uninteresting threads though
Now, you might assume I'M reddit. But no, it's actually YOU who's reddit.
>Now, you might assume I'M reddit. But no, it's actually YOU who's reddit.
yeah yeah.
>Hello, fellow brethren.
>A nice Friday we're having, don't we?
>I'll make sure to protect my wife and home this weekend.
>What are your plans today?
No No No No. Its not ME whos' reddit. Its YOU whos' reddit.
>Be me, Gremblo, in my home. my beautiful wife Margie is sitting adjacent to me, drinking a lovely Pinot Noir. "perhaps you've had too much to drink my precious wife". she looks at me and fills her glass to the brim. "you shouldn't drink so much honey, you know I don't like it when your senses are dulled before intimacy". suddenly I hear something, a noise coming from outside. I reach for my Mossberg 500 pump shotgun at the foot of my recliner. as I ascend I unbuckle my belt. "when I get back we can do that thing you like Margie". My wonderful wife is scrunched upon the couch crying tears of joy in the fetal position. I focus my mind and inhale through my enlarged nostrils. I have the scent. I walk to the front door and open it. it's the UPS man. "package for you si-". he sees my shotgun and belt, hand in hand. I look at the box, it has a label. looks like a smartphone ordered for Margie. what is this deception, my scrumptious wife needs only I for company, this is all a ruse to trespass upon my property. My eyes lock onto the intruder as my nostrils begin to flair. "won't you come in for dinner, my wife is preparing a gremblicious stew for me and our handsome newborn sons. he's hesitating, but he is merely a man, susceptible to the allure of my coveted shelter. I ask once more, and step aside welcoming him into my humble abode.
>We enter the living room. my wife looks to the UPS man and they exchange glances. "I implore you to rest your weary feet and sit upon my carpet". I snap my belt, it creates a vacuum and then a burst of crackling air. my wonderful sons all emerge from the cellar, ready to begin the ritual. My guest is now screaming while my dear Margie is buried deep within the cushions of her padded chair. "intruders will not be tolerated" I say, as my voice booms throughout the room. I begin to take a whiff, inhaling through my magnificent nostrils. all of the oxygen in the room is sucked into my glorious shnaz. with a huff and a puff, I shoot a jet of compressed air at the intruder, while my silly sons hold him down. his skin is shredded from his body due to the sheer power, and his bones snap and crack under the pressure. his lifeless body lays there upon my patterned carpet, while my sons gather his remains to prepare the stew. I have once more saved my family from harm. "it is ok now my dear Margie, you are safe once more", I say, as I snap her smartphone in two. "now, join me in the bedroom, I must attend to you".
I am Gremblo, and I will protect my family at all costs
I read these all in the respective voices and it made me chuckle
It's always been a normie board. Really robots use Reddit.
well currently everyone is home because of quarantine and school is out. so all these faggots from reddit have invaded our board with their niggerfaggotry. it's getting really annoying too.
>oh we hate Yas Forums but we'll come shit up your boards anyways
It's not just Yas Forums, it's Yas Forums.
It started with the widespread of chan memes like Pepe and Wojak and the 2016 election was the last nail in the coffin. You could see in the youtube comment section when people started using words like "kek", "based" and "Chad".
If anyone would have told me about an upcoming movie with the name "tfw no gf" in 2012, I'd just have laughed. It feels so surreal and sad seeing this coming true. I guess this is like how punks felt when the first Hot Topic shop opened in 1989.
Yas Forums became an unreadable pulp of shit and Yas Forums is now full of failed normalshits who came from re*dit and kids who read about this website in the YouTube comment section after watching Doomer compilations.
the fact no one calls them summerfags anymore shows just how much cancer there is
quarantine is just early summer
re-delete r9k
6-7 years ago
where have you been?