>finally find nice, cute, loyal, shy bf
>he wants to have sex only 1 month after dating
why is this world so cruel?
Finally find nice, cute, loyal, shy bf
Most guys try to fuck you instantly. Consider yourself lucky.
1 month is a long time to go without you spreading your legs, woman. Now OPEN WIDE
It's his right to fuck you and leave you a month after
>Find a supposedly Christian "trad" bf
>Gets angry at me, ignores me whenever I refuse to send him nudes/sex
Why are men like this? I'd unironically just date girls if it wasn't a sin, they're so cute and sweet :(
Good luck finding a guy who wants to wait until marriage anymore.
Would you talk about demons as a Christian? Also very pure of you to refuse to send him nudes.
Really, your fault for not being a virgin.
think that is pretty normal?
but It is understandable that you want to feel secure in the relationship before you fuck.
If you were a virgin I would wait till you were ready.
Having said that however it feels kina hypocritical for non virgin girls to want you to put a ring on it first and confess your undying love before they even let you touch their ass, when they let other men done that and more lol
Then find a manwhore to suit your slutty ways
Wdym? Like just talk about them uhh sure.
And thanks.
I'm not religious so I don't know if Christians delve into gnosticism and demonology. I just think it's interesting to see how they link to what the Bible is supposed to be, with the various interpretations. At first I've always rejected the notion of dating anyone religious but I've been thinking life can't be that predictable so I was wondering if perhaps I can talk to religious people about things like those.
Dump him and go find an actual good guy who doesn't want to fuck beforr marriage.
Good luck
Would you like to talk about theology with me? I'm also a christian
>i'd date girls if it wasn't a sin
Girl, I hope you find light in your life and realise that happiness of self>religious restrictions
Some Christians do but personally I'm Catholic and believe Gnosticism is a heresy. I follow the Church's teachings on exorcism but it varies from denomination to denomination. I think all Christians believe in the existence of demons though.
If you're a girl yesss I like talking about theology but I'm not that knowlegable
Lol sis I'm happy, I'm not really sexually attracted to women, but in comparison to how men act in relationships they seem nice to date. They just seem so sweet and respectful and soft uwu
Any guy fails to "get it while the getting is good" is also setting himself up to feel bitter and disappointed later in life. In this day and age, what kind of retard would assume he's going to find a woman interested in marriage? Meanwhile they're all out there fucking everyone they possibly can and berating us for seeing a problem.
What kind of brainless dipshit would still "wait until marriage?" All the women are already married to the intelligentsia. They don't need us for shit now, and they're just going to fuck whatever feels best.
Okie, add me if you have discord! :)
>Good luck finding a guy who wants to wait until marriage anymore.
But I'm right here.
You will find a based, wait-pilled man. Just keep looking.
Relationships with dry bedrooms are doomed to end fucking dull
That's not true at all. Literally me entire friend group is waiting for marriage. Stop blaming your own personal inability to remain chaste on women. Be honest, even if you had a pure virgin gf you'd still struggle with waiting until marriage. Inceldom is the only reason any of you men are not ruined yet.
Every guy who has ever passed up sex because he's "saving himself" is the victim of a fucking con. A bait and switch.
You are a conman stealing happiness from our youth for personal validation.
Even Gnostic Christianity? I'm just curious about the Church picking what scriptures to be included in the Bible thing. Hypothetically speaking, would you date a non-Christian guy though? What would you worry about your life with a guy such as this should you date him?
>finally find nice, cute, loyal, shy bf
after ignoring him for 5 years and getting dicked by the chads who dump you the same night they fucked you
>he wants to have sex only 1 month after dating
he genuinly cares for you and wants your cumbrain to settle back down
you actually might have an out for the predicament you've put yourself into, all the stacyes be jelly
>supposedly Christian "trad" bf
Do you have any experience dating liberal guys? What are they like?
Why are men like what? Most women in their 20s have had 10+ partners and that might even be low-balling it
I wonder if we'll be literally beating men to death in the streets for peniscrime before women realize feminism has become untenable bullshit.
Because we just assume that you've already had 5+ partners like every other woman.
>They just seem so sweet and respectful and soft uwu
Confirmed larp
> I'm just curious about the Church picking what scriptures to be included in the Bible thing.
There was a council in I believe the 4th century where church leaders gathered, debated, and prayed over which books were divinely inspired or not. There were various letters, writings etc circulating around the time and basically the Church cleared up all confusion. The main difference is the Orthodox and Catholic Churches believe the Apocrypha is divinely inspired while Protestants don't, following the removal of these books by Martin Luther.
And those women are wrong and disgusting and shouldn't be doing that. Normie men are just as promiscuous. You just can't fathom that other men have a lot of sex because you browse this board too much.
He knows I'm a virgin though.
Lol how? Hate to break it to you but most girls have bisexual tendencies. I wouldn't call myself bi tho
>i wouldn't call myself bi tho
>girls are sweet, respectful and soft uwu
Either you're trolling or have no idea how deep in denial you are
Just find a less degenerate guy user.