Heloo I got a very nice new cutu today, do you want to see it?

Heloo I got a very nice new cutu today, do you want to see it?

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Wash your ass Bigu.

fuck off you insufferale faggot

Nah. Get a bandage man. Cut too deep and you'll get an infection down the road.

You pedo psycho are trash

No u.
It's not my skinu.
No u.

So does anyone want to see it. It's probably the best cutu I have gotten yet.

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Yeah, I wanna see it. Post.

Oke. It looks really good desu.

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Not bad at all. I like the G.

Then tell that person to get a fucking bandage on their cut before they get an infection.

I dont they went too far on the bar for the G

The B is nice to look at... I dont know why

That one is better than the last I saw, the letters are way clearer and the picture isn't upside down this time. The G looks a little weird though

I like the whole cutu.
He probably did.

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Nah. The kind of people that send you these pictures crave attention so much they'll even go to a schizo weeb like you. They'll have it as a reminder that they got the attention and forget about it. Next thing you know their shit is fucked bc of a bad infection. It's a lose-win situation for them it's insane.

People clean after cutu. Even people who never did it before cleaned it.

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These people are r9k users. I don't think they're capable of self-care.

Cringe chaotic wannabe still posting

Ya I know and they do clean.
Cringe. I wonder how many times chaotic got called wannabe of someone desu.

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Chaotic was unique here and all discordfags started copying him

How can I copy him if I don't even know who he is? Literally only person I have heard of was reiko but I only heard the name idk what he did. Cringe.

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So you're copying the copy of the copy of a better poster. Cringe. Do something interesting that we haven't seen yet, you're boring.

Hey it looks like something i would have done! Wtf? You said i was bad quality!

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Cringe your "cutsu" were trash.

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>your "cutsu" were trash.
Ok that hurt.

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Cringe wannabe
Cringe simp

When was the last time you showeredu?

Almost 4 weeksu ago desu.

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Someone explain to me why people cut themselves for this dude?
Who is Bigu?

Don't you smell like shit by now?

he is a psycho pedophile who manipulates and blackmails kids

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Retard outright told me that he's a pedophile. Got banned from a server shortly after because of this. If you don't believe the evidence, talk to him yourself. He's a spastic retard who is incapable of not exposing himself.

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I don't smell that bad. I'm really lucky like some people start to smell bad after a day.
That's a mean thing to say.

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Holy shit he is sick soon cops will get him