Heloo anyone wants to chatu? It's friday so last wagie day. It doesn't affect me though bc I'm a neet anyway. What will you do today on this friday? I'll do the same thing I did since release from psych ward. Just lying in my bed and post on chan and discord. Also I haven't showered for almost 4 weeksu already eeeeh.
Heloo anyone wants to chatu? It's friday so last wagie day. It doesn't affect me though bc I'm a neet anyway...
Take a shower already bigu
friday's actually the first work day for me, then saturday and sunday. on sunday the pay is double so i get 4 days wage just by working 3 days a week.
Just another day working from home where I dont actually do that much work and feel guilty all day.
Will probably keep an eye on my stocks, although I think any significant movement will happen Monday instead of today.
After work I'll probably find some vidya to play. Mount and Blade Bannerlord if any of my friends are online, otherwise I might just lay down and play Fate: GO while playing some TV show on my TV in the background.
Oh yeah, and I'm deciding whether to order pizza today. Maybe will wait until tommorrow.
Well, I'm gonna get myself a cup of coffee, play some Halo 2, then maybe get wasted tonight.
4 weeks without a shower? Doesn't that feel gross?
I will in 2 weeks.
Ohh that actually sounds nice. What do you work as? Getting double pay on sunday is very good.
So, you feel guilty bc you don't do that much work? Eeeh seems like a learned reaction desu. Why don't you play vidya without tv shows in background? I think it would be comfier them. Also with pizza your day will be really comfy.
Halo 2 and alcohol sounds really nice. Ya 4 weeksu eeeh.
I'll probably spend most of the day playing mordhau or ck2.
Still waiting to get a call from my doctor about when I might get therapy, been waiting for 8 months now but because I don't cut they really aren't bothered.
I might read a book later if I am not too tired
>Also I haven't showered for almost 4 weeksu already eeeeh
That's a little gross desu, you should probably shower at some point
Hello op. I'm just going to play games, watch youtube vids and browse Yas Forums.
Do you mind if I ask why you were in the psych ward?, I have been free for a few months now^^. Also why are you not washing?
Fate: GO is a trash mobile game that doesnt really command your full attention, I'd feel like I was wasting time if I played it without having something in the background.
What are you eating today?
It's bigu, he was in the psych ward because he's a pathetic excuse for a person who manipulates vulnerable children into cutting themselves so he can jack off to it like the disgusting pedophile he is
That can be comfy. Why does it take so long to get therapy? Just get warded to get therapy fast desu. Reading books is comfy but I can't get myself to do it so have fun.
>you should probably shower at some point
I will in 2 weeksu desu.
Your day sounds nice. Eeeh I was warded bc of depression.
>Also why are you not washing?
It costs too much energy.
Why are you playing a trash mobile game instead of a nice game?
>What are you eating today?
I ate pizza and cake. I eat trash food everyday bc my mom is too lazy to cook and I can't bc mental issues which are related to her.
I only cumu once in 5-8 weeksu so that's false.
Oh I see, I hope you are feeling better op^^. And bill costs are relatable
>Why does it take so long to get therapy?
I live in the uk and our health service is pretty shit. They offer you meds or therapy but the nhs is a joke so it takes ages to get any treatment.
> Just get warded to get therapy fast desu
I would but I only want treatment for depression. If I got warded they would probably try to make me eat more because the doctor is already complaining about my weight.
Eeeh I'm not feeling better. I'm getting worse everyday. Also I didn't mean electricity with energy, I meant my body has not enough energy to do it.
They probably would only treat your depression in psych ward. It won't be specialized for weight gaining.
Same thing like I always do.
Study -> Enjoy some leisure -> Edit some memes on current events I see (trivial or worldly) -> Chat on here whenever I find a thread or robots/fembots interesting. Add in canoe fishing during summers.
Have yet to connect with someone on this board long-term though.
Oh that sucks!. You should watch a nice anime or play a game you like to improve your mood before having a nice soak^^
My concern is that if they diagnose me with an eating disorder while warded they can keep me there and force "treatment". At this point I'm used to waiting anyway so I don't want to risk a stay in the ward.
Im at work, there's no one else in the entire building, so I'm sitting in the back balcony smoking a cig.
I dont want to be here but I also dread going back home.
faguchan has returned, what a momentous occasion.
That's nice. How long have you tried to find someone for long term connection?
I'm trying to watch anime. I watched the 1st season of assassination classroom yesterday. Vidya won't work bc I'm mentally not able to rn.
I don't think normal psych wards are specialized for eating disorders. My psych ward didn't care about eating disorders.
Smoking is shitty desu. Why do you freak going back home?
bigu bigu what kinda stuff gets you horny? What turns you on?
bigu you fucking nonce
>Smoking is shitty
Well, it's something I do occasionally and still enjoy. Being home means having to deal with having my family expect to solve all their problems, dealing with all the stuff I left undone, being alone, that kinda thing
I think they could transfer me to a specialized ward if they suspected an eating disorder. Its also pretty obvious that I don't really eat so they would have to be pretty bad even by uk standards to not notice
I'm planning on masturbating to loli hentai fantasizing about how that man raping the little girls could be me.
My libido is ded so actually nothing makes me horny.
No u.
Ohhh hmm do you dislike being alone? I feel no loneliness so idc about being alone.
There was a very anorexic girl in my ward. She got kicked out bc she didn't eat kek. Probably so the psych ward wouldn't get associated with her death if she died.
About 3 months now, otherwise kept everything to the core of Yas Forums, anonymous.
If a convo ends up entertaining, I'll consider an online chat hangout. Just never gone to that point cause we're all filthy neets here to a degree.
Manage to get some sweet photos outside once a while. Here's a nice dwarf cock.
I didn't know you could get kicked out of the psych ward. Here I think they just force feed you if you refuse to eat. If not for that I wouldn't mind getting warded
>She got kicked out bc she didn't eat
I don't compute. The very reason she's there is to be rehabilitated. Not get kicked out for being sick.
Don't force me to start my own psych ward. Even this robot can do better than them.
Hmm 3 months is a long time. Maybe you should use different methods to find one. That cocku looks nice desu.
Ya it's so weird like so many people got kicked out while I was warded.
She was warded bc depression and not anorexia. So weird that she got kicked out desu. Patient who was warded while se was in ward said nurses treated her like she didn't want to eat on purpose and like it was her fault etc.
Most often than not, I'd have her taken outside into a natural reserve or just any part of nature. Always helps to breathe fresh air, be outside and just forget.
>Robot's Sunrise Cat