Me sad boys

me sad boys
wat do

Attached: 1508101043384.jpg (612x612, 226.9K)

Other urls found in this thread:

worship your local german boy, that's what makes me happy

Do heroin in a very original way

I know your sad about your brother, but hey once you take the command it will all be ok.

Is her eye higher than the other? Any looksmaxx enthusiasts run an analysis of this face

is she really ded guys

Sup Ciara, still based???

hahaha casketed.

Attached: aids.jpg (612x612, 75.29K)

This is very much original.

Attached: 0C812E7C-5F95-43FB-9AFD-795D085C6364.png (1334x750, 1.67M)

I think i knocked this girl up

Neptune you back and still based?

beautiful angel ciara is gone.

Attached: ciara horan death.png (867x1576, 1.23M)

dont post this while im touching my dick

is it true that she got 2 aborterinos

>she was autistic: the eulogy
sensible chuckle for myself here

Yeah that's her mom filling in some much needed details on Ciara. She was messed up and maybe autism spectrum.

kys, then you'd be with her

how did she die anyway? link sources, if you want

I think, I think this is fake.

this is so weird to see since I orbited her probably 3 years ago a bit after the peak. stuff changes huh. its crazy she OD'd when she got her life more together but not back then.

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Ciara's life was spiraling more out of control though. Her drug use was through the roof with heroin parties every weekend in NYC or Philly with her discord buddies.

Go die, you drug addicted whore! Oh wait...

I think you made that up. She had a bf and a job and went to college.

She very briefly went to college, then dropped out due to anxiety. Her anorexia and drug use was getting worse. Her relationship with Jay was rocky as she was cheating on guys and moved back in with her parents.

our angel went back up to heaven.

Attached: 1583186487580-4.jpg (1242x1161, 1.18M)

stfu fagot i hate you guys

It's not fake. She is also replying to messages on on one of her social media accounts.

That voice recording seemed fake to me.

That's an AI re-creation of her voice. And a bad one. Note how monotone she is.

You user are dumb. I'm the original poster of that vocaroo in a thread like a week or two ago. She's still replying to Instagram messages

But that doesn't mean the vocaroo is real does it.

>shes in hell burning for having meaningless sex
that's where all you femanons will be going and redditors and discordfags.

Attached: angel.jpg (513x467, 90.71K)

post proof then? she's literally dead and anyone with a brain knows it. feel free to make claims that you know aren't true, but if you want anyone to believe them you should post the evidence you don't have.