It's always funny to me when people try to claim that Japan is some homogenous ethnostate paradise...

It's always funny to me when people try to claim that Japan is some homogenous ethnostate paradise. I no longer take them seriously as an ethnonationalist after that.

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Yeah people without a clue what's going on in a country they never set foot in spouting shit they don't know about. Many people are like that in the world unfortunately.

It's 97% ethnic Jap, i'd call that a homogeneous ethnostate at least. The paradise part is debatable.

"Ethnic Japanese" isn't a real thing. There are 4 ethnic groups native to Japan and they all have different standings in the social hierarchy. Like you may lower your social standing if you marry into one of these ethnic groups.

time to go home disgruntled weeaboo engrish teacheru
you can come play
but you can't stay

when you go to japan, all the people there look japanese
end of argument

It's just a bunch of chinks who think they're not chinks because they live on a island

All 4 of those ethnic groups are native to Japan though, and are closer culturally and genetically to each other than they are to outsiders.

Legally untrue. The caste system was abolished over 100 years ago.

I really hate the 'There's no such thing as "X"" argument when there clearly is.

I don't want to live in a Favela full of people who refuse to learn a unified language needed for business, who are brainwashed into hating me because of solidarity with their group that they clearly recognize as separate, and it certainly doesn't help if these people are freshly imported low IQ homeless people.

Call that Ray-Cis all you like. If you want it, move there. Keep me out of it. I don't think it is even remotely stable and certainly not beneficial to me.

Israel obviously attempts to increase homogeneity and decrease diversity, and I think that is a fine example to emulate.

Unity is our strength.

Well, a supermajority of the population is native to the island and have a similar genetic history to each other, they have reasonably clean cities and a nice countryside (I hear). And a culture that is not entirely subverted. Pretty much the image of an ethnostate and while it is no paradise they seem to be doing pretty good, save the birthrate issue, but that is a problem every developed country has.

>Legally untrue
Legally yeah, but culturally these ethnicities still exist. Same thing in Mexico. Legally, race does not exist there. Race was abolished when they got their independence from Spain. But culturally, they all know the difference between a white person, an Indian and a mestizo.

To clear it up, a lot of these ethnic groups are from outside of what was originally called Japan. These groups were separate kingdoms and cultures that were colonized and became Japanese. Now they all live together. And you may not see much difference between them, but the Japanese see the differences. Like Ryukyuans are dark skinned, Ainu are white and hairy, etc.

Theyve been together for 1000 years and all are considered ethnically Japanese. At that point its the same difference as the Bretons, Norman, Occitan and French

>Theyve been together for 1000 years
Lol no they certainly have not. Ryukyu wasn't annexed by japan until 1879.

Japanese see the difference but you don't because you don't really know what you're talking about.

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>Japanese see the difference
And they do not care by and large.

And legally Jews are White, but we all know how that works.

Adding more ethnic fights and more groups will more likely lead to a breaking point rather than unity.

I don't WANT a breaking point. I want people to stand together.

A house divided cannot stand.

Yeah, which is why Okinawans change their names in order to not be discriminated against in the Japanese Mainland.

>But culturally, they all know the difference between a white person, an Indian and a mestizo.
Lines are divided way way more on class than race. Among the middle and lower class, the vast majority of the country, nobody gives a shit whether your indio, mestizo or white, they'll treat you all the same.

Which are they? I am only aware of the Yamato and the Ainu.

>they'll treat you all the same.
Lol why must you lie? If you've ever spent time around Mexicans or are honest about Mexican culture, you know that whites look down on mestizos and both look down on indigenous people. "Indio" is an insult to them. Colorism is a huge issue in Mexico.

Yamato, Ainu, Okinawans/Ryukyuans and Ogasawara/Bonin.

Thanks for spoon-feeding me. I appreciate it

>let me tell you about your country to fit my narrative
lmao, where do you get this shit from?

I've actually studied this. People in Mexico treat people differently based on race. Maybe it's not something that everyone does, but there are cultural biases, which is why there are more white people on Mexican TV even though they only make up around 10% of the Mexican population.

I had this argument with a Jew once.

"Once We are all mixed there will be no racism."

I asked if he had ever been to Mexico or Philippines or India. Could he name one example where this EVER worked EVER!

He resorted to calling me racist and blocked me.

Which is hilarious because, I'm a Mischling race mixer and the descendent a Holocaust victim.

What about emishi? They all are dead already, right?

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Yeah that's the worst part about human nature. People will always discriminate against one another based on something. If it's not race, culture, if it's not culture, it's nationality, if it's not nationality, it's religion and so on and so on. Black Americans discriminate against themselves all the time based on skin color. Light skinned male blacks are seen as weak, feminine and attractive in an androgynous way while dark skinned male blacks are seen as strong, masculine and attract active in a rugged, manly way. Light skinned black women are sweet and feminine but stuck up and lazy sex partners while dark skinned black women are hyper sexual and aggressive.

>I've actually studied this.
On Yas Forums maybe, or whatever other echo chamber that just validates your biases. It's obvious from your comment about our use of the word "indio" that you haven't dug deep, and are just going off what reaffirms your own premade conclusions.
>even though they only make up around 10% of the Mexican population.
This specially highlights that, since it's actually more than 10%. To us at least, unless you want to use some Madison Grant "Spanish aren't white' shit.
>I asked if he had ever been to Mexico
Maybe you should try that yourself, before spouting retarded memes.

>On Yas Forums maybe, or whatever other echo chamber that just validates your biases
No, actual studies.
>It's obvious from your comment about our use of the word "indio" that you haven't dug deep
I don't even have to leave the US to hear Indio being used as an insult, Chicanos use it as an insult all the time.
>since it's actually more than 10%
Maybe. It's an estimate. No real way of actually knowing since Mexico doesn't really keep track of these things. No matter the case, they're still the minority but make up the majority in Mexican entertainment, so much so that Mexicans got triggered by the fact that an indigenous woman gained worldwide notoriety for her role in a movie.

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I think theyre all gone now