Name one thing you are excited about that is NOT a product of some sort

Name one thing you are excited about that is NOT a product of some sort.

No movies, or games, or books, or albums, electronics, or cars, etc.

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Would death be a valid answer?

killing all the jews

after 6 months of lifting, my favorite shirt finally shows off some of those gains and my sis said I look taller.

I am excited for my meds to kick in so i finally dont keep shitting blood. I am also excited to go to college this summer

I enjoy taking my canoe out during summer afternoons and fish until the late evening?

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So you're gay then, seriously?

transhumanist eugenics

sex, jerking off , fantasizing about raping a school girl, math, algorithms

and then she fucks you and you find out your sister and your parents lied to you about her age and she actually isnt legal. FUCK YEAH

having a gf, though I'm not sure it's ever going to happen anymore

Nothing then.
I dont have nothing in the future that is not some the release of some form of entertainment media.

Going back to work

Blackberry picking,
Finishing the painting I am working on, trying the recipe I found last night.
Meteor showers. The letter I am waiting on from my partner who lives a few states away.

It is pretty spring outside. It is easy to find things to be excited about.

My own suicide

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The second wave, so I can stay inside and eat popcorn.


Lol. This has to be a joke.

Getting my neetbuxxx

Besides fishing, I guess my preference would be jogging and finally reach the body I've dreamed of having.

Listening to rain is another thing that excites me, love the smell of it.

>Robot's backyard

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Raise of nationalism

My own death and being able to leave this world.

excited for this workout that i'm about to get in.
other than that it's hard because we're very restricted in where we can go and what we can do right now

oh i almost forgot about canoeing. that's something i'm looking forward to this summer too.

COVID 19 treatment development and research

>You're not allowed to enjoy entertainment
Ok primitivistard

I'm gonna meet up with a friend when the quarantine lifts. I'm doing my best to prepare so he gets a good impression of me.
Also going back to school.

Assuming you're only excluding consumption, I'm pretty exciting to start writing a novel sometime here soon. It's the sort of excitement that dies when the first shitty sentence hits the page, but it's nice to dream.

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I'm excited for this corona bs to end so I can go waterskiing with my bros. Also excited for my internship to end so I can spend the last couple months before I return to uni sleeping and playing vidya.

I'm not excited about anything
The last time I was excited was a friend visiting but china decided that's not happening

Just need a little more rain here and I can go hunt for morel mushrooms

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Being able to travel again. Had vacation plans for this summer, don't know if I'll be able to keep them but as soon as my state's not on lockdown I'm going somewhere.

Getting better at my hobby, the prospect of social interaction in my future