Lets start another guitargeneral for the robots. It is the perfect instrument for us, nothing else on earth gives me as much peace. Lets have a nice comfy guitar thread.
Lets start another guitargeneral for the robots. It is the perfect instrument for us...
Been watching a lot of beck lately. This is one of my all time favourite shows.
That is a shame. I was hoping this thread would take off. The guitar general on Yas Forums is so depressing. No one in there even likes guitar.
more of a bassist than a guitarist but i'm trying to pick up a few songs on guitar right now
playing with a pick feels so strange anons
The inverse is true for me; finger style just doesnt click, I cannot function on a guitar without a pick. I also cant play bass. I play bass like a guitarist; I am sure you know what I mean
I'm going to get one of those battery powered amps so I can play outside in the good weather. The piece of shit guitar I own is light as a feather too which is great.
Normally I play bass or drums and it's miserable being stuck in the room all day playing them.
I tried learning how to play bass last 6 months and I'm terrible at it. I don't know why I even bothered. I suck at everything I do. Hobby or a job, I'm bad at it. Maybe I should just kill myself.
being a lefty fucking sucks. imagine going to a guitar shop only being able to play the cheap epiphone in the corner collecting dust. anyways r8 my babies plz
Anyone here like playing jazz or classical guitar? I don't like modern music, but can't find anyone else to jam with who knows older styles
So I've been playing for about 4 months and I'm really enjoying it. I'm also into electronics so I built a few guitar pedals and they've been some of my favourite projects so far.
I wanted to ask: what is your everyday practice. I've just been playing different riffs stepping up the difficulty as I go along, should I be doing anything else?
Aw I love these threads, I wish they were a daily thing. I just got some j-bass knobs for my Tele, I think they look pretty cool and haven't seen them on there before .
I made a meme, please validate me
>I wanted to ask: what is your everyday practice
It depends on what your goals are, but there's nothing wrong with just learning riffs and songs.
I would suggest learning the names of the musical intervals, and how chords are formed. That way you won't be confused if you watch a guitar lesson and the teacher mentions a "Major 3rd" or whatever. It's not strictly essential to learn this but if you're the kind of person who likes to understand how things work, this will give you some insight into the language of music.
This is from the perspective of someone who plays wind instruments and bass so I don't focus on chords at all but knowing scales will always help. Since many things you play as a musician are just scales, being able to run major/minor scales up and down will make you a much better as a player. Not to go off on a theory rant but the D dorian scale (pic related) is just the notes of C major but starting on a D. My point being that as long as you have good mobility, meaning you can start on different notes in the scale and run an octave up or down while hitting the correct sharp/flat notes, in the most common major/minor scales then a lot of playing will become very easy for you. Especially if you try different intervals as talked about.
This is an example in bass clef but practicing this sort of thing on your respective instrument makes general playing easier
I should say this depends on genre though. A lot of rock/classical music features more sharp keys because of string instruments, they'll be in G/D/A/E and so on. Conversely things with saxes/brass (big band jazz/brass bands) tend to be in flat keys like F/Bb/Eb/Ab/Db and so on. If you're a big band jazz guy you'll probably want to be more familiar with flat keys since you'll be running into them more.
Anyway I'm bad at being brief but just practice what's relevant to what you want to play
Drummers get more pussy than guitarists, sorry
>he plays music to impress women
>not for his own satisfaction and personal fulfilment
That's pretty cringe of you bro
Any guitar user want another guitar user to talk about music/ gear with? We could use discord.
electric guitar is for normies for the most part (unless you're really devoted to playing it). at least with acoustic guitar you don't need to plug anything in and the strings give you a challenge to play.
based bass player. try playing guitar with your fingers if you play bass with fingers. makes chords easier to play when you get it down imo
I play bass. My last band did blues and jazz. My new band does pop punk, grunge, and alternative.
I like playing guitar too.
I play bass exclusively with my fingers and guitar almost exclusively with a pick. Wouldn't have it any other way.
I play jazz sometimes still. No classical though.
I know too many of these types. But bl00z is still epic.
Sure. Do you want me to drop a Discord?>try playing guitar with your fingers
Don't tell the man what to do.
Can somebody explain a good technique to mute the D- and G- string here when they do the D- and A-chord starting at 1:26? Thanks I looked at live videos but I can't figure out how to do it comfortably. Right now I am trying to just gently put my pinkie on the two strings but it feels weird and not right.
Where did you lads learn to play the geetar, I'm 21 and have wanted to learn it since I was like 16 but I would be too embarrassed of other people hearing me because I dont have my own place. I could probably find some secluded place in the woods to learn and get murdered
Don't be embarassed brother it will sound good in no time! But yeah in the woods or at a quiet spot in the park is nice too. Murders don't live in the woods they live in cities so no need to worry. Please start playing I would be sad if you don't. Please please please please please please
Oh I didn't answer your question I play at home when the family is at work and at night with an electrical guitar my brother gave me so no-one can hear a thing!
I guess you'd have to flatten out your index finger, so that you're fretting the note on the A string but muting the D and G strings
I don't want to sound like a noob but I've been playing a lot of rock and metal (the music that I listen to and like the most) and I haven't encountered a lot of chords (except for power chords), they seem very hard so I've been avoiding them. I'll take the other guy's advice on learning scales, but I guess I really should learn chords for the sake of ~~black~~ ~~metal~~ being a well rounded musician and what not. Other than this do you have any daily exercises to recomend?
Ffs I mean to do a striketrough but I guess it doesn't work ~~black metal~~ --black metal-- god this stuff pisses me off
Bought myself a used MIM standard jazz bass as a first semi-serious instrument, can't wait to play it for the first time after it ships
>Schecter hellraiser C1
muh nigga.
t. banshee 8
Go practice.
Go write something new, fat fuck.
Why'd you pick us out exclusively?
nah I'll just steal your riffs again.
>suck ass at guitar
>only know how to play power chords off the E and A strings
>guitar is almost always tuned to Drop D
>can improvise riffs real easy but can't play any actual melodies or actual chords
>songs with even the most basic patterns of single notes are impossible for my brain to grasp
Anyone else at this skill level? It's fun but at the same time it fucking sucks ass. What am I supposed to do to actually git gud?