Life is so fucking easy. What the fuck are you guys talking about. I was a suicidal NEET for four years straight out of college. I even wound up in the ward. Now I'm successful and started getting girls for the first time at 28. Cute 19 year-olds and college girls. And I acquired a finance job. It was literally all in my head. Depression is like drowning in a shallow bathtub. Just stand up. Do it. Don't look back. Much love
>deep down you know im right
>and you only disagree because you are potentially traumatized and afraid of re-exposing yourself to failure
Life is so fucking easy. What the fuck are you guys talking about...
Your story is bullshit, finance is a highly competitive market and yet a decreasing one as algorithms take over traders.
There's no way in hell they would take an old-ass Incel without a good degree.
I have a good degree, a good job, not need, in good shape, yet I'm a graduated wizard.
granted I haven't been depressed for a long time now, but it still doesn't make you a normally functioning human, unless you were so from the get go.
>Depression is like drowning in a shallow bathtub. Just stand up. Do it. Don't look back.
nice cringe, faggot.
I have a BSc in theoretical physics from a tier-1. My graduation was followed by 4 years of agepill-induced depression/NEETdom (I failed to get a gf in college). To paper over the employment gap you just have to be creative in your bullshit. In my case, "I spent my time:"
>investing in crypto ("Did I make money? Of course!")
>studying Torah (literally did get in touch with some rabbis after I was out of the hospital but still psychotic - this one is highly effective in finance where lots of Jews work)
>working at my cousin's semi-impressive startup (kek, I worked remotely there for like a week, then ghosted because of the weight of depression, but my cousin is cool and lies for me as a reference)
No excuses.
There are lots of finance job openings tho
>lives in a country where there is work
So what if you aren't American?
Fintech mostly. Everyone here should get in at the ground floor of crypto. It's the fourth industrial revolution and only still like ~10k people work in the space, absurdly enough. Ground floor.
Be Canadian. Or claim refugee status in the UK, they are all economic migrants.
>There's no way in hell they would take an old-ass Incel without a good degree.
I also look like I am still in college without my beard. My skin is still buttery soft and I have a full head of hair. My fundamentals were all in place but I was suicidal over the agepill.
>Or claim refugee status in the UK
I am British. There is no work
i dont want what you want though
If it took you 28 years to figure this out, what makes you think your worlds will reach out to the younger faggots?
I did not have anyone to tell me
If there is work in Toronto there is undoubtedly work in City of London. It is inconceivable that there would not be, seeing as the former is a microcosm of the latter.
Are you saying that some agepilled suicidal NEETs have dormant social skills and others do not?
But you're not saying anything of substance. No different then be yourself. Everyone goes through shit before realizing most if the stuff they worried about was meaningless and stupid. Some figure it earlier and others later. It's going to just fall under deaf ears
You do not want
>beautiful bride
>a cottage on a lake
>satisfying hobbies and spiritual life
The key in all this is to bridge the empathy gap. Maybe it is impossible but I like to think it is not. It is energy you are putting out into the universe. Inspiration can come from anywhere in the least expected places. If at least one person has an epiphany and gets on track then a thread would be worth it. Why would not you listen to the wisdom of people that have gone ahead of you?
>promiscuous sex with college girls
>soulless finance job
yeah that sounds like a family and a satisfying spiritual life
i doubt youd know spiritual if it came and set you on fire
fuck you. I've been trying to find a job for 6 years and every job I did get I got laid off after the trial period. I'm just dumb and incompetent, it has nothing to do with depression
>The key in all this is to bridge the empathy gap
>Why would not you listen to the wisdom of people that have gone ahead of you?
Same reason you wouldn't have when you were younger. They are just words. Words are meaningless without taking action. And taking action is hard when your a depressed suicidal neet. See where I'm getting at? But do you. Maybe you will reach out to someone. But you're probably on the wrong website for that.
There will be work in London, but not minimum wage or untrained work. You can barely survive on your own on minimum wage work in the rest of the country, there is no chance you can afford to live near London earning 250 quid a week paying London living prices.
Moving is not an option. My family can't help me move out and there is no training, apprenticeships or any work of any kind where I live. I am stuck here until they decide to start making more jobs.
I never said I was having meaningless sex. I am extremely conservative (Eastern Orthodox). The main thing is spitting out the agepill which is the blackest pill of all time. As for finance, I am not saying I love it. But it is WAY better than doing nothing and having shit self esteem. The soulless void is filled by religion and my relationships and then some. Work is about practicality.
So then you are not depressed, that would be the main thing.
my problem is not exactly depression. it's that there's very little in this life I actually desire. I believe that we should be living in small tribes of hunter gatherers. everything about modernity disagrees with me on a fundamental level.
> Depression is like drowning in a shallow bathtub.
that is a pretty powerful quote. if original kudos
>Now I'm successful and started getting girls for the first time at 28
Congrats on winning the gold medal at the dog dancing paralympics
you explicitly said girlS
i cannot take anything you say seriously regarding religion - its just platitudes to you
if youre having promiscuous sex then you and i are not on the same level
if you were embellishing the truth and the reality is girl then i can only say that you still buy into the notion that promiscuous sex and a high partner count is virtuous and so, again, you dont sincerely believe in religion
there is truth in some of what you say but you and i are not alike.
>Same reason you wouldn't have when you were younger. They are just words.
Fucking bullshit dude. The words someone reads in a doomer incel demoralization thread can easily crush you and give you a suicidal mood ON THE SPOT. I know from experience. Similarly, anytime an oldfag would enter those threads and say
>lol dont worry guys you dont appreciate how young you still are
I would screenshot that shit and it would make me feel better and help me through the day. Words are powerful, possibly the most powerful thing.
>Got a great job in finance after years of doing nothing since college with a total bullshit resume.
>Did I mention I'm jewish?
Ohhhhhh... Yeah, now I get it.
You are just wrong, or projecting. I am a hopeless romantic, very susceptible to oneitis, and will be saving intercourse till marriage, unless I find a really really steady girlfriend. The POINT user is that the agepill has been spat out. And what is even your point? You are more conservative then me (you are not) and therefore are not going to make it? Gtfo
If this is not bait in it's purest form then fuck off to redd*t you humblebrag normalshit.
I'm a 29 year old khv neet with a basically worthless degree as a bookbinder and I'm just hoping that this virus will get me.
I am not I just psychotically thought I was during a manic episode. So I integrated with the community and learned the ways and gained some useful knowledge to drop if need be.
Your shitty thread is the worst bait I've seen in a long time
Thanks, yeah I came up with it. Ironically enough, inspired by a suicide thread where they recommended passing out from pills and drowning in shallow water.
What is your situation then big man?
Im wrong? Im wrong in directly quoting you?
> I'm successful and started getting girls
>Cute 19 year-olds and college girls.
do you know what a plural is?
>will be saving intercourse till marriage
youre ridiculously inconsistent here
i cant believe anything you say anymore because, clearly, you change your narrative on a whim and lie frivolously
getting girls and saving yourself until marriage are diametrically opposed - how can you possibly claim to do both at once?
It's easier to fall into the pit of despair then climb out of it with words of encouragement. That's why I said you need to take action. I can read all the feel good post and feel "happy" momentarily, but I'll still be a miserable fuck because I still haven't made any changes towards the reason why those words make me happy.
Your second point even proves it. Yeah, it made you feel better, but you went right back into your depressive state. It still took you years of living and life experiences to reach where you are now and be the person you are today.
Going on dates with different girls and kissing some of them. The absolute state.
I agree with you, action precedes motivation, that tagline is the only useful thing years of therapy ever got me. But being a late bloomer is a constant uphill slog and every little bit of cognitive support helps. It is action AND behavioural. Just because behaviour outweighs cognition does not mean cognition is useless. It is literally the other side of the equation. Many times did reading something good motivate me to do laundry and take a shower and brush my teeth. It is a two way street and every little bit of light helps to lead someone out of the darkness.