how can this even be. i tried so hard to get a asian gf for years. i thought it would be easier for me because i am white but seeing this makes me so angry.
Get TOPPED by hairy old men instead you are fit for even gooks as ot seems
I don't ask for much so why is it so hard. I would be beyond happy if i was able to get a gf like the girl in the OP but I would settle for less.
personality unironically
damn OP its almost like personality and good values (not necessarily traditional ones) are more important than race.
i know right, shocker
>ascended blackcel
God I wish that were me, hopefully the 30k I've saved up for moving to Japan in the future isn't for naught
it's a prostitute
asian girls hate niggers with the same hatred white women hate white men
Liking ideas of people and not actual personalities, talk to some more people my guy, get used to talking with loads and you'll find Asian girls aren't everything
>2 entirely average looking people meet and develop a romantic relationship because they both have compatible personalities and actually go outside
He looks like a nice dude, I dont know why you let your racism and envy turn you into such a hateful husk of a being.
All that insecurity, why do you guys feel the need to take credit for things that your races have done when you yourself are a loser.
westernized asian chicks are indistinguishable from any other bitch, in fact they're more likely to become giga-whores.
Asian girls from Asian can still be Staceys. That's why all the social media beauty challenges come from China.
China has a massive STI problem at the moment. Just because asians hate black people doesn't mean they don't fuck and suck their way through every asian and white person they meet.
westernized filipinas are still tutorial mode
Some validity to this post, but like anything, there are outliers.
that bitch is korean from what i could tell
she is but I'm just saying if you really want an Asian gf then that option always exists
Why do white people do this?
I've talked to black people who have been to Japan and they say it was a cool place where the people were mostly tolerant and polite, they did well with women, and the most "racism" they encountered was people touching them without permission or staring.
Then you talk to white people and they swear Japanese people are the most racist people to ever exist on the planet and they think niggers are lower than worms.
Like yeah, racism exists everywhere and you can find assholes in every country, but it always seems like white people try to play up the racism of certain countries or groups of people so that black people are afraid to interact with them. I've even heard stories from older black guys who were in World War II or the Vietnam War who traveled to these different countries and wanted to stay because they were treated better in France and Germany an Vietnam than they were back in the US.
I don't think this woman is an outlier. She's just a person. You can't say an entire continent hates black people, especially a continent that's mostly developed like Asia. Yeah, China is still backwards but not even other Asians like the Chinese. Most Asians seem like they couldn't give a shit either way.
I'm pretty sure no one in that picture is japanese though. Maybe one of them. They're all either koreans or chinese.
Possibly. Chinese are known for being racist and Koreans, although less so, still have issues with black people. But those are just two countries. The rest of Asia is either mostly rural (aka don't give a fuck about the outside world) or Japan.
of course black people get treated better everywhere other than the us. outside of the us, people dont think about race 24/7.
user have you ever asked yourself why you DESERVE a girlfriend like that one? Have you ever considered that this insufferable entitledness you feel for female attention is the reason you can't get a gf?
i doubt ezra has an 8' dick, thats more than 90% of pornstars
Imagine being able to fuck Ezra Miller holy fuckkkk
you didn't try enough you lame whiteoid. imagine being white and STILL failing to get a chink bitch HAHAHAHA
Why do whites seethe so much when they see ONE XMAF couple that isn't white? Like dude literally going off the front page alone, I'd estimate that each post has about a .55 chance of being a WMXF couple. And you faggots have the audacity to complain when a woman who isn't even your race chooses to genuinely date a man she loves for his personality. Unbelievable.
this, and they wonder why everyone hates their fragile asses so much
its only white americans...
nah germans do this too. they get so butthurt when they see a german girl with a non-white (which rarely ever happens anyway)
i live in germany and ive literally never seen someone get butthurt over that. maybe in some small bavarian village or sth. but not in the cities. No one cares
That girl is by no means a looker. Anyone who isn't clearly hideous could pull her.
A lot of white people who talk like that are really just eager to either pass on their white guilt to asian people or backhandedly imply that asian people are correct to be racist.
While at the same time using that argument to imply whites/westerners are more civilized than Asians.
Asian people can be racist as hell, but Id be more comfortable taking a black person to the seediest parts of Asia than the most racist parts of the US. Asian racism towards black people is mostly one of fear and unfamiliarity. Western racism has that element of anger and hate that you dont see as much in Asia
t. asian in the US