Which one are you?

which one are you?
ex-sloth reporting in.

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Mouse and Super Autist

mouse is original

meant to post "ex-sloth, currently cerebrotonic"

A mix between The Cerebrotonic, Mouse and Sloth. Help me bros...

Dear god 99% of men are wannabes its annoying when they try to mog me

mouse heading towards cerebrotonic

Mouse with a few things from cerebrotonic but I'm a brainlet

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Mouse and elephant man. Too low iq to be considered cerebrotonic in any capacity

The Cerebrotonic, except I fuck hookers regularly

A conpletely useless Cerebrotronic with no friends, skills, personality, or likeable qualities

Mixture of Mouse, Sloth and Cerebrotonic

about 70% cerebrotonic

im mostly the cyborg and because of 'rona, i have some sloth traits

super autist ... i am in contempt of every living organism on this planet

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mixture of sloth, cerebrotronic, mouse and wageslave

>which one are you?
Super Autist

mouse with some histrionic tendencies

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>which one are you?
mix of sloth and mouse.

None of you are actual Super Autists. A real Super Autist isn't aware that he's even a Super Autist, and doesn't even know about this site, let alone visit it

the super autist is busy transcending dimensional planes.

Sloth, except I'm a fucking hardcore cleanfreak. Other than that, every trait I identified with. Even down to the direct OSRS reference. Feelsbad desu.

Literally the sloth (everything but the pee jugs), and some points from the cerebrotonic. How could it all go so wrong

Everything except the overt politeness
>Le Frog Memes
Not really, but I did come to Yas Forums after I grew out of reddit
Only the first point, since there are parts of this board I'm opposed to: weebshit, drugs (too scared I won't be able to stop), woman hate (I believe there are good ones out there), degenerate fetishes (fat woman, trannies, scat, cuckolding, etc. are disgusting), discord (proprietary shitware) and orbiting.
Maybe that's why I mostly migrated over to /g/ furing the past 1-2 years.

Turns out I'm a normie scum cyborg.

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Cerebrotonic with some super autist traits.

100% sloth except I'm not good at anything

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Female here. The mouse is the least attractive of them all
>the wagie
At least he's working
>the cerebrotonic
At least he's brooding and mysterious
>the sloth
At least I don't have to look at him
>the mouse
Disgusting and pathetic

>"Female here. blah blah blah"
nobody asked faggot

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Hey I'm a sloth, I'd like us to look at each other if you know what I mean ... :)

Cerebrotonic(except that im not smart) and also some traits from Sloth and Mouse.

Sloth, wageslave, cyborg, cerebrotonic.
Basically everyone.