Women always date men who look like their father or brother

I have observed this time and time again, women will always go for boyfriends/husbands who resemble their brother or their dad. For instance if a girl has a father who is half white/half hispanic, the girl will always date men with that sort of whitish skin but dark hair complexion, same with if a girl has a black father and a white mother, 99 percent of the time they are attracted to mixed race or black guys. White girls with ginger haired blue-eyed fathers will always go for ginger guys or guys with light features.

It's also the same with height. A girl with a 6'4 father or brother will majority of the time end up with a very tall boyfriend, the girls who have manlet males in their family usually go for shorter guys in marriage.

I'm 6'3 and jacked and my fiance is like 5'2, her father and step father were both huge built like wrestlers. Her sister is likewise with a very tall well built guy and all their exes have been tallish decently built guys. Yet you'll see girls who are 5'6 with 5'6 stocky guys. Why? Because their father was 5'6 and stocky.

If you want to know whether you're her type look at the males in her family!

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Asian girl never date ricecels

It's not just women, everyone is attracted to people who like like themselves. It's probably an evolutionary thing to ensure compatibility.

well i guess no girls dad is a purple haired pale emo twink huh
am i fucked?

my gf is mixed indian/white, her dad is the Indian half. I'm a slav.

Nice conquering, gopnik

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You're not really thinking this through, user. If a girl has a black father and a white mother, even if she fits your hypothesis her mother disproves it.

retarded fucking shit theory

Most asian women are more attracted to white men than asian. Your theory is debunked.

>have sister
>our father is tall and well built as are most of our uncles
>her bf is a 5'8 skinny onions faggot

Explain this op

Freud just keeps finding voids to possess long enough to post, don't he?
Fucking cheeky cunt.

Nonsense. Most Asian women you see outside are with Asian men. Things you see on Yas Forums are not the reality. The soft play center i take my kids too is full of Asian families

When they cant get a white man they settle for an asian man.
I dont get my facts from Yas Forums, i get them from studys and from time spent in asia.

Both have white skin.

But completely different facial structure, eye size/color and dick size.

Then why am i not getting loved :((((((

Makes sense, r1a gene

People do usually date those who look like them, that is true. My boyfriend and I look so alike people constantly ask if we're brother and sister. However my bf is much skinnier and shorter than the guys in my family. Plus weirdly enough he and my brother look nothing alike next to each other

i hate girls who look like me

How about an attractive version of you.

no, I dont like the way i look. I'd rather date someone who looks different, not that i have a choice or anything tho

this nigga hasn't been to Berkeley

I'm Bavarian with hazel eyes and isn't brown hair and my gf's dad is a flip. So we look nothing alike.

. I used to think we were massively different but apparently her dad has all my mannerisms, he talks like me, and even argues in the same manner. We even dress alike despite having never met before. Same sense of humor too.

what about her mother though? those are usually tougher to deal with. based that you and the father are alike though.

Berkeley isnt Asia, of course american asians prefer white people because the media has a very strict western focus on beauty

tons of the people at the university are fobs though

berkeley still isnt in asia though, is it ?
could be that asians who prefer americans/ white people actually want to go to american universities while the others dont put that much value in studying abroad

chang pls
don't make me fly out there and give them my small white cock to prove a point

her mother thinks I'm good looking but extremely awkward. She thinks it's cultural differences and not autism. Lol.

>She thinks it's cultural differences and not autism. Lol.
I love it when this happens

Wrong. Girls date guys that remind them of their childhood molester. Sometimes this could be her dad and/or her brother

why dont you go fly to china and see how it goes?
theres literally no evidence that supports this claim

I'd actually like to visit China someday. Any recommendations on where?

ive only been to hong kong and shanghai, both are very nice cities.
shanghai is more chinese because its mainland and not that expensive.
hong kong is very western, way more tourists and people can speak english.
dont expect any women throwing themselves at you though, that wont happen. at least in my experience

I wish the covid and protest nonsense didn't happen. I should've visited sooner I suppose.
Have any knowledge of Taipei?