I want a BPD gf! I want her to hurt me and be cruel to me...

I want a BPD gf! I want her to hurt me and be cruel to me, because the only time girls tell the truth is when they're mean. Like a kicked dog goes back to its master, I would go on loving her. Her love is like the well-intentioned scalpel of the rookie doctor that nonetheless cuts through the nerve. But I want it all the same...

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>I want a BPD gf! I want her to hurt me and be cruel to me
most of the BPD girls I've meet only really like it when you where mean to them because they got off on it. Thats just mine experience though.

I want a psycho yandere girlfriend like Himiko, were would I get one?

I don't know the exact term but yeah I always wanted a cruel gf too. When I was little I always wondered why many of the adult men I know stay with an unbearable wife. Maybe that is why. They want to be hurt.

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I knew a stacy who reminded me of Azula. She was a snarky bitch and she teased the hell out of me because she knew I liked her. My dick got hard thinking about her again for the first time in a while.

user, I understand what you're saying. Toga's cute, etc, but why did you say the last part? About the fucking scalpel? I hate the imagery so much

Good, that's what it's supposed to do. Take my pain and choke on it, you fuck.

You're not supposed to be the bully! Stop it!

>I want a BPD gf
Stopped reading there

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same user but id prefer a aspd gf

You really fucking don't. They're annoying as a all shit. And always way too into cats for some reason.

you are confusing bpd with aspd

There is nothing that makes me seethe more than the fact borderlines exist. Insufferable, self-pitying weaklings who act like their mental condition is so much worse than any of the other cluster Bs (but they're simultaneously better people?). ASPDs know they're terrible and don't give a fuck. Narcs are at least decent enough to put on a good front. Histrionics can be entertaining. Borderline is just another word for emotionally unstable pathetic boring cunt with no redeeming traits.

What does it mean when you've only found a sexual and emotional attraction to fictional female characters that was presented as the villian. Not some straight-up BPD, more of a functional sociopath.

Azula was fucking hot. Don't have the craving of being a sub but merely feel drawn to ambitious, pragmatic and unsatiated personalities.

I'd definitely end up on the opposite side of the protagonist in these cases.

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>feel drawn to ambitious, pragmatic and unsatiated personalities
I know that feeling. I remember dreaming about supporting Azula to the end and helping her take over the world. If she rewards me it is great but being loyal to her is it's own reward.

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I don't know about BPD, but I legit want a yandere gf.

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lol at these teenagers on r9k trying to be edgy, meanwhile anyone who's actually a dated a bpd girl literally wish they were dead.

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>I want a BPD gf!
I can tell that you don't actually have any experience with girls with bpd if that's something you want

I talk with a chick with BPD on an infrequent basis, but she doesn't ever seem to give me the bottom responses. Mostly just because when she starts acting vaguely disinterested, I just stop talking to her. She always pretends to be interested again in like a month or so. Are spergs the nemesis of the BPD?

Honestly, why are any of us drawn to the twisted minds. It's like we can't handle anything normal.

Most I come in contact with that has some mental stability turns out to be the most boring, mundane individual I can imagine. No hobbies, no interests or anything that could make me go "wait, what's this".

Never with the ferocious, obsessive, fanatic, vibrating types. They manage to make me interested in them.

Not sure on a yandere though, sounds more like an actual death trap.

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BPD girl here. I used to have aspd friend. Girl also. I wouldn't say so. How could I describe it. ASPD girl is bit like a chad in a woman's body. She won't hurt you unless she needs to.

That being said. BPD girls are only mean to you when you are nice to them long enough. They begin to feel like they don't deserve this and start to feel insecure then get angry and scared and will go berserk, inflicting pain on you/themselves. That's what you want.

That being said. I think what you need is a gf with sadistic personality disorder. Go look for women that got really nasty mothers. I got some traits of sadistic/narcissism but not enough and yes my mom was a bitch.

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The thing about BPD girls is that, by wanting them you drive them away

How sadistic are you femanon? Like what are some sadistic things you have done?

Fuck off KGB. I want my lawyer.

Nowadays it's me mostly making others pissed or sad by words. I am trying to work on that. Usually I always apologize after.

I'm just asking because I feel strongly drawn toward sadistic and powerful women. It's not even sexual, more like just a heavy fascination.
But I understand if you dont want to talk about it.

has anyone had any experience with an aspie bpd

I want to rape a child into you, whore

I am not that powerful, in the end. I think sadism is kinda born out of weakness. Like when you are a kid and your mom is being sadistic towards you, you look to her as your parent and what you should be. Sort of unconsciously put those memories into your mind. Then replicate it. I think that's how it works.

It's sort of same with why dumb people see narcissists as powerful and flock to them. So don't be a dum dum.

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Every woman is powerful, at least on here. You easily have the power to toy with guys and make them feel bliss or suffering, if you just choose to embrace that power.

I think you misread my post. I'm not drawn to people like this, it's the other way around. Most often, I "no way fag" them.

Well that's their fault and that they are mentally crippled. It sure is fun, I must admit. But it gets boring fast. In the end these guys will just go on about their lives and do whatever. Most do. Some join a cult, some decapitate their crush. It's whatever. It really is hopeless to put sense into some of them.

as a wise man once said,

-dont stick your dick in crazy-

Yeah they are barely above animals in terms of cognisance. It's kind of a guilty pleasure, because I'm sure many of them don't completely grasp what is happening to them or why they deserve it. Still, it's funny and sometimes you kinda need an outlet