Porn addiction help

hey lads, I think i have a porn addiction
I've been jerking to sissy porn for about three years
i went from watching hentai to watching sissy shit
I don't want to be watching that, but my lust just overpowers me, and i end up creating a discord and getting bossed around by some fat over text, then cumming and deleting it in shame.
the problem is, i'm loosing the shame part, i'm starting not to care, i'm gonna end up fucking guys in real life if i dont get help
what the fuck do i do Yas Forums?

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are you retarded or something ,why are you wanking to that

start crossdressing and take hrt

live out your dreams man

they are not my fucking dreams you cunt, fuck off back to discord

your desires then, same thing

if you're addicted to sissy porn, it's for a reason

yeah, its the same reason i jack off five times a day, i have an addiction, i'm not a submissive person irl, i like fighting, i like working out and getting bigger muscles i'm not sexually attracted to men, i want help to stop doing this shit, i dont want to keep doing it

its not just sissy porn either, on a good day its 5 hentai doujins

Kek. Feel like this post would only ever be on Yas Forums.
Idk though OP, try exercise or meditation?

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i already do a lot of excercise, i did find another user who i would check in every day with and we'd tell each other if we had relapsed or not, and give each other support and that, but he became inactive after a week

stop the porn and use only your imagination.
whenever you want to jerk off start working out or if that's not working start punching things and hurting yourself (nothing to big just punch yourself or maybe a wall) the goal is to take your mind off things, maybe get a hobby that'll occupy your time

and find a girl that you can fuck
if possible

i'll try that user, thanks for the support fren

>my lust just overpowers me, and i end up creating a discord and getting bossed around by some fat over text, then cumming and deleting it in shame.
Holy shit that's relatable. It was really easy for me to quit though so I don't really know what advice to give you. I guess just take it one day at a time.

its been three or four years and it just gets worse

In order to create new habits of behavior you have to change your behavior. In short, just fucking try.

Show me your butthole OP uwu. Nah but fr, as a fellow degenerate just stop watching porn idiot. Its not easy. And I get it, you'll always put an excuse to watch porn. Its fun and nutting feels great but if you have any fucking willpower whatsoever you can stop. Not to give you any hope on this shithole of a hellhole but if you can pull off a REAL relationship thats even more rewarding. BUT for now take baby steps. Stop watching porn. Even if you cant cold turkey stop making excuses and use that energy to doing what you want faggot. And remember: fuck you! :)

thanks bros, i'll try no porn, i'll try only wanking once every two days too

Turned out to be some legit good advice.

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just not too much at the same time or you'll relapse

baby steps,really tiny baby steps ok?

alright man, i get it, baby steps

i've been watching sissy porn for 7 years now
i'm twenty
u can over come it bro... im gonna convert this webm in a bit of a compilation of old men who are sissies and started cross dressing and explaining atg
its really sad bro
you can overcome it
check out that pastebin and read some of the links, watch a fiew videos, if u give me your discord or something ill send u the video over it because its really powerful stuff
u can rise above brother
its not worth it
quitting porn is your birth right in the modern world
fr check out that pastebin and read some of it.. real good shit
porn is used for control
rise above god bless you user
dont listen to this

thats impressive. Have you become a full blown sissy yet?

It's okay to be a faggot user, it's 2020.

>sissy porn
The good news is you fell disgust and shame still, as you should. Fag in general have a 19% infection rate for hiv. Black fags have a 50% rate of hiv. The trannys you would find to fuck are fag prostitutes so the have a very high rate of hiv for sure. All kinds of stds run ramped in these men. There is a fucking reason men who have sex with men are not allowed to donate blood. Their blood is putrid and diseased. Try to remind your self how disgusting this sex act is and try to get rid of any physic material or reminders in your home. Every thing starts in the mind so focus on controling your thoughts. There are tones of group online who will help you too. I hope you can free your self.

Not OP here, read the Yas Forums screencap. Interesting facets. Thanks for sharing there brother, this may just play an important role in my journey to become a better person.

Jesus Christ can help you overcome your addiction.
If you pray to him, accept him as your Lord and savior and allow him to heal you then you will be free.
Just don't forget to keep praying and show respect when talking to him.

nah, I did get into a bit of crossdressing though and quite a lot of chastity/anal play never interacted with another person about it though and I only really play around with chastity now

If you're under age 20, lose weight, start HRT and start saving for breast implants and facial surgeries.

If you're over 20, it's too late to really transition. Delete it all and try and regain your sanity.

How are people dumb enough to get addicted to anything.
How genuinely stupid do you have to be to be unable to override your body's desires.

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i'm at the point of no return. hope you can recover, OP