Is there ANY FUCKING LEGIT REASON not to off yourself?
Any reason at all?
Is there ANY FUCKING LEGIT REASON not to off yourself?
Any reason at all?
Other urls found in this thread:
1. It hurts to off yourself.
2. It's scary to off yourself.
Sorry user no heaven then
You'll know if you try. Ain't that fucking easy for most.
> 1. It hurts to off yourself.
> 2. It's scary to off yourself.
Its selfish and has no logic to it
3. Inaccessibility of drugs.
We have no idea what happens after death. That scares the shit out of me. I'd like to go a long time without knowing what it could possibly be.
dieing is scary
dieing would hurt my mom
i wouldnt get to see the future if i died
its easier to not kill myself
being drunk / high is fun sometimes
some things make me laugh and smile
some things touch my heart for a moment
i get to daydream about fantasy
i get to wrap up in a blanket and feel cozy
chocolate milk is delicious
video games sometimes are ok
im always afraid of everyone and every thing
chronic lonileness even around people
always bored and restless
i hurt other people emotionally
i have to force myself out of bed every day
i have to remember all these things that hurt
i have to feel physical pain every day
easily triggered by everything
my body is disgusting and that's permanent
im probably a pedo (i dont act on it)
im probably evily violent (i dont act on it)
i am socially impaired and will always be
/shrug can probably expand it more with time, this is off the top of my head
if i die then who the fuck will feed my dog, i'm waiting for him to die in about a year due to old age and only then i will not feel any regret in killing myself.
but with corona shit i wonder who will die first.
In order for s*x
Not really but fuck off. Its just a tool to send a message to ur enemies.
Like cucking them out of killing you or something
Blackout drunk, jump. As long as you're high enough and not trying to jump into water like a retard you'll never feel anything
You will become unable to exact your revenge upon those who have wronged you.
I am 19. I can't purchase alcohol.
Y0U 1113R3 G1V311 1IF3 111IT11 4 PURP053, 411D T0 R3J3CT T113 G1FT U 114V3 83311 G1V311 15 U11F0RG1V4813.
You're not funny. Just stop. You try too hard and it's embarrassing.
Neither can probably two-thirds of college students and a portion of high schoolers and yet they get drunk on the weekends anyways
Are you trying to delegitimize what I'm saying by trying to insinuate I have friends or people who can smuggle me alcohol?
1'111 110T TRYI11G T0 83 FU1111Y. I 111E411T 111H4T 1 541D.
Okay, steal it then. You know how easy it is to steal alcohol, or anything for that matter, from Walmart? Incredibly. What do you care? You're going to kill yourself anyways.
We dont know what happens after, i mean probably nothing, but are you sure? Are you sure enough to make such a huge decision? You should spend all the time you have to figure it out, the consequences could be grave. Could be, probably wont be... probably....
Okay, now that I'm in the county detention center, what do you propose I do?
Answer me honestly now.
What could be worse than this?
By that logic... could be that there's an afterlife where you are rewarded more the faster you killed yourself on earth. If you die of natural causes you go to a burning lake of fire forever.
>Is there ANY FUCKING LEGIT REASON not to off yourself?
No. Life is pointless anything we use to ascribe meaning to it is ultimately a coping mechanism. Your fellow man won't care if you kill yourself, society at large won't care, the universe won't care. You can come and go and a few million years from now it won't have mattered either way.
That being said I'm sure you can come up with something. Me personally, I stay alive just to spite everyone who hates me, and when my enemies die before me I laugh at their deaths and feel a sense of utter joy knowing I get to experience the splendor of life slightly longer than they did.
Any depiction of hell you edgy retard
You just said life has splendor. Maybe to truly mentally ill faggots it doesn't have splendor. If it didn't have splendor and felt like getting stabbed with sharp dicks constantly would you still hang around or would you rather escape before your enemies, letting them suffer in life longer.
Bash your head against the corner of your bed and wish that you weren't so helplessly dumb that you are incapable of procuring one of the most consumed and popular drugs in the history of the world.
>You just said life has splendor
Even the best party is spoiled by the knowledge that it must eventually end, user. I take my pleasures where I can but it is all ruined by that background knowledge of how temporary and fleeting everything is.
>If it didn't have splendor and felt like getting stabbed with sharp dicks constantly would you still hang around
Yes, even when I have been in agonizing pain I have rejoiced that I was still alive. I would much rather suffer in darkness and feel something, than experience an eternity of feeling nothing at all.
But I can understand why people punch their own ticket early. One of my coworkers years back came down with lung cancer. She lost a ton of weight and was in constant pain. Towards the end she was on life support with a ventilator and while she was still conscious ordered the doctors to take her off it. I'll never forget how the last few times I saw her she would tell me how she wasn't afraid to die because she had lived a good life and had a loving family and so forth. I think that usually people who fear death the most have lived unfulfilled lives. So they cling to something in the vain hope that they can drink their fill before their time runs out but they never can.
is there any reason to do it and not just wait?