How is everyone feeling tonight, friends? Is something weighing on your mind? Feel free to let it out...

How is everyone feeling tonight, friends? Is something weighing on your mind? Feel free to let it out, I would love to listen and respond.

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Im just now realizing how much I dislike certain people in my friend circle and Im having trouble coping

Sorry to hear that, guy. I think you have every right to cease contact with those people if you think it's having a negative impact on your well-being. That said, we all have qualities that we may not realize are undesirable to others. If you value their friendship, allowing them the benefit of the doubt is always an option. What about them do you dislike?

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I'm trying to form my mind better and guide my heart to what I need to do. After so many years of doing the wrong things, I think I'm finally starting to see things a bit clearer, and that relieves me greatly of anxiety.
At the same time, I am still bound to childish emotions and unruly feelings, and I think I might be falling for someone I don't know very well and I don't know how to control myself in this situation

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read the art of war by sun tsu

Congratulations, friend! Any degree of self-betterment is a cause for celebration. Reshaping yourself is an arduous and lifelong process, so don't too hard on yourself when you feel what you consider imperfections. What draws you to the person you're falling for?

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How do I make a thread more appealing? People never respond to the threads I make.

while I've been on this journey before meeting him, to call it that way, he showed me some things that helped me take the decisive steps I needed to open my eyes. I can't share that with him, not yet at least, because I'm still quite affected by social rules and perceptions and to say it plainly, it would be creepy.
that and the fact that we seem to be in a similar position in life makes it so that we can relate in a lot of ways. I feel close I guess, and I can't help wanting to get closer
Realistically it would be silly to do so, I have nothing much of value to offer so there's that.

Are you feeling alright yourself, user?

I couldn't say with complete certainty, my man. It's likely a combination of fortunate timing, a relatable topic, and an image people find appealing for some reason or another. What do you typically post about?

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This is the most touch starved i've felt in a while. Also I have been trying to message a girl but it's not going anywhere.

Should I give up or be more upfront? I'm going to do the latter but I just wanna hear another opinion

my grandma has COVID and is mostly likely going to die from it in the hospital
I can't say goodbye to her because she's in a coma

I think a lot of the "creepiness" depends on how you phrase your feelings. Many people would be flattered to hear that that positively influenced your mindset. I'd argue you should continue to interact with this person in an organic way and, if there's mutual interest, something will happen. Our perceptions of our own value are often skewed, be it an overestimation or underestimation. I'm sure you have plenty of great qualities that benefit those around you, friend!

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I moved to a new town and got a job with relative ease, feeling pretty comfy. Now I just need a weed plug

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I'd say, for the sake of saving you both precious time and emptional build-up, you should be both upfront and respectful of the girl's feelings towards you. If it doesn't work out, there are infinite opportunities for connection that await, my guy!

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That's really tough, my friend. I wish you and your grandmother all the best. Are you two close?

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Yea that's what I plan on doing. I am first trying to break out of shyness when we interact, so we can actually have a conversation. Anything else, well, if anything else happens that will be fine.
I've had that picture as a wallpaper for the longest time, good taste pal.

That's rad! Transitions, be they occupational or location-based, can be really difficult. Kudos to you for finding and embracing such success. I definitely know the pain of having to seek out a bud source in a new place. How are you liking the new job?

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feels threads? like I post a particular feel and the ask people to share experiences similar to it, maybe is the images I use.

Good on you for considering and preparing the effort, that can be the hardest part of building a new relationship with someone. Thanks, guy! There's something very soothing about new-school ukiyo prints.

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I appreciate your response and I see where you're coming from. Honestly I know saving time and emotional build up is nice, but at a time like this where im closed off from everyone, being rejected would leave me in a spot where i'm sulking and can't cope by looking for new potential partners bc of quarantine. Wouldn't you agree that keeping the build up would be ideal so that I have hope instead of being locked inside and depressed? Before you say look for an e-gf, I am NOT an online dating person, tried it and it didn't work.
I'm just thinking out loud rn, this argument goes against what im planning on doing so its not beneficial to me to be thinking about this lol

If you don't like someone then ignore them

Very cool, that sounds like a really rich topic, friend! Do you try to post images that match the emotion you're focusing on?

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Dude i'm so fucking sorry, don't wanna give you false hope, and i'm the LAST person to understand pain like this. So I'll just say I hope the pain doesn't last too long

I'm happy cuz I'm finally playing Beyond Two Souls and honestly this game is just mesmerizing

Maybe I was too self-centered and posted images that because of my own experiences related to tha feel, but not ones that other could normally relate to. Thanks for the insight user.

No problem, my man. Being forced into a position where you're emotionally jarred can be a great opportunity to develop positive coping strategies. Regulating your feelings takes practice like anything else and will always be a beneficial quality to possess. I feel it's better to learn to deal with emotional hardship in a healthy way than to avoid it entirely. That said, there can be equal benefit to the build-up and hope as long as you aren't unintentionally being overbearing to the other party. If online dating isn't for you, than by no means will I suggest it nor do I have any experience with it. You're putting a lot more thought into your emotional well-being than most, which is a great thing in itself.

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I'm glad to hear you're feeling good, my friend! What about the game appeals to you?

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i just upgrade my xubuntu to the latest version released today and some things are not working correctly. i can already see its going to take all fucking day tomorrow to figure out what the fuck is going on.

That's an interesting thought, guy! It never hurts to imagine what appeals to others and why. Good luck with the threads, hopefully I'll come across one!

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Been talking to this one girl I met on here for about a month. We have a lot in common. She seems happy talking with me and vice versa.

She doesn't want an online relationship which I get, it's not for everyone. But still hurts to think you found someone you really enjoy being around and talking to yet you know it's not going to go anywhere.

Oh and I also lost $15,000 trading in the stock market today. But that's a story for Yas Forums

Sounds pretty involved, my guy! What's the general purpose of xubuntu relative to other operating systems? I'm unfortunately not very tech-savvy.

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That's tough, friend. On the bright side, this gives you an opportunity to meet people who may be more in-tune with your interests and circumstances. That's a heavy chunk of my salary, friend. I hope you still have plenty of money to spare!

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its just ubuntu using the xfce window manager, which is basically like a complicated version of a windows theme and applications. i use it instead of regular ubuntu because it's more lightweight and looks/feels more like a desktop, standard ubuntu uses gnome rather than xfce and it feels more like it was meant for a tablet

xfce desktop environment* not window manager, im drunk

Sounds like it suits you well, friend! Do work in tech or is it just something you enjoy?

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I'm trying to figure out the logistics of the space I have in my room and things I'm trying to buy or adopt into my lifestyle. I want to get retro games but I can't figure out where to put a CRT in my room that won't be very cumbersome. I'm thinking of just keeping it in our spare room because we have a lot of VHS tapes in there too no one is using. I can definitely get a ps3 and maybe a wii for now since I can put them on the shelf in my closet. my turntable is in my trunk but I want to put it on top so it'll be more accessible to me. I'm also getting a new desk soon since my current is 5 years old but I need a place to put my box of microfiber cloths and a bin of peripherals, chargers, and shit. they're in the pc receptacle of my desk but the one I want doesn't have one so I'll just have to put them on the floor. on top of that I want to get a printer/scanner to scan my drawings mostly but the only place I can think to put it is on top of the box of cloths on the floor.

That's a good point, thanks for your well thought out responses. I think I might be overbearing to her but I do have a habit of assuming the worst, so I guess being upfront will reveal the truth. Appreciate your thoughts brother.

i dont work in tech, i just use it because i got sick of windows a couple years ago and decided to use linux full time. it's usually much more convenient for me but sometimes i run into problems that make me want to break my fucking keyboard

Retro games on a CRT would be pretty rad, friend. What sort of decor do you like in your place?

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Don't really have anything to say but just want to show OP some appreciation for the replies and artwork.

This is a nice thread OP.

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