Who the fuck is this pig bitch who keeps getting posted? Bitch came out of nowhere what's her story, all I found is that she's dating a man who leaked cp of her, randomly sends men her tits, and cheated on an old boyfriend.
Who the fuck is this pig bitch who keeps getting posted? Bitch came out of nowhere what's her story...
what age is she even
No clue, assuming early twenties/Late teens from her looks?
the 2002 in her discord tag is probably her birthyear
the numbers are random though
Stop posting me i said this in the last thread about me because people that browse this board that know me keep sending these threads to me please just leave me alone and PLEASE stop using that pic i was making the ugliest face pursing my lips and shit i look like this (blank face no makeup) and everyone keeps calling me ugly and it hurts i dont want attention just please stop making fun of me
pumpkin head nigga
it is much more likely that she got nitro and set them like that on purpose
Just stay off r9k and stop replying then, thats a good way to avoid unwanted attention
99% chance you're larping but part of me want to save these pics just in case.
The discord on the paper isnt even mine its my ex boyfriend's, he asked me to take a timestamped selfie and ended up posting some weird shit to "troll people" and kept larping as me without permission, once i stop seeing threads where i'm mentioned i'll leave but i feel so uncomfortable being talked about
I'm not larping you people are making me lose my fucking mind please just stop talking shit about me or talking about me at all
*hugs* I hope you would feel better
Ok, I won't mention you anymore
Lol there's numerous pics of you with a timestamp, just go away ugly we're only making fun of you because you're ugly and fat, don't flatter yourself.
tfw never be posted on r9k like this chick
T11I5 15 T113 I11T3R113T. D0 U 3XP3CT P30P13 T0 C0111P1Y 111IT11 Y0UR R3QU35T 5I111P1Y 83C4U53 T113Y 11URT Y0UR F331I11G55? TUR11 T113 T3C11 0FF F0R 4 81T & T11I5 111I11 50011 C01113 T0 P455.
Who are you nigga and why do you type in number
Ok post your tits here to see if at least you have a good body, you send them to any guy who shows interest in you anyway
4 11U111813 P05T3R TRYI11G T0 SP1C3 UP 11I5 T3XT. TYPI11G I11 11U11183R5 15 4 FU11 1114Y T0 T35T 111Y CR34T1V1TY, 41S0 11133D5 0UT T11053 111H0 C411'T 0R D011'T 111411T T0 R34D 1T.
Is it okay if I am covering my nipples in the picture
Someone posted her dox on discord, she freaked out over someone saying the numbers of her address in the other thread; so I think it's real. Doubt she expected all this to happen when all she wanted was a quick attention fix lmao.
Nigga I do not care do what you want, you're 18
4 1355011 114D T0 83 134R113D.
Thank you i will take it now i guess
T11I5 51113115 0F 4 14RP.
can not understand you but I agree!
What age are you?
This isnt me, if any nudes or sexual conversation or discords are shared saying theyre from me theyre not
A lesson had to be learned.
Not old enough to be talked about like this
The curry tapestry ahahah, Typical BPD, just leave already bug eyed fetal alcohol syndrome roastie maybe this will help you to learn to not attention whore on r9k and go back to sending random men your tits