Under average size

How does having a below average penis make you feel? For me its the leading cause of my depression and suicidal thoughts. How do you cope if at all user?

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how long is your penis user? why does this make you suicidal? do you think you wont find a partner because of it?


5 Inches, Don't care know I'm not gonna get a girl anyways

a bit over 4.5 inches by 4 inches it is a pencil that has been sharpened to many times.

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Given up on getting a boyfriend, 15cm is not enough for gays and me having the issue where I can only get hard when I have feelings for the person or they show love for me.

Mine is 6" long 6.5" bonepressed and a little over 5.5" around. I still feel like it's under average and I get Doomguy levels of dicklet rage. I'd trade a foot of height to be a 5'3 manlet with a 10x6 monster cock, because if I had that I could conquer the world. As it is I have a mediocre dick and I'm slated for a life of mediocrity and restricted to average to ugly women (who are the sluttiest of women by far). In stunning contrast, hung losers are upheld as unsung heroes because everyone loves an underdog, especially one with a golden ticket to a free life between his legs. Dick size is the ultimate trump card. If you're average you can expect indifference from women and if you're small it'll be ridicule and scorn. They'll cheat on you with their big dick ex and then leave you for another big dick guy, all the while gushing about how tiny and pathetic yours was to him and everyone else who'll listen.

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OP here. i dont wanna i invalidate you but id do almost anything to be where your at. hell even to just have average girth would probably be enough. from my perspective id almost rather have a micro dick just so i could know without a shadow of a doubt that there is no chance. women like to say its not a big deal but its not true. ive posted fake dick pics in several servers and its always the same thirsty reaction. shit is soul crushing.

>id do almost anything to be where your at
It's really nothing special, user. Having an average dick is the epitome of the phrase you will never.
>ywn impress her
>ywn make her mind go blank from being fucked so well
>ywn be the guy she brags about to her friends and orbiters
>ywn get her addicted to you
I'm not going to post it but I'm attaching a (you) I got from Yas Forums, do with it what you will. Most of the guys I see in porn (even amateur porn) are usually both thicker and longer than me. A lot of dildos seem to have the same girth as me but the only girls who use dildos do it on camera for men's enjoyment. You can be average and still get a gf but all it takes is one big dick to turn her against you and bring your happiness crashing down around you. Things like this are just hurtful and they have a way of finding you in quiet moments.

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yeah i dont really disagree a big dick is the dream, but even just being average would help me feel a little less suicidal. there is no hope. world is kill. 7,273,750,828 dead.

Yeah try having a close to micropenis size. I'm 3.5" long x 4" girth and the only thing I can realistically get off to is being humiliated and cucked

i hate how i got like two and a half inches flaccid but then i grow to 6 inches when hard. is that even healthy? also i dont want a girl, if i ever get one, to see a 2 1/2 in. dick and freak out before i can get to diamond level

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it's called being a grower, most guys in porn are show-ers so their dicks don't grow much, i'm like 2 inches soft but 7 hard so i know your pain, just accept it.

Big dicks are overrated unless you're chad getting a woman is simply impossible


honestly most women don't care about penetration that much.

stop getting hung up on shit you can't change.

Your honestly fucking retarded dude get out of the house you will live through it who gives a fuck live life, there are enough 6/10s who will fuck if u rlly try even with a small dick you got this stop being a faggot dude

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Not true, user. You personally don't have to be chad, so don't play by chad's rules. Orbit his gf. Distinguish yourself as a cut well above the orbiters. Gain her trust and get close to her, and jump on the first chance you get to cuck him. If chad won't let you have a gf, sneak behind him and fuck his. Stabbing chad in the back en masse and breeding his women is a time-honored tradition and rite of passage for any robot who dares to ascend.

You could take comfort in the fact that your inadequacies make me feel better about myself.

There wouldn't be big penises if small ones didn't exist.

>How does having a below average penis make you feel?
Like you said, suicidal. It kills any and all motivation to do anything in life because I'll only going to end up alone so why bother.

>6.5 x 5.5
>complains about having a small dick

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Yeah, because most woman expect dick 7 and above. They don't care about men smaller. The even actively hate them.

i have a grower and im very tall so id be scared to show it to girls

Im not massive and Im tall so I guess it looks small on my frame, but fuck sake why let it bother you. Ive fucked plenty of women and even taken women from other guys. Unless youre a legit micropenis there is no reason to feel self conscious about your dick.

I can't imagine what it would feel like. I wish I could donate 2-3 inches to you dicklets. 10 inches is just excessive anyway.

ok i think that you're projecting something here

if you're great in bed and an amazing lover, an average dick is more then enough

But if you're great in bed and an amazing lover, having a huge cock is a very nice bonus and women will go crazy over it.
Source: I'm 10 inches.

ye that true

Sure, but you cant spend your entire life worrying over shit you cant change. Do the best with what you got.

I've got 6.25 inches in length but the girth is definitely a bit under average, It also looks tiny on my 6'2 body. I used to obsess about it but then I realized nobody but me will ever see it anyways and stopped caring.

Like I should be taking dick, not giving it.

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i don't really know much about dicks
is 6.5x5 any good?

It's pretty average. You need 8x6+ to blow a girl's mind.

that's not bad then, im ok with average

the average penis size is about 5 inches erect I think, I don't really care about sex that much and im pretty autistic. I have about 4.5 inches erect

2D porn is more interesting and fantastical than real sex i believe.

being this much of a retard i wouldn't be surprised if he didnt even measure correctly.

15cm is almost 6 inches man and the bigger the dick the more uncomfortable it is. why does the gay community have size queens when asses are less suited to big dicks than vaginas?

>asses are less suited to big dicks than vaginas
This is not true. I hurt every girl with my dick, but asses can be trained and stretched to take anything.

I hope I can stop caring one day. But right now I can't. I'm basically a girl altogether, especially compared to my younger brother who mogs me so hard it drives me crazy.